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Posts posted by cottage

  1. Jeff... so good to hear and 'see' from you again. Your "Dunes and Arches Country" presentation is superb, as are all of your shows. You consistently capture the beauty of the areas you photograph and find just the right piece of music to accompany your images. Congratulations on another fine presentation!

    Hope your health continues to improve and that we get to see more of your good work soon. smile.gif



  2. Rick,

    Thanks for your kind comments. Makes me believe that I should take the first one down. unsure.gif Perhaps if I could find some time I could remake the first one. Your guidance has been a great help. I appreciate all of your assistance.


    Very kind of you indeed. With your help, along with Rick's, perhaps one day I'll be at the level you have both obtained. Remember, I said one day! wink.gif


    Thank you. OK mister salesman... can I use you as my agent? Guess I could start offering photographic posters in return for website donations. biggrin.gif


    Thanks. I'm glad that you enjoyed it. Thank you for taking a peek. smile.gif

    Best regards to you all,


  3. Hi Bill,

    Nice try, on the Canon EOSI D 111 use only the center of the focusing spots (this is the sharpest), do not forget the rule of thirds and give your subjects room to move into. On the white Egrets you are a little over exposed losing detail in the feathers, if you want to correct this send me an email.

    Altogether pretty good, please do not get discouraged by my comments as i am only trying to help you.


    Hello again Rick. I've been waiting on your next PTE show.

    As for my Pinckney... it was a great day out and the resulting show was just for fun. Your suggestions are appreciated. Thank you. Yes, I do know the rule of thirds, etc., and follow photography rules occasionally. I'll drop you a note so you can give me some pointers though. One can never have enough of those. smile.gif


  4. Very good pictures , Bill .

    Well surprised by the quality with this converter... ( utilisate on all the pictures? ).

    Beautifull place this island !

    Only a question : why do no give the same ratio to all the pictures ?


    Hi Danial,

    Thanks for your kind comments. This presentation was just a quick view of our day out on Pinckney Island, and certainly not intended to be perfect. Some images were cropped and I just didn't take the time to match them up with the others. Thank you for taking the time to view it!

    Kind regards,


  5. INTO THE PYRENEES - PART 3. - Maureen

    Sensational once again Maureen. Where are my backpacks ? I'm got to get out there. Thank you for sharing your photographic talents and skills with everyone. You are a superior photographer and I enjoy so much receiving emails from my server advising me that you have posted yet another presentation on my site.



  6. Thankyou to all above for your comment and compliments. I have just uploaded another show to Beechbrook and have asked for assistance in the procedure for providing a direct link from here to my particular items on Beechbrook. If you can help, I would appreciate it.


    If you are using Internet Explorer you can find the direct link to your shows on Beechbrook by hovering over the image or the download link itself and reviewing the information provided in the lower left-hand corner of your browser. Hope this is helpful.



  7. Very nice.

    I can't give any suggestions to improve it!

    All I can say is I was not tempted to hit Esc.

    Good show.

    Only one suggestion for you and maybe others......

    Just saying you've put a show on beechbrook.com leaves

    me wondering if I'll be able to find it when I go there.

    After a few days won't your show move from the top?

    Will it be harder to find and download?

    Can you give a clickable link to the file in your

    introduction here?

    Hello Dan,

    If you'll permit me, let me respond to your suggestion. Please understand that I am NOT being critical of your good suggestion. I would applaud the use of direct links myself!! What Ken offers in his reply is quite true. There are various search features on Beechbrook.Com to help locate files. Although some PTE authors provide a direct link to their shows, my take is that they are a bit more familiar with how a particular site works. This was Brian's first upload to Beechbrook.Com, and I look forward to more of his good work. Perhaps next time he can provide us with a direct link. Until then... here it is: British museum Mar 2010.

    And one final thought... even the most savvy among us may not choose to provide direct links to our shows. As with any feature, option or knowledge gained about a site, it is up to the individual as to what they choose to use. Again, I'm with you. I just wanted to offer what I think sometimes may happen in our posts. smile.gif

    Kind regards,


    p.s. Love all your gardens. Job(s) well done !!!

  8. Mark, (et al.)

    When forum members (and others) choose to upload their creations to my site, I provide a feature entitled "Author's Notes". In fact, this feature was suggested by a visitor several years ago. It is in hopes that PTE authors will utilize this area to include just the kind of information you are referring to. Some use it, others do not.

    Personally I find it very informative when a presentation includes this information, as well as any additional info the author wishes to provide, i.e. cameras/lenses used, the location where the images were taken, music, etc.

    Although this feature has been offered for a long time, few use it. Best wishes for a successful campaign. smile.gif



  9. Maureen,

    Thank you for sharing a part of the world that many of us may never see! Your choice of music, matched with exacting camera white balance, scene composition and image sharpness, reminds me once again why your creativity remains at the very top in professional standards. I applaud you on an extremely pleasing presentation.

    Maureen's presentation can be found here.


  10. Posted by Francis Demange on the French Diapositif.net forum.

    http://diapositif.ne...pic.php?t=33988 (click the "Telecharger" button for the download)

    This is one of the most incredible PTE slideshows I have ever seen. If possible, listen to it with headphones on to get the full effect of the stereo sound.


    Francis posted this on Beechbrook.Com yesterday. Francis sent the first presentation in the new year to Beechbrook. Yes, it is quite amazing !!



  11. Thank you JRR.

    With regard to the active cursor, I did not intend this and do not understand how to eliminate it. Can you explain?


    Noel Harris


    Choose one of the available option from the drop down button entitled - "Auto hide mouse cursor after:"

    You can find this button by choosing the "Project Options" button and then the "Advanced" tab.




  12. Thanks Bill,

    I just assumed that there would have been a notification for AVs posted up on your site.

    Maybe a tickbox for people uploading to your site with a 'Post link on Wnsoft'.

    Can never be enough AVs.

    Will check them out.




    I have tried various methods and also mentioned countless times to uploaders to please inform others of their presentations on my site. People will do what people will do. smile.gif Note my "Authors Notes" section. A great place to tell others about their shows. Sadly, only a few ever use it. sad.gif

    I wish the PTE Forum did have an automated method of posting links or announcing shows that are posted on other websites. Your suggestions was mentioned once before. However, I don't know of any such feature.

    Earlier in the year I did create an RSS feed that you can subscribe to which provides presentation information. You can subscribe to the feed on any of my download pages. Here is the original thread: http://www.picturestoexe.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=9623

    I welcome your suggestions.



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