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Objects and Animation


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First of can I say how impressed I am with 5b5. I have just started to experiment with it and have managed to make a short sequence with an object (in this case a kite) flying across the screen and I am really pleased with it. Haven't quite worked out how to control two objects yet but I look forward to working it out...

However, I would like to ask if it is possible for the timeline to indicate which images have objects associated with them and is there a way for the animation to be seen in preview panel when you press 'Play' on the Timeline window?

Also, with regards to other topics I have read (first raised by Peter Coles) regarding the music repeating itself at the end I have also noticed this. If you look at the very last slide in the sequence there is now a thin line and an "End of the Last slide" label attached to it. If this thin line falls after the end of sound track then the music starts again. To overcome this I have added a couple of seconds of silence to the end of the soundtrack. The thin line appears to be connected with the "Timed interval for new slides" setting on the Main panel in Project Options.


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However, I would like to ask if it is possible for the timeline to indicate which images have objects associated with them and is there a way for the animation to be seen in preview panel when you press 'Play' on the Timeline window?


As far as I am aware it canot be achieved in the timeline.

To differentiate between slides, to which it is intended to apply PZR effects, and those that will be shown as conventional slides, I add an 8 pixel white border (For 1024 X 768px slides) and, sometimes an additional 1pixel black edge. In this way it is easy to identify which are which in the slide list.

It also looks pretty neat, particularly when the show is projected.


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John, that sounds like a useful idea. But I'm not quite sure it would always look right in the presentation viewing. Is there one of your posted examples I could review?

No, I'm sorry, the only demos I have posted are pre. this little idea.

I find that the 8px white frame looks good on screen. More importantly. it lets you know which slides will not be animated. Personally, I generate my slideshows by adding slides to the PTE slidelist one "Chapter" at a time. Most of my shows being in the "journey from A to C via B form". Then, I work, almost exclusively, from the O&A window.

Another way to make the differentiation, if you have 2 monitors & Photoshop CS2, is to colour code the images and have the image folder open on the other monitor. Downside is I like to work with Cool Edit open on the other monitor.

If you really don't want to see the white frame, that is, use it simply as a marker. Just take the border out of frame in O&A.

In PTE 5 I use 5 different sizes of image, the largest for where there will be big zooms or pans.

For my next project I plan to put a narrow colour coded border round ALL the images to indicate (to my ancient and forgetfull brain) how big each is, and thus, what my creative intention was when they were sized.

Hope that makes sense and is of some help.


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