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Posts posted by cottage

  1. Jim,

    A very relaxing and enjoyable presentation. Soothing music as well - good choice. On your closing slide I was unable to see the authors name, only "Photography and AV. by", but no name was shown. Perhaps the timing of the final slide was cut too short. As soon as the "Photography..." slide was fully visible, the music ended and no name was shown.

    Good job all around. Hope to see more of your work soon !

    Kind regards,


  2. I have added an additional link to the PTE download pages with the intent of making it easier to search for a particular presentation. Using the "Author's Notes, sorted by Title" link, you can locate information about a presentation if you only know it's title. A new link entitled "Author's Notes, sorted by Author" allows searching presentations when you only know the author's name.




  3. I know this should probably be posted on the FAQ section, but please could somebody advise where I go on the Beechbrook.com site to upload a PTE presentation. I have a number of presentations prepared and would like to share these with the public out there.

    Any assistance would be appreciated.

    Thank you

    Sure Colhill... I'll be happy to assist. To upload to my site simply select this link, then read and follow the guidelines that are provided.

    Looking forward to reviewing your presentations.


    Bill smile.gif

  4. You could also try http://beechbrook.com/upload/ but I'm not sure if they count hits.


    I know this doesn't help with obtaining any code... however as general information to all, on Beechbrook.Com the management of file download counts (as well as such items as Author's Notes, Private Notes, URL locations, Image files locations, etc.) are all handled through a combination of ASP code and a server dynamic Access database. The code was specifically written for Beechbrook.Com.



  5. Hi. Is thee anywhere where I can upload PtoE .exe files to share with others on the web?

    Specifically I would like to put links to these AV's in another forum whic will not accept .exe file direct

    Ron2. As suggested by Xaver, you are welcome to upload your PTE presentations to my site. Please use the upload link listed below when you are ready to proceed. Looking forward to your creations !! icon1.gif



  6. Bob, I've already commented to you in email. However as I mentioned - great presentation reflecting the bond between you guys and your enjoyment of the outdoors. What memories you have made! You've captured some marvelous scenery and also used some PTE magic to make an enjoyable presentation. Thank you for sharing it.


  7. This is just a little show of some photographs that my wife and I have taken, most of them within a few miles from home, the rest within at most a couple of hours on days out.

    Undoubtedly the most beautiful presentation I have seen in quite some time. Amazing images with perfect music. Simply outstanding Paul !! Thank you for sharing your talents with us.



  8. I regret that I will have to take a break from my forum activities to attend to some serious family health issues.... my first responsibility is to my wife who needs me now.



    I'm deeply sadden by your post and your news. Know that I will be in prayer that your wife will have a shift and successful recovery from any health issues! Please call on me at any time for whatever assistance I might offer.



  9. Thanks for the kind offer.

    Just one question though.I thought that the music for these AV's had to be Copyright/royalty free.

    Are there exceptions?

    Taking into account the guidelines stated on my site, and with particular emphasis towards non family oriented material, there are no further restrictions. With regard to music, some authors prefer to use music that is royalty free while other do not. Personally I view all presentations (on my site) as entertainment and not for profit. Ultimately you must be the judge of the images you select as well as the music you provide. If these two are within my stated guidelines, I will approve your presentation(s) and provide a link for others to download your work.

    Hope this is helpful.


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