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Colin Smale

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Ok guys, I have spent all this afternoon revisiting this problem and I bet the answer is so simple.

I put a 3 minute music track on audacity in order to cut it to about 2 minutes and fade end but, the whole track sits on audacity's desktop and when I click play it plays the whole 3 minutes in about a quarter of a second.

Obviously I cannot edit at that speed..how do I get track under control ? :unsure:

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Hello Colin,

Many of us use Audacity for music editing in PtE with great success. I have never experienced the problem that you have at the moment so I haven't a ready answer for you.

Can I presume you have the selection tool curser at the beginning of the whole piece when you play and not close to the end of the track?

Whilst replying to you at this moment I have Audacity up and running to see if I can understand what is happening with you.

A simple question... Can you see the cut to 2 mins happen on the track as you cut it and also see the fade out on the track when you select 'Fade out'.

Also have you unselected all the track when you finally play.

I hope my comments are not too confusing.

Let us know how you get on or come back with more info. I'm sure you will have it sorted out in no time.


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Hi Anthony, thanx for your reply. I open trak, it shows as a waveform from left to right, I press green triangle, it whips from full left to full right in well short of a second and so have not been able to do any editing at all.

Have tried other tracks and they all do the same. The numbers from left to right are 0.00 to 0.42 whatever that means, it can't be seconds. The only thing I have done, is yesterday I put a bird call track on, it worked fine, I cut it and pasted over music on PTE and now... audacity doesn't seem to work same. I'm afraid I have to leave it at that, have visitors coming at 8 but hopefully you might get a clue from all that ?



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Guest Yachtsman1
Hi Anthony, thanx for your reply. I open trak, it shows as a waveform from left to right, I press green triangle, it whips from full left to full right in well short of a second and so have not been able to do any editing at all.

Have tried other tracks and they all do the same. The numbers from left to right are 0.00 to 0.42 whatever that means, it can't be seconds. The only thing I have done, is yesterday I put a bird call track on, it worked fine, I cut it and pasted over music on PTE and now... audacity doesn't seem to work same. I'm afraid I have to leave it at that, have visitors coming at 8 but hopefully you might get a clue from all that ?




The obvious question is have you been on audacities forum?? You are more likely to get a quick answer there. Another source you should check out is audacities FAQ's & tutorials which can be found here http://www.guidesandtutorials.com/audacity-tutorial.html


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Hi Colin,

One thing that crossed my mind was that you had yesterday's bird song still open and that whipped through each time you pressed play. But you say that you have pened other tracks and the result is the same.

Totally baffled....I'm sure it is something simple but I'm sorry I'm at a loss with this one.

Someone out there will be able to help I'm sure.


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Hi Colin,

What file format is the music stored in; WAV, MP3, other? What file format is the bird-call stored in; WAV, MP3, other? From where were these recordings sourced; CD track rip, Internet download, elsewhere? Please provide as much detail as you can (bearing in mind that I cannot see your system!).

The line just above the waveform display is the "timeline". The values that you see there are the timepoints that Audacity has established from the data file that you Imported or Opened. From what you have said, it sounds as though your source music file is, in some way or other, not as you were expecting it to be.

I have some ideas but need to have the above points clarified in order to identify the most probable reason.



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Colin, does the music file play okay in MS Media player (or some other media player), for instance? If it does, I might suggest you re-make the music file or change it to another type through one of the many conversion programs available out there. I've had this happen on a couple of occasions and when I re-made the music file by ripping it again, it acted fine and normal when imported into Audacity.

added: I just reread your 2nd post.... It happens with all of your imported tracks? In that case, I think the problem lies in a corrupt program. I would uninstall and reinstall Audacity. There's a new beta out right now. Why not try that?


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Hi Colin,

If you have downloaded & installed the new Beta version of Audacity 1.3.6 this now has an option of altering playback speed. The Green triangle at the far right of the screen. Next to this is bar with - at the left & + to the right with a slider to adjust the speed. Make sure this is set to 1.00 If you Double Click the Slider another small window opens where you can type in an exact amount. If you have this set to a higher speed it could explain why your track is playing a lot faster than expected.

Hope this helps solve your problem.


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Hi Colin,

I have seen Jill's reply and she is right in that if you are using the new beta version of Audacity then this is the most likely cause.

The one thing that Audacity is very good at is that (unlike some of the other sound editing programs) it will allow you to play various tracks at various sample rates together without any problems.

To resolve the problem, seeing that your track is only three minutes long might I suggest you start a new project...import the track in again....check that the timeline shows that it is three minutes or whatever long ...select the last bit that you want to remove...hit delete....and then select the last few seconds and use 'fade-out'

That is most likely the quickest and easiest way of sorting this out...might be different if it was a very large multi-track...one that you had spent numerous hours doing !!!!

Good Luck.

John (alias BK!!!)

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