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Everything posted by Conflow

  1. Hi Guys, This 'Visart' is not a PC nor is it based on PC Components like 'The Framer' which Barry just described above. The VisArt is a Camera Memory Card reader and it will read ALL common Camera Cards and display the contents on its Colour LCD Screen. It deploys a special 'Video-Graphics Chip' which not only processes the 'Camera Card' but it can also run a CD-Rom Disc and a DVD Disc....that's worth while for those on the move who want to review their work or give an 'Ad-Hoc' demo on site. It's outstanding feature's are its 'Size,Weight and Portability' less than 1" thick and smaller than an A4 sheet of Paper...Laptops simply can't compete with that, try looking at a Laptop in sunlight or in a brightly lit Room...and as for the weight of it ? Resolution can never be compared to a modern PC but its better that 'squinting' at a tiny Digital Camera Screen and much better than a TV which comes no where near a PC even given the same Screen size. The same applies to a lesser degree to HDTV Systems. It's my opinion that 'Reviewers' display their ignorance when trying to compare 'Different Technologies'~ one can't compare '98 to XP, neither can one compare the VisArt Product to a PC ~ they are totally different technologies in all respects. Its like everything in life, go try it and see.... Brian.Conflow.
  2. DIGITAL CAMERA VIEWER Have you ever been away from Home ? ~ On Vacation or on a Business Trip ? ~ and you have just taken a series of 'Digital Photographs' and now you are showing them off to friends or simply reviewing them...and that damn 2" Camera Monitor drives you mad because nobody can really see it...Well here's some good news ! www.visart.com have just released their New Series of "Album Photo Monitors" in 7"inch and 10½" inch Screen Sizes. Simply remove your Camera Card, stick it in the 'slot' and hit Play. Some versions play CD-Slide Shows' and DVD Shows with Sound and also with external outputs for Video + Sound. They also have 'built-in' TV Tuners. Smaller than an A4 Sheet of Paper and ultra-slim with removable Picture Frame and 'Desk-Top Easel' and 'Wall hanger' working off 110/220 AC Adaptor, these devices are truly portable compared to the heavy awkard Portables & Laptops we are used to. No I don't sell them ~ my intentions are purely to let you know that they exist and may be very useful to those on the move. Brian.Conflow.
  3. Roger, I forgot to mention when using 'Fade In/Out' don't use 'Smoothing Line' and the 'Resolve' must be +2 secs. I appreciate Alan's technique and point of view ~ but I am talking specifically about the 'Resolve Effect' which you get in Film Flashbacks ~ Example:- A quaint Country Chapel in a rural setting in 2005. Lift the Image and re-process it as if it was 1850. Now use the 'Resolve Effect' to flash-back to 1850 or forward to 2005. It gives a 'time domain' content to the Show and it's dramatic. Brian.Conflow.
  4. Hi Roger, I think I know what you mean:- Its the "Resolve Effect" where 2 Images 'diffuse' thro' each other viz:- Image (A) diffuses into Image ( whilst simultaneously Image ( appears to diffuse out of the vanishing Image (A) Its a wonderful effect and I have tried it in PTE with 'Fade Out' and 'Fade In' but you have to use a 2 sec. delay to make it work anyway effectively. A Program that does it really well is 'Cam2PC' (Camera to PC) from www.snapfiles.com ~ Its a 'Universal Camera Download' Program and the library of effects are used to create simple 'Preview Slideshows' It may be of use to you, let me know ? Brian.Conflow.
  5. Lin, I can assure you that there's absolutely nothing wrong with our 'Broadband' ~ Netsource.IE is a 'Corporate Broadband System' used by Irish Rail and other Municipal Authorities and when testing programs we don't 'bounce' them off the Server because the link is already pre-established. Its another thing entirely sending Program's down the wire (or Satellite) to remote PC's. In the past Al Robinson and others have 'Tested' small programs for me, thankfully they had, because it revealed problems which were not evident with primary 'Bounce-Back' testing - I assume thats how you tested the 'Example' on your PC's. Personally speaking if I had Phillcoe's problem, I would be looking for 'Universal Open-Source Programs' such as Java or HTML Players. I would get the PTE Presentation into them, then on to a Disc, and give that to the Client. Java & HTML Players cost nothing and they are absolutely universal. Ken,your suggestion seems to me to be a very pragmatic one, however I think we will have to refer back to Phillcoe because in his 1st. Posting he never mentioned the Web at all, neither did you, the man was simply looking for a bit of cross-platform software to operate on MAC's - Java will ! Brian.Conflow.
