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Posts posted by crossfade

  1. Igor has not abandoned work on a native Mac version - it is just taking much longer than originally anticipated. Once all the video, audio and other new features are implemented successfully, work will continue on the Mac version. As Stu points out in his link, it may be a year or two until it's finished, but it has "not" been abandoned...

    he said it's on hold, so abandoned temporarily. I had high hopes for a Mac version when PTE started outputing Mac shows a couple of years ago, but now its going to be a couple more years. What if in the meantime, they decide its not worth it to finish it?

    the current version works great in vmware. Why even bother with a mac version. Spend the time making the PC version better.

    In order to proceed smoothly, it's necessary to code in a language which can be used by "both" Windows and Apple OS. This will take time because some of the common languages such as C++ are incredibly kludge in terms of overhead, etc. They tend to greatly slow down things, and I'm certain that the developers of PTE want something "much" more concise and with much tighter code.

    My software developer housemate thinks that is incredibly funny.

  2. I am creating a multi slideshow CD which must have a mac and Windows version. There is a menu on the CD where the slide shows use the "Run slideshow with return.." property. Thus the window under this says eg. "Myslideshow.exe" for the mac version should this read "Myslideshow.app" or something different. My knowlege of macs is very limited, so any help would be much appreciated.

    Mac uses .app for the file name but switching to another slide show on a Mac is very iffy. Sometimes it works, sometimes it crashes. Good luck.

  3. I agree with Barry ~ I would like to see a WMV or AVI Utility in the Pte Program for the following reasons:-

    1) It offer's an immediate "Work-Around" for all Mac-Users as Pte have dropped the Mac-Program for the time being.

    Macs can play the movie formats PTE makes so what workaround do you mean?

    Personal Note:

    Apple-Computers are a small part of Apple-Mac Inc. and one can not ignore the explosion of 'Telecom-Entertainment' as is evident everywhere with iPod, Blueberry, Smartfones, Androids, HD-Phones and 4"(inch) Screens are common. Leading this revolution is Apple. Its the reason why youngsters and elders need a WMV or AVI utility in Pte simply to put their creations on a phone to show their family and friends.....they cant bring the PC with them !!

    PTE already makes movies for those, and it's Blackberry not Blueberry.

  4. Mp4. I don't know how robust that is as a cross platform video and with WMV, why fix what ain't broke?

    MP4 is very cross platform because its a standard and will play on nearly anything, like MP3 audio, including phones and tablets.

    WMV requires extra software for anything other than Windows (Mac and Linux), making it not really cross platform.

    I don't even know if it is a solution for Mac users yet

    It is, and for other systems too.

  5. Crossfade wrote:

    Flash isn't universal on all computers and offers no benefit over a normal movie file, but if you want Flash, why not suggest that PTE output it directly?

    You surprise me as Flash is used by virtually every Commercial-vendor in the World such as BMW, Mercedes-Benz, GE, General-Motors and so on. And you might like to know that Flash is used by many Forum-members for commercial purposes in presentations & promoting their Web-Sites.

    Flash is used by a lot of people, but to say its on every computer is wrong. Some users intentionally block it or remove it entirely: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/flashblock/ and many sites are dropping Flash. http://www.tomsguide.com/us/HTML5-YouTube-Vimeo-Adobe-Flash,news-5623.html

    You also wrote:

    Macs can play WMV movies without needing to be converted. All it takes is installing a free plugin from Microsoft. They can play AVI too, usually without anything extra (depends on the avi).

    Thats quite true but then you are not considering the "other guy" ~ in particular the vast majority of Pte-users who wouldn't know where to get the 'plug-in' and if they had it they wouldn't know how to install it nor where.

    The vast majority of PTE users don't have Macs so they dont need the plugin. People who do have Macs probably have it installed already, but if they dont, Google wmv mac: http://www.google.com/#q=wmv+mac and the very first hit is the Microsoft plugin. Installing it is easy, just run the installer.

    Unlike yourself I had already considered that and its the reason why I suggested the (bespoke) WMV-to-Mac Converter but that in itself would need a compatible AVI-WMV utility created in Pte in the 1st instance.

    like i said, theres no need to convert anything. Macs can play avi and wmv movies.

  6. It's actually how most people are with computers. Your first word processor is always your favorite, no matter how ancient.

