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Everything posted by dbolt

  1. Just a thought, but my MBP having lockup issues makes Time Machine entries every hour, so it should be possible to reinstate specific files created at a specific time to identify a corrupt file. That assumes the problem is file corruption, and I don't know if that is so. Otherwise, I welcome suggestions for how to get Studio working again.
  2. Igor, I'm not in a hurry now that my talk is over. FYI, I installed v11 on an old Macbook AIR (2018 ver), and Studio runs fine. Slow for processing, but no issues with Studio. The last time I ran the uninstall app, I also selected to remove changes in styles and themes. I noticed the Studio install brought over my 10.5 ver changes by default. I don't have any reason to believe the issue (file corruption, I suppose) might be contained in my old 10.5 files, and I don't know if an option to skip bringing over the 10.5 features would be worthwhile — just a thought.
  3. Macian, Thanks for the kind words. Yes, the talk went very well using the Player app and the .pteav version of the show I had luckily copied to a zip drive before rebooting the MBP. Recall the lockup issue started after I restarted the machine to provide a "virgin" machine for my talk today. Someone asked after the talk which slide-making program I used to present the slides. They liked the result. I told them the new PTE version for Mac performs like the PC version I've used for years. I didn't mention my current issue. Doug
  4. Still puzzled! Ran uninstall, Studio still in apps list. Studio said it was successful. Checked Apps list and Studio was still there. Moved Studio to trash. Ran Uninstall again even though Studio was not in apps list. It again said it was successful. Removed all listings of Studio from Trash and re-started Mac. Installed Studio from downloaded file. And, same issue, spinning circle. But, the player still works (fortunately, put a copy of the talk on a zip drive before the problem started) and I'm off to give my talk.
  5. Before reading the above messages, I bought and installed PTE v11 for the Mac. After installing v11 (v10 had already been deleted), activation was successful, but when I clicked on v11, I got the same lockup depicted in the attached screenshot. I repeated the removal process with the uninstall app, but I noticed that Studio was still in the list of Applications. I moved it to trash and rerun the uninstall app, which said that it removed it successfully even though I had previously sent Studio from the app list to trash. Reinstall of Studio 11 again caused the lockup with the spinning progress icon. Now what?
  6. I got my nerve up and deleted both the copy of PTE I had been using and the one I downloaded and installed an hour or so ago. The Mac now seems to be running fine, except for PTE. After deleting both copies, I re-ran the PTE Studio install app and the app locked up, as before. But, the PTE player displays the slideshow with no issues. So I can sleep well tonight knowing (I hope) the talk will go on as planned. I still need to get PTE to run on this MBP M1 13.4.1
  7. I have been working on a slide show all week-end with no issues on MBP-M1 with PTE latest edition, (at least checking for update said so). I rebooted so I would have a clean machine for my talk tomorrow at 10 AM EDT. But, PTE locked up with a spinning progress icon showing the PTE folder menu. Numerous restarts and shutdowns didn't help. I can present the talk using the player, but I can't use the PTE app. I logged into a "test" account and PTE did not lock up, but indicated I needed to activate it, which I could not easily do because I can not display the Help screen. I also downloaded an eval copy of PTE and loaded it as a separate app. Both apps locked up. What should I do to resolve the issue. Doug Bolt
  8. Thanks, Jill. Sorry for the slow reply. I must have not been following my thread. So, it is not my old age that caused this misconception.
  9. Igor, Excellent news regarding the update! Thanks for the news. doug bolt
  10. How to set P2E so published videos respond to viewers keyboard arrow keys. I think I recall doing that some time ago, but I can't make it work now, which may be due to my older age bracket.
  11. Is there a way to export images (eg. jpgs) that contain the text I added with P2E? A local group wants to put slideshows on the web as a single .PDF file. I can inport into PowerPoint and then export as a PDF. Or, is it possible to directly export the slideshow as a .PDF file?
  12. Although I seem to recall that I have done this in the past, but I can't figure out how to do it now. Using 10.5.Pro on Windows 11 machine. Doug Bolt
  13. Thanks, Jill. It happens to be a retirement community.
  14. Barry, Thanks for taking the time to share your expertise. Although the equipment does not appear to support 1080p, I plan to create 1080p files at both .exe and .mp4. doug
  15. Jill, thanks for your excellent advise - much appreciated. I have learned a bit more about the equipment since my original post. I will be able to copy .mp4 files to the desktop of the PC, so that is a good thing. The PC display resolution is 1024 x 768, and i think the projector is 1200 x 720. Not what I expected, but doable. doug
  16. P2E can make either an exe or MP4 file. Does one provide better images than the other? I plan to use a thumb drive to transport the slideshow. Once at the location, I plan to transfer the file to the PC's HD if their security allows. If not, I'll run from the thumb drive. The file size of original images is sufficient to create a 2K show, but if the max resolution of the PC is 1200 x 720, am I gaining any image quality if P2E creates images with more pixels?