  6. Lyn, I had a look at your example Link:- to the 'Riva Player Presentation'. The Music was 'chopped' (not contineous) and the Images although of good quality were very 'jerky' - this on a Pro 2000 with buckets of memory. Perhaps this was less than a perfect example of how to go about the Mac Problem? and "Phillcoe" would have to purchase 'Riva Lite' also. You ignored my suggestion that Phillcoe should contact his (Local) Microsoft Office concerning Microsoft Virtual PC. Both Microsoft and Apple Mac have very close connections (from the dim past) and solve these dilemas for Corporate Organisations. On foot of that it shouldn't be a big problem to use a MAC with Virtual PC installed, then import the 'Show' into the MAC, install it, and then 'Burn It' out from there. It would take a little bit of organisation and help from MS&MAC - but would be the professional way of Phillcoe meeting his clients needs. Brian.Conflow.
  7. Phillcoe and PTE + MAC's This topic got major exposure on this Forum last year ~Yes there is 'Software' available from Microsoft Corp. which allows various MAC's to operate the PTE.Program & Slideshows in their entirety without any side effects.. The Program is called:- 'Microsoft Virtual PC' which is loaded on to your MAC and then allows the MAC to emulate various Microsoft Operating Systems ~ in effect the MAC now becomes 2 PC. Its own MAC with its own OP.System, and a Windows "Virtual Reality PC" with all Win.Functions fully operational. In operation you simply select the OP.Platform you wish to use. Yes, it works awfully well as we ourselves have 2 Laptops out with 'Field Technicians' servicing both MAC's and Win.PC's and naturally we depend on this "dual" functionality. Contact Microsoft (Local Office) about this, giving your MAC details and they can confirm if "Virtual PC" will run on your particular MAC. Brian.Conflow.
  8. Ronnie, You might like to look at a 'New Topic' I have just posted,viz:- Repair and Maintain your XP.PC Brian.Conflow.
  9. Apologies for 'Multiple Postings' ~ my Broadband is saying 'Cant Find Server' Brian.Conflow
  10. In response to Ronnie Boothwest Ronnie asked for advice on how to 'Defrag' and 'Scandisk' and 'Fix' and generally maintain his XP.PC. As this is of common interest to many Forum Members the following will answer all your Questions:- Get on the Web to: www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/using/...(type in as shown) Note:...Bookmark this Opening Page or add it to your Favourites ~ you will need it ! When this page opens, go to the left side 'Pane" and find the section on 'Resources', then select (in order) as follows: --->Using Windows XP --->Computer Set-up & Maintainance--->Maintain your Computer. 'Maintain your Computer' section answers ALL your important questions and there is also an 'Expert Forum Panel' like our PTE.Forum ~ Its most useful for those running XP in sorting out those "little quirks" that take away our enjoyment of PTE. Brian.Conflow.
  11. In response to Ronnie Boothwest Ronnie asked for advice on how to 'Defrag' and 'Scandisk' and 'Fix' and generally maintain his XP.PC. As this is of common interest to many Forum Members the following will answer all your Questions:- Get on the Web to: www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/using/...(type in as shown) Note:...Bookmark this Opening Page or add it to your Favourites ~ you will need it ! When this page opens, go to the left side 'Pane" and find the section on 'Resources', then select (in order) as follows: --->Using Windows XP --->Computer Set-up & Maintainance--->Maintain your Computer. 'Maintain your Computer' section answers ALL your important questions and there is also an 'Expert Forum Panel' like our PTE.Forum ~ Its most useful for those running XP in sorting out those "little quirks" that take away our enjoyment of PTE. Brian.Conflow.
  12. Absolutely Amazing, It certainly has me 'stumped' ~ However I am just beginning to wonder are those 'Fonts' simply 'Windows MS' only fonts for use with Win ME ? ~ as distinct from 'Word Processor Fonts' such as those used in 'Office '97' and 'Office '2000'. It could be that you have a very old version of 'Word' ? Ignore 'MS.Word' for the moment because it's so limited ~ do you have a genuine 'Word Processor Program (such as Office '97) on your PC. The reason I ask is because I came across a similar problem many years ago whilst working on an old '95 PC running an ancient version of 'Word' - I sorted that one by installing Word from 'Office '97' on to it. The fact that the Program works perfectly on your Laptop XP leads me to believe that something is amiss with Word on your ME.PC. Brian.Conflow.