    Very true. People like what they're used to. They don't want to change. They get stuck in their ways, sometimes forever, even when something much better comes along. Too bad for them, because change is good.

    Whatever makes you happy is what you should use.


    The real problem here is with the PTE-to-AVI for Video Builder and the converter to Mac Computers. Appreciating that Igor is suspending any further work on the Mac-Project may I suggest to Igor to make a small alteration in the PTE-Program so that Pte can make available a WMV-File so this can be downloaded and converted to 'Flash' which is universal on all Computers.

    Flash isn't universal on all computers and offers no benefit over a normal movie file, but if you want Flash, why not suggest that PTE output it directly?

    There is even a better solution which would be of great advantage to WnSoft in that a WMV-File can be directly converted to Mac by means of the program shown below. For those making Tutorials this would be very useful for both the maker and the Mac-User.

    Macs can play WMV movies without needing to be converted. All it takes is installing a free plugin from Microsoft. They can play AVI too, usually without anything extra (depends on the avi).

    Someone also told me a few years ago about ISquint.


    I guess they forgot to tell you its dead and has been for a while. You might want to update your page too.

  7. Well, why do you think I posted in the first place? To try an ascertain if this is a rogue Mac or I need to do something else for Mac users. If I can't find a solution, but the Mp4 seems to be a good one from where I am now, I may have to go back to what I have done in the past and create for PC only, but then the mac users whinge at me for not supplying mac users. What I am not going to do is spend $2000 dollars to earn $500

    Where did you come up with $2000?? the cheapest new mac is 899 au$ and you dont need a new mac for testing. a used one is more than fine, so it would probably be half that, maybe even less. You can use it as a spare Windows machine too.

  8. As I see it, there are the techno buffs who seem to know all there is to know about everything, but rarely produce any photography or slide shows worth looking at. I spend hours putting these disks together and they have been very well recieved for some years now.

    I've downloaded a couple of your shows and I can see you put a lot of work into them. Thats not the issue.

    I stayed away from Macs, for the reasons stated and if I have to, I would rather pull the plug on the mac users and stay with the PC. The last thing I am going to do is spend any more hours than I already do to cope with one person in a hundred who might have a steam driven mac.

    The problem isn't a steam driven mac playing big movies (it was gas driven in the last post, what happened?), its executables crashing or not playing properly on current Intel Macs.

    Didn't you have a problem a while back where the sound was garbled on a Mac (I think it was you)? Thats what Im talking about.

    All I wanted from my post was reassurance that what was reported was an isolated case.

    That particular case is, but it would be the same if he had an old PC too. How well do your shows run on a Pentium III? I have a Pentium IV computer collecting dust because its too old for Vista & Win7. Im sure if i tried playing a PTE show, it would be pretty bad.

    WMV or QuickTime movies should play fine. The problem is PTE executables crash sometimes. If you dont have a Mac, how do you know the executable works?

    Explain the logic to me where I spend more than I make to buy a Mac to make sure Mac users are happy, and do I buy two macs and old one and a new one.

    explain the logic to me where you offer a Mac executable, but you dont know if it plays properly or crashes. Do you test the shows on different versions of Windows? Ive downloaded a couple of mac shows that have crashed. They were free downloads so I didnt really care but if I paid for them, Id be pissed and wanting a refund.

    The most recent news from Igor though isn't too promising for we Mac users

    Which recent news are you referring to


    Its 1-2 years away. I'm not surprised, its obvious they aren't spending much time on it. Run the current version in vmware.

  9. Are you really selling stuff you have not tested??

    No, not really, every WMP video and PTE slide show is watched from end to end to checked for accuracy. The links to these videos and PTE exe files from the interactive menus are also checked. When I create a WMP video/ I also create a Quicktime video too. I check that the quicktime Video opens OK, but I don't watch the same video again and accept that it is identical to the WMP video.

    I do the same with the PTE slide show sections. If the Windows PC version works to my satisfaction and I often test them on an older machine running 1024*768, I create a mac pte file

    WMV or QuickTime movies should play fine. The problem is PTE executables crash sometimes. If you dont have a Mac, how do you know the executable works?

    buy a low end used one.

