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Everything posted by e.b.west

  1. Thanks a lot for the link. That's exactly what I've been looking for for my wife to email pictures with out going through resizing before sending.
  2. e.b.west

    forum AV

    Were mine not acceptable? They're not on the review page.
  3. e.b.west

    forum AV

    My three submissions are not on the "review" page, I was going to ask if they didn't meet the requirements, but I wonder if all the shots haven't been put up yet. Since this is all a volunteer effort, he may not have had time to get all the submissions on the page.
  4. e.b.west

    forum AV

    I usually just lurk but I sent some shots in, I think I have the size,etc right, will someone let me know if I got it right? Hope you can use them. E.B. West
  5. Well. I did a search, I know I should have done that first, and found that if the "Transition to desktop" is checked, it won't repeat. All is well.
  6. I'm trying to get a show to continually loop. I checked "Repeat show until esc pressed", but it still ends after the last slide. Any idea what I'm doing wrong? Thanks, E.B.
  7. OK, thanks. I see what you mean now. I works great.
  8. Thanks Ron, however, I have to admit, I don't know what in situ means. It's all Greek to me.
  9. Great minds think alike, after I sent that I tried what you suggested and it worked fine. Thanks
  10. How do I get the final slide of a show to fade to black? I tried "customize slide" but that didn't make it fade at the end, it just went off. Thanks
  11. Thanks, interesting site. I'll check it out.
  12. Thanks Jean-Claude, I'll check it out. It may be a little too pricey for me though, I'm just looking for something to play with.
  13. I was looking at Microsoft's Photo Story 3 and saw that within the program there is a simple music generator. Is there anywhere that one can find something like that either free or low cost?
  14. Amazing, I just logged on to ask if there was any pan effect in the works and before I could ask I read this. Thanks, I'm not a power user like a lot of you talented people but I do like to play with this program.
  15. If you REALLY want to hear all the different sides of those cameras, go to www.dpreview.com and look at the forums on each individual camera. About once a week someone ask the same question on each (Sony, Minolta,Nikon) forum and it usually starts a lively discussion. If you wade through the bias by the owners, you can find some very objective answers to the question. In the end though, it comes down to what camera has the features that fit your needs. All of them are good. E.B.
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