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Everything posted by frets3

  1. Hi, Morasoft, Thank you for your kind words. By the way, the closeup lichen was focus-stacked from seven shots with the freeware, "CombineZ". I think I understand your view of black zones. They can be, sometimes, inelegant. You always fill the frames in your excellent shows, perhaps because you have photographed such an enormous volcano :>) I look forward to your next show. David White (frets3)
  2. Lin, Lin, At first, I puzzled over the effect of non-linear speed criteria at specific keypoints, too. But after exploring the "setting up" option, the problem became non-ambiguous: the interval between two labeled keypoints is bracketted, so your selected speed option appleis to that entire bracketted interval. So, if you have three keypoints, you can have two intervals (each with its own speed option). So after my initial immobility, the above realization allowed me to get moving :>) Best wishes, David White (frets3)
  3. Stevie, A good program to accomplish your suggested tasks is "Audacity". It's easy to use, versatile, and FREE :>) David White (frets3)
  4. Lin, I hope I correctly understand your concern. I think the programmers provided a practical one-slide solution: Using the "setting up" feature, at the top of the speed-options menu, one can click the scissors to create break points. Between two break points, you may create a special speed effect that is confined to that particular segment. It becomes as though you were applying varios effects to different slides. Hope you're recovered from your PVD. I'm also experiencing it. Best wishes, David White (frets3)
  5. Stephane, Your exploding, glowing images stagger me. I'm overwhelmed! David White (frets3)
  6. Dear P2E family, I have a new slideshow on Beechbrook Cottage, Windmill Pond Flowers. It features closeup flower and lichen shots at our home in the California central-coastal foothills. The show was created with P2E Beta 10. Thanks to TheDom for permission to use one of his butterflies. http://beechbrook.com/pte/index.asp David White (frets3)
  7. Morasoft, I enjoyed viewing Volcano Teide Part 3 (winter). You are fortunate to live near such an awe-inspiring peak. The foreground palm fronds dramatically contrasted with the snow-shrouded volcano. I admire your animation skill. David White (frets3)
  8. Al, And let's not forget "The Seasonings" by Peter Schickle as P. D. Q. Bach. frets3
  9. Stéphane, The presentation is much like life itself: what we see with our personally limited range and perspective is analogous to the relationship of the highlighted areas to the complete photographs. I admire your work. frets3
  10. LumenLux, I just finished viewing "Feedin' the Beef & Breathin' the air." Maybe it was my imagination, but I really could smell those cows and feel the sting of frigid air in my nostrils. Best of all, though, it radiated a warm sense of contentment and satisfaction. Lookin' forward to more, frets3
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