    No, I don't want to do that, there is still a cost and as Brian says, what do I do get a G4, or a later model. There are no interactive menus with my mac stuff, just a numbered list of files. I suppose I have been suckered in by all those pompous Mac users who delight in telling me, Macs just work. Well, that doesn't appear to be the case all the time.

    dont get a G4. its more than 5 years old and not Intel and wont run any PTE shows. A used Intel Mac is not that much.

    its a 1920*1200 mp4 movie?

    NO, I sort of expected that, so I made the Mp4 1024*640, that retains the 16:10 format and the quality is really rather good. One of the biggest I have so far is 115MB and that isn't big as a video by any standard. I am sure a Mac can play that OK

    it can, but a 5 year old computer might stutter a little, mac or PC, even 1024x640, and especially if its more than 5 years old (the 1st G4 was over 10 years ago).

    its not recent and my guess is not too many people still have Macs that old which is why nobody else has the problem.

    That is what I was hoping, but if not I wasnted to be prepared with a solution. I would rather put the PTE slide shows on the disk, but the obvious way round that is to put both. That way if some ancient gas driven Mac cannot play the PTE file, hopefully they can play the Mp4.

    If theres space on the DVD, put it in different sizes, so gas driven PCs can play it too.

  10. I pride myself on providing a faultless disk, but with Macs I have no way to test them.

    buy a low end used one. Are you really selling stuff you have not tested??

    I thought we had the exe file for macs sorted now and I cannot tell if the issue is with PTE or the guys Mac who emailed me.

    He said that the slide shows are all really quite jumpy on his G4 Mac and I am trying to find out exactly what he means by that. These are PTE slide slide shows used as tutorials, they contain no animation, just standard simple shows made at 1920*1200. As you know, a PTE exe file for PC has no trouble with files like these, never has.

    its a 1920*1200 mp4 movie? The last G4 was sold in 2006 or so, when Intel Macs came out, and that size movie is not going to play well on a 5 year old computer (maybe even older). How well does that mp4 play on a 5 year old PC?

    In a way I posted to see if other Mac users came forward to confirm what the contact said. None have yet, which is what I expected. Not knowing anything about Macs whatsoever, I assume a G4 is a recent and powerful machine.

    its not recent and my guess is not too many people still have Macs that old which is why nobody else has the problem.

  11. I find myself using PTE for my tutorial parts of my disks more and more these days, but I still get the odd mac user tell me the slide shows made for a Mac do not work. Not owning a Mac I cannot check this and I am thinking of supplying Mp4 videos on my disk rather than the PTE slide show for a Mac

    Can Mac users just confirm that a PTE slide show converted to an Mp4 will play on any apple Mac computer?

    mp4 videos will play on any Mac, except older Macs might be too slow to keep up if its big, like an older PC. The executable shows need Intel Macs, but somtimes they crash.

  12. I know that when Igor was over in the UK inSeptember last year he stated that the Mac version of PTE was a major undertaking but the last date mentioned for this was in March 2010 when it was stated that it was hoped that beta testing would start before the end of the year. As one of many people I know who are currently changing to Mac's it would be nice to know if there is a timetable for the Mac version. I can then plan how long I keep a Windows PC or plan for installing a windows partition on the Mac.

    It is not a case of "are we there yet as" suggested on this forum somewhere but looking at what I should or should not be buying in the next year or two

    You should buy VMWare and run PTE in Windows. Its obvious the Mac version is not a priority and it doesn't look like like it will be released any time soon plus he said it wouldn't have all the features the current version has anyway.

  13. Hello dear friends here at WnSoft. With the absence of info about the progress of a Mac Version of WnSoft I was wondering if any of my fellow Mac users have decided to run WnSoft with Boot Camp on their Mac and if so how well it works. How well does WnSoft run on Windows 7 Pro 64bit? Thanks Bill

    I run it in VMWare with XP. Bootcamp might be a little faster but you would need to reboot. It will run just as well as it would on a regular PC.

  14. I have no idea what an iPod touch is, but you have answered my question. I have never looked at the iPad in any detail, just assumed is was a small mac.

    an iPod touch is an iPhone without the phone and it can play PTE movies. Also worth mentioning is that you need to make PTE movies for Android tablets and phones too.

  15. No-one seems to be mentioning the Mac version of a PTE slide show.

    Am I right in thinking that a slide show made for a Mac, cannot be played on an iPad. It must be converted to video first???

    yep, the iPad is not a Mac, doesn't have an Intel processor and doesn't run MacOSX. its a big iPod touch.