  13. Steve, Fred, JRR. I completely agree with you all ~ I too would like to know if the "Enquirer" is a paid up or Full Member ?. Too often persons log on to the Forum then pick up the 'Expertise' and simply vanish without a word of acknowledgement, thanks would be too much to expect from these 'Free-Loaders' Thats my personal opinion for what its worth ! Brian.Conflow.
  14. Hi Ron, Concerning your problem:- Now the Folder is in a 'safe-mode' it can be worked on ~ So to recap, it wasn't a bad HD Sector ~ it's just a lost Folder which somehow got damaged and and it's contents were erased. The message: Data Error(Cyclic Redundancy Check) means that because we reset the Folder to the correct 'Attributes' the PC is no longer going to waste it's time going around in circles trying to read comething thats not there ~ and then Freezing ~ Now its doing a finite 'cycling test' and quitting any further attempts to read it ~ So no 'Freezing'. In fact whats happened is the 'File Index' has become corrupted ~ The PC now knows that, it also knows that the Folder is there, it knows its empty ~ but in your case because the 'Index' is corrupted it wont attempt a 'Delete' in case it deletes something with a similar Index. Now its safe to run 'Scandisc' as Ken suggested ~ It will ask you what do you want to do with 'Lost File Fragments' choose delete ~ when done ~ make sure you switch off the PC and physically re-start it, do not use Re-Start. Don't worry, it happens to a lot of 'PC Users' and there are many Hard-Drive's in the Bin due to the same problem. Brian.Conflow.
  15. Hi Ron, Ooopps ! ~ Hold on there Ron before you do anything 'mad' ~ Go to the Folder---> RH.Click on it---> When the Window opens--->Select Properties. Now go down the data and see if 'Read Only' is 'ticked', if so remove the tick. Also hit the 'Advanced Button' and see if..'Find by Index' is ticked...if not tick it. Finally see what size the Folder actually is ?...It's the 1st page of the Properties Window(s) If its 'Zero Kilobtbytes'...the Folder simply doesn't exist but the 'Read Only' attribute may be switched on consequently the PC is trying to read infinity,which it can't do, and then Freezes (thats not a crash)...Its a very common oversight. Exit from the Properties Window ~ Now find the Folder again, this time RH.Click on it and this time select 'Delete' from drop-down Menu. That should work for you, provided you dont have a 'Read Only EXE' within the Folder ? Brian.Conflow.
  16. To:- Richaus The PTE Program can only select "Fonts" that you have "Installed on your PC" and PROVIDED those are T T Fonts ~ which are 'True Type Fonts' capable of being printed by your PC. If the PC has not got a full range of 'TT Fonts' installed then the PTE Program will not be able to 'access these' from its Listing. Your problem lies fairly and squarely with your PC ~ Why not download a Full Font Set see Kens Links above ?. Brian.Conflow.
  17. Hi Igor, Having read all suggestions so far, I hope I'm not too late with mine, I have 5, viz:- 1) Objects + Text + Buttons....Stay in relative place for different Screen Resolutions. 2) Retain Image Size Ratio....for different Screen Resolutions. 3) Ability to call-up 'Transparent Grid Pattern' x 1cm for Text & Button Alignment 4) Ability to create 'Montage' from 'Multiple-Image' imports to Object Editor. 5) Ability to Re-Size JPegs in Object Editor. ________________________________________________________________________ * Items 1,2 and 3 are badly needed to correct those problems in the Program ? * Items 4 and 5 are "New Tools" which would greatly extend the flexibility of the Program. Brian.Conflow.
  18. Hi Granot, Although I am not in the "End-User Photographic Business" may I congratulate you on your New Program ~ Photos-To-Order. It's a wonderful little Program and may I wish you great success with it and I shall promote it amongst my 'Pro-Photographer' friends. I hope you get all the recognition you deserve with this little 'gem'. Best of Luck, Brian.Conflow.
