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Barry Beckham

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Posts posted by Barry Beckham

  1. Kieron

    I’m not sure my old body could take those temperatures after being in the Queensland climate here for 15 years. It took me a year to gather the images for this sequence. I ran out of images to complete it during 2023 and had to find similar lighting and conditions to shoot some more.  I managed to do that last week. It’s the sort of subject that really needs to be fast and furious.

    Especially with the slow shutter speeds, which add a feeling of movement. Anyway, it’s kept me out of trouble for some hours.

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  2. I do still have a whole set of videos on the subject of adding commentary. They were recorded for PTE 8, but the principals are the same. Download them all below.


    The Videos are:

    1. Introduction

    2. The Script

    3. Writing the Script

    4. Microphones

    5. Recording and applying commentary

    6. Linking Audio Clips

    7. Linking Audio Clips (Review)

    8. Audacity

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  3. For me it has to be short commentary takes, because as you put the presentation together, you need the flexibility to slide the audio along the time line to match up with the visuals.  

    When recording short bits of commentary (a sentence or two), you’ll probably find that you’ll make less verbal mistakes. It’s also a lot easier to slot in a new bit of commentary when you realise you said something wrong, or you decide you can improve on what you originally recorded.  It happens all the time.

    The down side is when you have a need to use noise suppression in your audio. Now it has to be run on all the seperate audio clips, rather than one complete audio file.

    For creative freedom, it’s seperate short takes for me and I’ve made a few of these types of recordings.

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  4. Kieron

    On my first visit to a camera club in February 1974, I saw a twin projector AV show and felt right from then that this was the way to present images. That hasn’t changed for almost 50 years and you learn a few skills in that time. For me though the emphasis is always on the images. 

    Thank you for you kind words.

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  5. DG

    I’ve done that quite a bit over the years, gone back and looked again at what I took. After all, something must have appealed to be at the time. The new tools open that option up even wider.

    just found some old balloon images shot with an 11mp camera, but even if I say so myself, I have a few winners amongst these images. 


    Point taken, I just took the easy route there and to be honest it never occurred to me to record my message, but use different images. It was a bit of an after thought too. 

  6. I haven’t been very active on the forum lately, but I have been using PTE AV Studio 11 to prepare live demos on this software and PS.

    If I had one wish today that would be of most benefit to me, it would be a spell check facility. It’s been mentioned before, but I’d like to add my voice to another call.

    plus the ability to outline text.



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