  16. Can I assume that all the wonderful PTE pan/zoom etc. effects work just fine?

    In more detail, I'm interested in creating movies that the user can either control with forward/backward keys, or they can opt to just let the slideshow play automatically. Also, I'm assuming that typical Apple touch-screen "gestures" for zooming and sliding an image will work in conjunction with the controls that PTE enables?

    The effects work fine, but its still just a movie. You don't have PTE controls. Like other movies, the user can play, pause, fast forward or rewind. Movies don't zoom, other than choice of letterboxing or not.

  17. Hi everyone,

    I have a set of slideshows that I want to enable to play on both the iPad and iPhone.

    Trick is - I don't <yet> own a Mac; everything's PC based. But I have complete access to Mac systems (iMacs, iPads, iPhones, etc.)

    You don't need a Mac, the iPad works with Windows too. All you need to do for PTE is create a movie and then sync that to the iPad as you would any other movie.

  18. Hi folks,

    I've read that Parallels nowadays is capable of coping with the graphical demands of applications like PtE v.6.5.

    I'm using Bootcamp with XP for Pte now, so I hope somebody can answer some questions:

    1. Are the graphical capacities of Parallels indeed better than say, 2 years ago?

    I use VMware and it improved, so Parallels is probably better too. Unless your slide shows are extremely demanding, its not a problem at all.

    2. Can I use Parallels with XP, and Bootcamp with XP, on the same Mac , being the same startup-disk?


    3. In that case, is there an obligation to have 2 licences for XP?

    no, but i've heard mixed results.

  19. I am just about in the same position. My Mac arrives next week. I will be contacting Adobe to transfer my CS5 Windows license to a Mac license and I guess the fun will begin then.

    no charge, other than the cost for shipping of the discs.

    The guy at the shop tells me files must be stored in a certain way so as to be accessible on both Windows ans Mac platforms so I will need to get this sorted out pretty quicky.

    they don't. All you need to do is put the files on a shared drive.

    Crossfade. - I did in the past wonder if Lightroom would have been an all in one solution but that now would be I suspect a duplication of my investment for presumably few additional benefits - unless you can convince me to the contrary!

    what duplication? If you already have Lightroom for Windows, you can legally run a second copy on a Mac. Unlike Photoshop, you can mix systems. If you don't have Lightroom, you only need to buy one copy.

  20. I am about to start transferring files (images and music) over to the Mac but am uncertain what file management system I should use. I have played with Adobe Bridge when I used CS and more recently Organizer now that I use PSE9. I find the W7 “Libraries” set up just as confusing so as often as not return to simple Windows Explorer. I suspect that I am guilty of not persevering with Organizer and may well adopt that method. However I know nothing about Mac options so thought I should ask if anybody has any experiences or opinions they would like to pass on.

    I use Adobe Lightroom. It runs on both Mac and PC.

  21. Will you please "STOP" extracting my Text from my Posts and adding your comments to that, in answer to the Topic-Starter Member.

    I didn't extract anything. I was replying to you because what you said was no guarantee of recovering anything and possibly a waste of time depending on how badly the drive failed. In some cases, even specialized drive recovery companies can't recover data. You don't just plug it into something and magically get the data back.

    I also mentioned backups, because if the person isn't making regular backups, then let this be a lesson to do so in the future. Its very easy to recover data if you have a full backup sitting on a shelf next to you. Drives WILL fail. It's not a question of if, but when.

    If you have something to say to the 'Topic-Starter' ~please do so directly in your own words ~ in your own Text-Message.

    Exactly what I did.

  22. If you remove the defective Hard-Drive from your PC and bring it to any good

    Computer-Shop they have a small Module which connects to your HD and within

    a few seconds this will display your HD-Data on a PC-Monitor.

    That depends how badly the drive failed. Sometimes its not possible to get anything off a drive, and its also not that hard to run a recovery tool either, which is all most shops would do.

    They can download your Personal-Files including the PTE-Program and the your

    Pte-Key by simply making a general-search for "Keys" and pick the Pte.Key.

    Bring a USB Memory-Pen/Stik with you and they will upload the data to that.

    All of that data should be on a backup drive and can be restored for no cost (other than a new drive).

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