  19. Hi Blue, Welcome to the Forum ~ In reply, I absolutely agree with you, there is a crying-out need for such a 'Formatted Folio' perhaps based on some form of Spreadsheet or Excel itself. In my opinion it should be a 6 Column Spreadsheet,with "Header Data" eg:- HEADERS = Competition Title......Entry Class.....Date.....Sheet No..... Column 1 = PhotoFile No Column 2 = Photo Title(s) Column 3 = Photo Author Column 4 = Photo Size Column 5 = Spare Column 6 = Spare There are many Spreadsheets out there with this capability, but 'Form Universality' would need to be established in the 1st. instance ~ This would tend to point to a Microsoft based program. We have one Senior/Advanced Member who has such experience and may just look at it if asked nicely, and if he has the time, thats...Al Robinson. If you,yourself have any further ideas perhaps you may like to elaborate on what you have in mind ? Regards, Brian.Conflow.
  20. Hi Trudy, Welcome to the Forum ~ Firstly,can you let us know what 'Win Operating System' are you using ? Secondly,your comment about Windows not trusting certain files... is not true ~ In fact Windows (under certain circumstances) will "block" anything unknown to it, even legitimate Programs ~ So lets get the facts first, whats the OP.System ? Brian.Conflow.
  21. Bill, This is a 'once-off' only in respectful reply to you Post ~ 1) HACKER Anybody or Any-Machine that deliberately tries to get into your Computer (without your knowledge) whether by 'Manually Means' or 'Automated Means' is a Hacker.....per se. 2) Hi-JACKER Anybody or Any-Machine that deliberately 'Steal & Holds to Ransome' your Search Page or Home Page is a 'Hi-Jacker'..... 3) ADWARE & MALWARE I have already explained that in my Article submission. 4) KEYLOGGER An 'Automated Scanning Process' ....Like 'Phone-Tapping' (without your knowledge) for the purposes or gathering Personal & Business data about you ~ This for sale to a 3rd Party or for use to commit a Theft by deploying the confidentiallity of that Data. My Posts are by there very nature meant to be simple explainations usually prompted by a question from a Fellow Member(s) which may be of interest to others ~ or at least to warn others of potential risks to their PC's and in particular when swopping & downloading Audio-Visual materials over the Internet. PLEASE TAKE NOTE There are very good (in-depth papers) on these subjects from the Microsoft Data Library and I must ask people to use these resources when they wish to pursue these topics beyond the simple explainations given here. The Forum is not the place to discuss personal PC.Security Problems. Brian.Conflow.
  22. Hi Ken and Ronnie, Ken' Many thanks for Posting that Link ~ I had forgotten to mention, that when you 'download' the most recent version of Microsoft Beta-1, you are in fact downloading the V.2 version. I tend to forget these things as the Program 'auto-updates itself' Ronnie, Follow Kens Link or simply go on to the Microsoft Site www.microsoft.com and you will see Microsoft A/V (Anti-Virus) posted there ~ just download it. By the way it checks your PC to verify what version of Windows you are using and what condition its in. It then sorts out any errors in your Operating System and upgrades your Security to 128 Bit Encrypt Code (if not already done)...Only then will it proceed to download the Program and auto-install it and run a 1st Initialising Scan. The matter of A/V ~ yes you made a good point there, however we in the Trade use A/V as anti-virus ~ "its a catch 22 situation" ~ but I promise to avoid the use of A/V if I catch myself on in time ? Regards, Brian.Conflow.
  23. Hi Ken, Many thanks for those tips on 'Scanning' ~ I also had the same problems with certain images which I put down to 'Size Ratios' which are tricky to manipulate. Adjusting the 'size ratios' cured some problems, but I gave up because it was a pain in the butt ~ thanks again. Brian.Conflow.
  24. Hi Bill, Many thanks for your comments and in answer to your queries:- 1) The Anti-Hacker, Anti-HiJack Program is in fact the Microsoft Beta-1 (Version2) which is specially designed to prevent unauthorised 'Hacker' intrusions onto your PC. whereas Norton addresses the problems of EMail Script intrusions + Viruses, both being complimentary to each other. If you have not done so, may I suggest that you 'update' your current Microsoft Beta-(V1). The New V2.Upgrade came out about 2/3 weeks ago. 2) The 'Root-Kit Virus ' is a derivitive of the old version detected in Nov.2003. The recent one can ride in on the back of a 'Coolweb Parasite' incorporating a particularily nasty Trojan that gets into the Win.INI System 32 Kernel. Both Microsoft & Norton Updates of last Wed 20th. attended to this matter so did SpyBot. The latter I must admit, I really like because it physically "innoculates" the Browsers against some 2000 known "rogue sites" ~ very effective. Concerning being 'Off-Subject' yes I acknowledge this and my gratitude to Igor to allow this'Topic Posting' onto the Forum Board. Because the PTE Program is becomming so popular a potential danger exists in that the Program may be 'accidentally' used to spread these parasites via CD-Rom Shows from infected Computers. I know Igor is very aware of this and my simple explainations are my contribution in helping other Forum Members become aware of these dangers and protect themselves accordingly. Isn't that what a Forum is all about ~self help. Brian.Conflow.
