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Posts posted by crossfade

  1. Can you confirm that a Windows partition (via Bootcamp) will run XP Pro and all other programs particularly Pictures To Exe.

    If I do go down the Mac route, I would be very grateful to have any advice and assistance that you can offer.

    You can run any version of Windows including XP using VMware or Parallels. This is much better since you can use Mac software at the same time. Its a pain to have to reboot all the time for Bootcamp. There is very little difference in speed.

  2. I'm saving for a new lens and knowing what a expensive disappointment it can be if you choose the wrong one. An alternative would be to try before you buy. The cost for a Nikon 70-200 2.8 lens for a 7 day hire is around £100 including collection & delivery, which for a £1500+ lens doesn't sound bad, has anyone tried this company? http://www.lensesforhire.co.uk/index.asp


    I haven't used that company in particular but a lot of companies rent lenses. Its a great way to get to use lenses you'd never have had otherwise. The only downside is it can get expensive if you keep renting the same lenses.

  3. I'm glad you've given your "permission" for others to try this product...

    It seems to me that Brian didn't "recommend it," but rather gave the Mac user's a "head's up" about the product.

    And I gave a heads up that it isnt anything special and there is free software that does the same thing. I mentioned one and tom95521 mentioned another. Why arent you going after him?

    Since you have "dismissed" it as "not having" the "bells and whistles" of course you can tell us your experience with it, can't you? Or are you simply dismissing it out of hand because you have a crystal ball and know all things "Mac?" It seems to me that you always have negative comments or attempt to "correct" anyone who says anything about a MacIntosh. Did someone appoint you as the resident "expert" in all things MacIntosh, or have you simply elevated yourself to that position?

    I don't know all things Mac nor am I the expert you think I am, but since I own a Mac, I know more than someone who doesn't own one. Others here on this forum have Macs and know a lot about them too, maybe even more so. I use a Mac and a PC and share my experiences with others and hope to learn from them from their experiences.

    It would seem to me to be polite and tell people just which "bells and whistles" this product doesn't have "if" you really "do" have experience with it, rather than answering a question with a question as you did.

    You should look in the mirror before you start telling anyone to be polite. Your post is very hostile and rude, as were your posts in the iPad thread.

    I think it's fine to offer help and advice when asked, but you seem to be a bit overly enthusiastic with your quick corrections which have not proven to be always correct at all.

    Which ones were not correct? Are you the resident expert on all things Mac? LOL

  4. And of course within the hour and a half since the Player was Posted you have downloaded it and

    given it a fair trial and offered your negative opinion as usual ~ without considering others who may

    wish to try it along with the other Mac-software on offer ??

    Did you try it before recommending it??

    If someone wants to try it, by all means go ahead.

    All I said was it doesnt offer the 'bells & whistles' you said it did.

  5. Purely by accident whilst doing some Web research I came across a 'New-Media Player'

    for Macs which seems to offer a lot of 'Bells & Whistles' and other Software for Macs.

    You may like to try it out so below are soma details and Link to its Home-Site.

    It doesnt offer anything that cant already be done with the builtin player or the open source VLC which plays just about everything.

  6. I compiled it in zipped Mac format so you can compare with what your machine makes....

    It works but no sound, just like Dom's.

    I am led to believe that under Parallels there is limited access to the graphics memory of the MacBook (motherboard and separate card). If this is the case then viewing a PC PTE sequence could be compromised. It may be acceptable for sequence construction but may may not be so for viewing a PC PTE sequence. Presumably a MAC PTE sequence will have access to the full graphics capability of the MAC.

    Perhaps you can confirm your understanding of this.

    Leading on from this I wonder whether using Bootcamp one has access to the full graphics?

    Parallels and Bootcamp have full access to the hardware.

  7. Firstly, your words.."PTE-Slideshows not working"..they do work...but not always with MAC's !!

    Secondly if I wish to help others with a 'Mac-Link' I shall do so without asking for your approval.

    Where did you get the idea you need approval?

    Finally...Stop fooling around with semantics and wasting Forum space ~ We can all play that Game.

    I suggested thedom upload a slideshow to try to help figure out what the problem actually is. If you think thats wasting space then i dont know what to tell you.

  8. Sorry, there is no such thing as a "MAC-PTE Slideshow" ~ it doesnt exist.

    We all know PTE are working on it but because of Software difficulties that

    release-date is somewhere in the future.

    PTE slideshows which run on Mac have existed for a while. I'm not talking about the entire PTE program.

    For those who are interested in Mac-problems perhaps the "MacWorld-Forums"

    may offer some help.(Link)


    How will that help with PTE slideshows not working?

  9. Apple-Mac Corporation have identified problems and have issued an "in-depth" Report which also contains

    very many Links to 'repair-procedures' applicable to the Lion-O/S and Parallels & Fusion 3/4 issues.

    Here it is:-


    That site is not from Apple and he isnt having problems with Windows on a Mac, he's having problems with Mac PTE shows running on a Mac.

    Dom, upload a show so other people can try it to see if it crashes.

