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New show on www.beechbrook.com/pte

Paul T

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These images were taken on a visit to the open air museum of Beamish which portrays a typical life and work of people at two key points in the North East regions history, the 1820s and 1913. Many of the photo’s taken inside the reconstructed buildings were taken by available light as not to destroy the natural ambiance.

The show is a rather long but felt I needed to show the wealth of history this excellent museum has to offer and really I have made it for my own interest and satisfaction but felt those who wish to view it can do so. Also after all this I have doubts about the music after hearing it so much in the construction of the AV it now sounds monotonous to me. Anyway, I have stuck with this and If you would like to view it and pass your comments please feel free to do so.


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We visited Beamish back in April after being a fan of the other living museums, Black Country and Blists Hill. We had fine rain and bitter cold and never found the variety of image you managed to capture.

These living museums do make great photographic subjects and are perfect for AV. I didn't think your show was too long, just about right really and the choice of music style is one I considered myself. I listened to some brass band music, but didn't have enough variety to choose from. What I did have was all up beat and it didn't seem to fit somehow.

I know what you mean about watching the show a lot of times and then thinking it needs a change. If your thinking that, then you ought to explore some variations or you will never be entirely happy with it.

I thought your show ended a little too ubruptly with the final blank slide only being fully on screen for the briefest times. Then the screen flashed and I was whisked back to Explorer from where I launched your show. Its a very minor point, but try adding 2-4 seconds of silence at the end of your music track. That allows the fade down to the last blank slide to be held in silence for a couple seconds, which seems to make a lot of difference.

Great show, but what music can I use for my Beamish images, you beat me to it. :rolleyes:

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We visited Beamish back in April after being a fan of the other living museums, Black Country and Blists Hill. We had fine rain and bitter cold and never found the variety of image you managed to capture.

These living museums do make great photographic subjects and are perfect for AV. I didn't think your show was too long, just about right really and the choice of music style is one I considered myself. I listened to some brass band music, but didn't have enough variety to choose from. What I did have was all up beat and it didn't seem to fit somehow.

I know what you mean about watching the show a lot of times and then thinking it needs a change. If your thinking that, then you ought to explore some variations or you will never be entirely happy with it.

I thought your show ended a little too ubruptly with the final blank slide only being fully on screen for the briefest times. Then the screen flashed and I was whisked back to Explorer from where I launched your show. Its a very minor point, but try adding 2-4 seconds of silence at the end of your music track. That allows the fade down to the last blank slide to be held in silence for a couple seconds, which seems to make a lot of difference.

Great show, but what music can I use for my Beamish images, you beat me to it. :rolleyes:


Thanks for you comments Barry and your are correct about the ending I will rectify this. I found the choice of music for this subject very difficult to find, as you mentioned some upbeat stuff available but not perfect for this historic subject. I have found I can’t leave this AV alone now as it lends it’s self to other ways of presenting the images on screen and have tried many different ways. I was impressed by your show of the Black Country museum presented in a moody atmosphere. The colour was almost none existing if I remember correctly and I think this alone sets the mood of this time in history. I have now produced another show by desaturation, alteration of the colour balance, curves, and applied a faded mask so it looks like an old faded colour image. Also, I have done the same in a sepia. So now I have three shows of the same subject. I have now confused myself as which one I prefer, although today I like the desaturated one with faded edges. However, maybe tomorrow my preference may change. By the way Barry are you still in the UK or are you in Australia?

All the best Paul

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When I complete a slide show I always put it on my desktop and every morning while I am having my coffee and toast I watch the show. I often watch it at other times in the day too.

I find that if after 5 days I am still happy to watch it without changes, then I will accept it as finished. Sometimes like you I create a derivitive and if you do the same with those, the strongest usually works itself to the top. I think you might be right to take some of the colour from this subject, it definately adds something rather than losing it.


We are in the last few weeks of our house sale, which has been a nightmare given the housing market and barring any disasters, we should be in Australia around the 20th October. The completion date for the house sale is being set for 17th October. So I am sitting around a little bored at the moment with little to do, but I suspect it will start to get hectic any day now.

I am fresh out of ideas for AV at the moment, I suppose because my thoughts are on the move and resettlement in Australia.

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