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Jim Higgins

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    Photography,Audio visuals,Computers

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  1. Thank you all for replying. It was just a thought. I first started using P2E at version 4.1, I think/ and never noticed when it went missing. So again thank for your replys.
  2. Hi I've been looking at some of my old A.Vs and noticed that when running the EXE file the screen faded from whatever was on the Windows environment into the A.V. I haven't seen this effect in some time now but was wondering if is in the later versions of the program so I could use it again? It was a softer lead in to the A.V. as opposed to the sudden blackout of the screen. Jim
  3. Thanks davegee Now I know what is going on it seems the problem was me . Iwon't try opening them again now that I know what they are. Thanks again.
  4. Hi davegee thanks for replying. I downloaded a zip file about running shows from a menu system. When it unzipped to another folder there was the EXE file, which played o.k., but I was not able to open the " .ptshow ". I thought this would open in pte as a project file so I could see how it was done. Or have I got the idea wrong?
  5. Hi Can anyone tell me how to open files with " .ptshow " at the end. I've tried two versions of P2E, version 7.5 and version 10. The files don't show in the files window.
  6. Hi   Can anyone tell me how to open files with " .ptshow " at the end. I've tried two versions of P2E, version 7.5 and version 10. The files don't show in the files window.

  7. Hi Jim

    Just seen your name pop up on the forum & noticed you aren't far from us, We live in Hesketh Bank. Wondered if you have an AV group near you?

    Regards Rosy.

    1. Jim Higgins

      Jim Higgins

      Hi Rosy

      I'm in Crosby Camera Club and while we don't have a group as such we do have about a half dozen members that enter AVs in our yearly comp. Not sure about this year as everything is being done on Zoom.

      However there was a very good group based in Ainsdale. I'll see if it is still runnuing and get back to you, if you like.


    2. rosy


      Hi Jim

      I was a member of the Ainsdale group but it eventually faded out. Not sure if it's still active, but it was fragmented & very small. The guy who ran it had a projection room in his back garden, which was great, but the meetings eventually faded away, not sure if due to illness.

      Thanks anyway.


    3. Jim Higgins

      Jim Higgins

      Sorry Rosy,    

      That was the group I was talking about. Good hunting.


  8. Hi Tom. There is another way. "Publish" your shows as video files, such as MP4 or AVI and just insert them in a blank slide for each video file. They will then run one after another. To run EXE files you will have to use "Run external slideshows". Jim Higgins
  9. Thanks Lin Once again you are there to help. Thank you. After I posted the topic last night I continued to try for the icons and found they seam to work when you save the show in a root directory of a hard drive or usb stick but were less likely to work in a sub directory. I had no trouble with icons in previous versions of P2E running Windows 8 so I'm thinking it may be a Windows 10 glitch. So I'll wait and see if it changes in the next Windows update. Thanks again Lin Jim
  10. Hello all I would like to have an ICON with each of my presentations. I make ICONS with ICOfx and they seam to be proper ICONS but when I assign them to my EXE files in "Program Options" nothing happens. All I get is the Blue and silver start button for every show. I assume it is something that I am doing wrong. Can anyone tell me what it is I am doing wrong. Thanks in advance Jim
  11. Hi Lin.   I managed to do what I wanted with the revolving text. You didn't have an explanation in the tutorials you referred me to and I already had the text revolving as in the "X" round Jupiter.

    I used version 7.5 and hopefully the files and PTE file will be with this message. Also I added  the text of my initials with some PNG letters from Photoshop so both can be used.

    I doubt if this is new to you but if it is please feel free to use it as you wish.

    All the best


    Letter J.png

    Letter H.png

    Letter P.png

    Version 7.5 Rotating text 2.pte

  12. HI. I've been trying to make an "Intro" for my AVs. in the intro I wanted to have text rotating around an object. I managed to do this but only with the text revolving in a flat plain, see picture capture 004. Lin Evans makes, what looks to me, as being just what I want in his Text demo tutorial. However doesn't say how he gets the text to revolve and go up and down, see capture 002. I asked Lin about this and he referred me to the forum and his demo. The text revolving around the planet is what I've been trying to achieve. If Lin reads this perhaps he would explain what makes the text behave in this manner. Many thanks Jim
  13. Hi Lin. I've followed your tutorials for some time now and have learned a lot, for which I thank you. At the moment I'm trying version 9 and noticed in your rotating text example, "PTE 9 Text Demo" your have the text revolving around Jupiter in a plain so that they appear to be isometric. I have had the text revolving around the "equator", so to speak, in the past. Can you tell me, or make a tutorial, on how you now have the text in this more advanced way.

    Many thanks


  14. In an A/V is there a way to return to a menu at the beginning of the show from a slide or the end of an AVI video without having to press a key or mouse button? I made a tutorial show with several AVI's of my own making. They ran one after another in the show but what I wanted was at the end of each AVI the show to return to the menu, without having to press a key or button, and then wait for another selection to be made. The only way I could think to get round this was to copy the menu slide and place a copy in between every section of the show. This works but doesn't seem right to me. Can anyone help me?
  15. Hi Lin

    Thanks for you post. I agree with what you said about needing to be selective with what is on view. I never envisioned having 1000's of objects I generally only have a hand full. However  a French guy by the name of Jean-Cyprien directed me to a program which runs alongside P2E called OAK and can be found at this link http://syp.pagesperso-orange.fr/setup_OAK1.zip .

    Once again thank you for your help


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