  10. They are virtualization applications and I think the majority of users know these as emulators. I think to argue semantics serves no useful purpose in this case. As long as everyone understands that Bootcamp and Fusion allow an Intel-based MacIntosh to run Windows operating systems, that's sufficient for good communication. Even though the operating system is running in a virtualization mode, it doesn't necessarily mean that MacIntosh "hardware" will always work in the same way as Windows hardware works. Drivers and other factors may still cause issues with peripherals, and I believe that's what Brian is getting at.

    They dont cause issues. a mac with Bootcamp is windows hardware. I use Bootcamp and vmware and there is no difference between that and a real pc. Nothing is emulated and everything works. Thats how I run PTE, since i completely gave up on a Mac version.

  11. This German-Program is really excellent and in my opinion its far better than 'Nero' and extremely stable but it also executes one "critical-stage" not found in other Burner-Software. It imports your DVD-Media and then proceeds to 'Authorise-it' and if your DVD-format is correct then it will copy the Media to 'Memory-dump' and proceed onwards with the Burning. This creates the Video-TS and Audio-TS Folders to the DVD-ISO Standards. (If your format is not correct it will advise you of same).

    Home made dvds dont need authorisation. what does copy media to 'memory dump' even mean??

    Joy, whether you can emulate this with Fusion-4 ~ I simply dont know, but be advised that Igor has recommended

    the use of 'Bootcamp' for the cross-platform emulation.

    Bootcamp and fusion is not emulation.

    P.S. The DVD-ISO Standard which I mentioned has nothing to do with an "ISO-Disc Image" the standard I mentioned is the "MPeg-11 DVD-International ISO-Standard"

    mpeg 11 ???

    dvds are mpeg 2.

  12. I've got SP3 installed and it is running just fine ... everything except PTE.

    What version of VirtualBox do you have? You need at least 3.0. These links should help:



    Did you mean to say that running *PTE* on a Mac with VirtualBox doesn't work, or Windows XP? Like I said, XP SP3 actually runs great on my 2011 iMac.

    Sure does. I use Vmware but I know people who use VirtualBox without a problem. PTE works great.

  13. ]Windows XP came in 4 variants:- XP-Basic, then XPSp1, and XPSp2, and finally XPSp3. XPSp2 is still supported by Microsoft and can be upgraded to XPSp3 provided you have all the Microsoft 'Critical-Updates' installed first. These are also available but you must have an 'original' Installation-Disc with its Reg-Code.

    Nope. XP came in two main versions, Home and Professional. There was also a 64 bit and a Media Center version but not that many people used either one. The service packs are free updates and SP3 is the only one that is currently supported.

    There are issues running XP on a MAC with Virtual-Box ~ essentially it doesn't work !!

    Wrong, it works fine.

    However "How-to-Geeks" have come up with 2 solutions to fix this isssue and below is a Link to this procedure which may help you. Other suggestions also feature on the Site. N.B. Its important that you read the User-Notes at the bottom of the Instructions.

    Like before, it doesnt need fixing since it isnt broken and that link is about XP Mode in Win7.

  14. Thanks. I have done what Crossfade suggested and have been able to get music to play on Pictures to Exe. Does that mean I hold two copies of the track in the library, or could I delete the aac version?

    you have two copies, one aac and one mp3.

    You should keep the original aac files, since converting will be lower quality (although you may not hear a difference). I'd remove the mp3 files from iTunes though and keep them with PTE and leave the originals in iTunes. HOw big are they? a few songs won't be that much extra space.

    And should I just make everything mp3 in the first place? Why change back to aac after converting?

    Aac is better quality so unless you want all your music for PTE might as well keep the better quality. It only matters for music you import from Cd's.

    Another problem, since I downloaded iTunes to Windows (not sure if I needed to do that now), I can't open iTunes on the Mac - says it can't read the library because it was created by a newer version of iTunes. Bit out of my depth here!

    are both versions of iTunes the same? a new version of iTunes came out today so maybe you picked up the newer version on Windows but not on Mac yet. It always makes a backup copy of your library file in the music folder so you can switch back to an older version if you want to do that instead.

  15. I have a Mac with VM Fusion and have recently installed Pictures to Exe for Windows. All my music files are stored in iTunes on my Mac. It's a shared folder on vmware-host but I can't get the music to play in Pictures to Exe. I have downloaded Quicktime for Windows and iTunes on the Windows platform in an attempt to convert to an appropriate format. I can play the music from the iTunes folder from within Windows, but I still can't get it to play in Pictures to Exe. Any other suggestions about what I should do?

    what format is the music?

    You will need to convert your iTunes to mp3 - here's a free converter:

    Not necessarily. He didnt say what format its in. If its mp3, it won't need any conversion and its a different problem. if not, then itunes can convert to mp3 or wav.


    There are numerous converters which are low cost but not "free." You could also do a web search for other freeware to do this.

    That link is about copy protected music which Apple hasn't sold for a few years and if it does need to be converted iTunes can do it. No need to use anything, free or not.

  16. I suppose I may as well add the last part.

    Here is the full Good Housekeeping show that originally was made with Camtasia, that would not play on Macs.

    This version is identical, but the sound created in Camtasia has been re-saved through Audacity as suggested.


    That plays fine, but I totally disagree with your system. Lightroom is much easier than what you describe and uses less space too.

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