  25. COMPUTER SECURITY An on-going topic has been running on this Forum for the past few weeks,viz:-"Computer Internet Privacy" ~ There have been many contributions on the subject which over the course of time, the objectives have become blurred and this is an attempt to rectify the situation by means of simple explainations. SPYWARE Spyware is a perfectely legitimate means of Internet Advertising used by virtually every large Company in the World. When you go On-Line you personally advertise to the World your Computer IP.Address which is clearly visible to all and sundry. Had you recently visited the 'XXX Corporation' their Server installs a small 'index device' on your PC called a 'cookie' now every time you go On-line (unknown to you) their Server is searching for an IP.Addresses which recently visited them, so naturally they will try to update you concerning their recent products. Their 'cookie' on your PC is the identity link to activate that Advert. However there are 3rd Party Servers who don't play fair, in that they will Advertise anything for a payback ~ this means that everytime they 'hit you' they collect a fee and are known to corrupt the 'cookie' so as to lock you into their activities. Thats Bent SpyWare. Remedy:- Install an Anti-Spyware Program. HI-JACKERS Now it gets more serious and here's how it happens. Your PC has an Internet Program designed to search the Web for you, it could be Microsoft Internet Explorer, Netscape, Opera, Firefox etc;etc. They all have two thing in common:- A generic designated 'Home Page' (your default page) and your 'Search Page'. This allows you to switch between 'Search Pages' as you roam the Net, but you always have your 'Home'Page' to jump back to ~ its simple. Now, there are those which exploit that democratic principle in that they "illegally" capture or steal your current 'Search Page' and having done that they Hi-Jack your 'Home Page' ~ in effect they have Hi-Jacked your PC ~ because what you see, is what they want you to see... you have no choice in this matter. You will now be invaded by a plethora of Porn Site, Adult Sites, Cell Phone Ring Tones, and whatever they decide to throw at you. Furthermore they can WAKE UP your PC while you are working on a legitimate Word Document or playing Music etc; These programs go under the generic name: Hi-Jackers of which the most notorious is 'CoolwebSearch' and there are some 127 variants of that. It gets even more serious:- Some of these criminals have invented a thing called a 'KeyLogger' whose purpose is to record your Keyboard activities where after they use 'Filters' to pick-up any numeric data you have typed in. This compromises your 'Credit Card' and other 'Personal Data' you may have submitted, in particular, to the Travel Industry and the Bank Industry. Remedy Install an Anti-HiJack Program ~ However there is a penalty with many of these in that you may be required to Manually Remove certain artifacts of the parasite whereas if you are not competent to do this you will cause very serious damage to your PC, usually its terminal. Removing the infection after the event is akin to 'closing the stable door once the horse has bolted' ~ do you see what I mean ?. Good PC.Management If you have not done so, there is a very good 4 pronged approach to these problems which deploys the simple principle of "Prevention rather than Cure" viz:- * Install a good Firewall ~XP already has one but it's useless without the SP2 ~SP6 updates. * Install a good A/V Program such as Norton, McAfee, Zone Labs there are many others. * Install a good Anti-Spyware Program such as Spybot, XoftSpy, AdAware, SpyDoctor, there are others. Finally Install Microsoft Beta-1 (V2) Anti-Hacker, Anti-HiJacker Program because:- * Its proven and known to be the most effective 'Always-On' scanning deterant ~ it fights the infection BEFORE it gets on to your PC. * It also REPAIRS the PC for you should you become infected ~ other's cant do that. * It's designed by Microsoft for their 'Windows Operating Systems' ~ and who better to do that job ? I hope this has simply explained the three most important 'PC.Security Issues' that currently exploit our personal Computers and that the paragraph on 'Good PC.Management' will help those unfortunate's who are struggling with these infections. I would like to thank Igor for this oppurtunity in using the Forum Board for these explainations. Brian.Conflow.
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