  17. When faced with an invitation to present a slideshow, what information about the equipment that will display my images should I ask about to ensure my show looks its best. I know they have a large overhead digital projector and a recently purchased PC to drive the projector. The screen is probably 20 ft wide. What factors should I ask about? For example, what is pixel dimension of the PC display and will the projector display 1080p or 2K. Are there any other relevant questions to pose?
  18. Igor, Thanks a bunch. Turned off Controller Folder Access. That fixed the issue. P2E working normally now.
  19. Since running 9.0.22 successfully, I upgraded PC (Win10-pro) to 1903 and a different GPU (Nvidia GTX 1070). I'm now getting several popup messages, including one that will not let me exit P2E without doing an Taskmgr End-Process. Just now, I tried installing beta 10-18 with no success. Four jpg screen captures of the encountered popup error messages are included below. My current thinking is that something is not quite right about my configuration, but I have not encountered similar popup messages from any other programs I run routinely. I'd welcome suggestion to resolve this issue. I get this when I try to exit the program and clicking on the options at the top of the page. The D: drive of this PC is a DVD, which is empty. Error after trying to install 10.18 beta (after the Setup error below). 10.18 was listed in the Start list, but the above error appeared as P2E started to load. Error encountered toward the end of the install of 10.18 beta process.
  20. Good to know, Dave. Thanks. The facility does supply a HDMI cable at speakers stand. I generally keep the MBA screen set to on during a presentation. Maybe I should try with it set to off and see if the image quality is better. About all having the MBA screen on does for me is to remind me how poorly the digital projector and the MBA agree in color management. When I can create profile for the the MBA using the specific digital projector, color differences are generally acceptably close. Not so much without an ICC for the specific projector. Not sure If I'll have time and the opportunity to profile the projector for the presentation in question. My images all have sRGB color profile embedded. Setting the projector to sRGS usually projects an acceptable image, especially if one doesn't compare it to the image on the MAB, which is calibrated.
  21. I'm concerned about the quality of high resolution photos displayed on a fairly large screen (~12 x 24'). For small screens and small rooms, I show P2E slideshows with a Macbook Air with a maximum display of 1440 x 900 px. My wife has an iMac with maximum display of 3200 x 1800 px. I've been told the projector in the auditorium will display up to 2K, but not 4K. I also have the option of plugging my slideshow on a thumb drive directly into the digital projector. The downsize of the later solution is their flaky handheld remote and/or remote operator (I don't want to shout, "Next" for each slide). Testing on site is possible, but not convenient. My question has to do with quality of my images on the screen. Which approach should I use for the presentation? I'd also be interested in your reasoning for your recommendation, eg. what are the important factors affecting quality of photos projected on a large screen, how much deterioration in image quality occurs when images in P2E have a much larger pixel dimension than the digital projector used for the presentation, etc.
  22. Yes, I did read it and ran the "fix", but the .bak.app files in the .bak.zip files did not open on the MBA. I wonder if I did something wrong. But, the program did run on the original .zip file and created a .bak.zip file. As luck would have it, the files I used to make the .PTE have been relocated. Is there an easy way to globally change the address of the files so I can just recompile to slideshow using V9? I responded in the Troubleshooting forum.
  23. I was unsuccessful in repairing three slideshows made with V8 using the above RepairMacPresentation.exe file. However, I was successful running a test slideshow on the MacBookAir. Not sure about the V number, but slideshows in question were created 9/20/16 and I probably updated shortly before that. So, it appears likely that the reason I can not execute the slideshow .app files on my MBA that I showed in 2016 is because of an incompability between P2E V8 files and the current macOS. I ran RepairMacPresentation.exe on the *.zip files and it made a *.bak.zip file. I moved the .bak.zip files to the MBA and unzipped them. Clicking on the new .app files cause a brief flash of a light green screen, as before, and then returned to the desktop. Have I applied the RepairMacPresentation.exe file correctly?
  24. MacBookAir (MBA). I was mistaken about the macOS number, it is 10.13.2, which I think is the latest. At least checking for updates did not reveal any newer versions of the macOS. The Publish option I used was "Excutable for Macs" F8. I don't recall trying to execute the slideshows apps on anything but the MBA. Shortly, I'm going to create a test slideshow using V9.14 to see if it will play on the MBA.
  25. I have slideshows created with V8 P2E that used to work on a MBA, but now only flash a light green screen and return to the finder when I click on the app. I wonder if there are any compability issues between V8 P2E and the latest iOS (11.2.1). Clicking on the desktop app icon back in Oct 2017 worked fine. Now no. Also, a thumb drive with the same slideshows that I used successfully back in Oct no longer works.
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