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Posts posted by cottage

  1. Hi All

    I am putting a show together for a friend and he will be speaking and advancing the slides with the mouse from an exe file. Q is there any way to go back to the previous slide or slides. If there isn't, can the moderators move this to suggestions for next issue.?



    Very easily done. Go to 'Project Options', click the 'Advanced' tab. Just under the title of "Control of Show", select what you wish the mouse to do when a button is depressed. Example: advance to the next slide or return to the previous slide. There are several options to choose from. The Keyboard can also be used if you tick the 'Permit control of show using keyboard' option on the same screen.

    Hope this is helpful!

    Bill icon1.gif

  2. Hello:

    I have completed my first A.V.-with the help of Forum members -and i would like to share it and have your views.

    I do not have a web site or ant thing like that. How do I get it up to share it?

    Noel Harris

    Hello Noel, You are welcome to upload your presentation to my site, Beechbrook.com. You will find the upload link at the end of this message. Please be sure to read the PTE Upload Guidelines before you begin your upload session. The guidelines are provided to you once you click the Upload link below.

    Kind regards,


  3. Dave,

    So good to hear from you again. I've missed your outstanding photography as well as your PTE presentations, and was looking forward to new ones in 2009. However, studying at Oxford should certainly take the lead right now! How exciting, congratulations on returning to the classroom once again. I applaud you on your efforts and wish for you all the best. I've returned to the classroom as well, but mine will be a bit easier - Advanced Outdoor photography, and most definitely a shorter course of study and without the dissertation! icon1.gif

    I envy you in the halls of Oxford !!


  4. Thank you Maureen.

    It's been very enjoyable throughout the years as we watch the marvellous advancements with PTE that are quickly followed by new and exciting presentations from forum members.

    As we've said before, Karen and I very much enjoyed our stay with you and Robert in 2008. You were very gracious hosts. We think often of our walk together among the Bluebells, cameras in hand! Thank you again. Perhaps we can meet again as we travel over the big pond to visit with our kids in London later this year. :rolleyes:

    The best to you both !


  5. stats from my collection

    Dec 29 2002

    Available Files: 83

    Downloaded Count: 13420

    dec 30 2008

    Available Files: 280

    Downloaded Count: 495895

    and Bill said" If I remove a presentation, the number of downloads for that particular show is also removed from the system-wide total. "



    You keep some amazing stats! Thanks for this additional information. As a side note, Stu Rands (nobeefstu) asked that I remove two of his long standing and very beneficial utilities today. I did as Stu asked, and you will note that the System-Wide total has suddenly been reduced by some 6,136 downloads. All those were attributed to Stu's two utilities. Way to go Stu. Let's have some new ones!! icon1.gif


  6. Bill, I remember fondly the origination of the PTE sharing portion of your Beechbrook.com. We were all trying to figure out ways to reasonably transmit our presentations among us if we could keep them around 5 meg or less. You stepped forward...


    Time marches on for sure. And sometimes our shows' size increase as well. I remember once I hosted a presentation that was upwards of 140 megs. WOW ! Thanks for your kind comments and for the inspirational presentations you've shared with the larger community over the years.


  7. Bill you should show the total # of downloads you have had over the years in this thread...


    Ken, Good thought. However, that's another item I haven't kept up with in actual totals. The way my software is written, it only keeps track of the download count for the "active presentations" on my site - 493,524 as of this writing. If I remove a presentation, the number of downloads for that particular show is also removed from the system-wide total. Guess I could always go back in and do some further software tweaking ! icon1.gif


  8. Happy New Year to all forum members! Since 2001, it has been my privilege to host/link PTE presentations from around the world on Beechbrook.com. It wasn't until 2006, though, that I began keeping records of how many presentations were submitted each year. Here are the stats thus far:

    2006 – 153

    2007 – 123

    2008 - 91

    It has always been a delight for me to share in the creativity, the passion, the talent and the adventures from so many of you that have allowed me to host or link your PTE presentations on my site.

    As you can see, the average uploads for 2008 was just under 8 presentations per month. This is exciting and I hope you will continue to share even more of your talents with the rest of the world in 2009!

    Because of your suggestions, over the years I've tried to add new features on the PTE download pages to help them be more robust.

    These included the following:

    • The ability to search "by title" for a particular presentation
    • The ability to view "download stats" for any presentation
    • The ability to "search by category" for a particular presentation ( Demo, Presentation, Utility, Tutorial,
      etc.) - More categories can be added as needed
    • The ability to read "Author's Notes" . Text notes about the presentation itself, the equipment used,
      location of images, etc.

    I hope that you have found these enhancements useful. I welcome suggestions for future upgrades.

    Because my mailing list became so large several years ago, I had to discontinue the mailing of announcements for new PTE uploads on Beechbrook.com. I strongly suggest that authors use the PTE Forum to announce the presence of their shows on my site.

    Some of you have asked why I don't place an Upload link on any of my web pages. It is simply to help reduce the number of "junk or spam" uploads which would certainly rear their heads if the link were made public. The upload link can be found in all of my forum posts.

    Finally I wish to thank Igor and his team for creating and providing such a superior tool in PicturesToExe. Through their product we can better express and enhance the presentation of our craft.



  9. All...

    I have rewritten the code for the upload pages (English/French) on Beechbrook.Com. When using the PTE Upload utility, if your presentation is hosted on another site, please enter the exact URL in the appropriate box. It is no longer necessary to enter this information in the "Additional Comments" section at the bottom of the form. Please visit the Upload Help page for further information.

    A special THANK YOU goes to Patrick Bantzhaff for all of the French translations and also for some great suggestions on modifications to the upload pages.


    Bill icon1.gif

  10. After some coaching from several forum members I decided to post a note about my latest presentation. I offer it purely as a glimpse into the island of Sint Maarten/Saint Martin in the eastern Caribbean, and for anyone who might be interested in vacationing there. The show is very basic, containing only images/music and fade transitions. The images were taken in August of this year. The shows run time is about 9 1/2 minutes. Please see the Author's Notes on the website for further details.




  11. After my Ipod issues

    Barry, I know you are glad the move is behind you! Hope you will enjoy Australia. I realize you got the Ipod issue solved. I also had to try it for myself back with beta 10. I copied several of my shows very smoothly to my Nano. They worked perfectly. Now, there's even more fun with PTE !



  12. Bill ... On this journey I am wearing a black "Nikon" ball cap, but I doubt you can recognize the Nikon in the pix I included. (Can you?)

    Oh you modest photographer you. With four separate images showing off that sharp black ball cap, even a one eyed toad could pick you out of a crowd. LOL

    14 years is certainly getting your money's worth out of that infamous blue cap. May it live on to even greater adventures ! icon1.gif


  13. Have you thought of trying the early jigsaw puzzles that Lin Evans did with PTE V5 betas? He made two versions - one with high graphic demands, the other with lower. They seem to make a simple narrow test quite easy and useful.

    Ken sent me a link to Lin's jigsaw puzzles. I tried both versions today on my Eee 900. The smaller version ran find. However the larger version's audio sounded good but the actual puzzle appeared to complete in about 8 frames rather than running smoothly like it does on my desktop. Of course we both know the Eee 900 was built for smaller jobs and to conserve battery life while on the road. For us, it should be perfect for our travels. Large monitor test still ahead! icon1.gif


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