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  1. I have been trying to create a DVD consisting of 11 separate AVI files all rendered from the same video editing package within minutes of each other. All AVI files play fine on anything I can find to play them in however when I load them up into Video Builder just two of the AVI's don't display. On the Menu Building page (see attached) or on any other Video Builder Screen It seems like this is a bug. When I try to select a frame to show on the thumbnail of the two affected files I get nothing but the blank grey image you can see in the attached image. It just seems weird that it happens on only two of the AVI's yet these AVI's play fine on anything other than Video Builder? Anybody experienced this?
  2. When attempting to convert a pte to a dvd the pc crashes just at the end of MPEG stage.This is on a 750 Mb file (53 mins)- where no pics appear in the frame during the conversion!. On small files pics appear in the frame but again the pc seems to crash as the files get bigger.Is this a bug, if not please can you guide me to instructions for idiots on how to use this feature. Evans manual does not cover this stage. I'm currently using PicturesToExe 5.1 new DVD
  3. I am using PTE 5.11 Deluxe without Video Builder. Before I pay $20 to upgrade to PTE with Video Builder I would like to look at a Video Builder trial version first. I can't seem to find a trial download for the Video Builder module only. Can someone please explain? Thanks - have a great week!
  4. hi i have bought the videobuilder and everything was going well it said finished burning succesfully on a dvd but when i put it back in my computer to playback is said blank cd raw format what am i doing wrong? i couldnt play it back on wmp11 or quicktime etc i tried playing back on a dvd player it didnt see the dvd at all i have windows xp pro (pc)
  5. In case anyone hasn't heard this already, Toshiba today announced they will drop the HD-DVD format. Blu-ray is the winner (for now) of the HD format war. This is probably why Igor today posted: "We will support Blu-Ray and AVCHD in next versions. I think - in 5.3."
  6. More and more people upload their video files to internet sites, and problem of video protection from unauthorized usage becomes more and more important. The most effective way is to apply watermarks – for example text with site’s address or graphical logotype. Even if someone uses such video content, it will only advertise the author. However, it is very simple to cut out logotypes of such type using any program for video editing. Cut off part of video giving up small part of a frame - and your video will lose any protection! Or if watermark is displayed only at the beginning, – simply to cut out video scene with watermark… Of course, watermark could be applied in a way that it couldn’t be cut out, but at that image will suffer as will contain one big watermark. Solution I’m offering here is very simple. You need to create watermarks which would appear in different places, be shown during some period of time and faded, appear again but in other places (or the same) and so on several times while playing video. Evidently, for one thing, it’s difficult to cut off such watermark (especially if it appears in different places), to cut out the scene if there’re several ones, and the main thing - every such watermark needs individual processing - it will tire anyone! And how to make several watermarks that would appear and fade randomly. I can suggest to use Watermark Master program. Using its wizard it’s simple to implement that. In a nutshell, run Watermark Master (Google), following wizard instructions – select text watermark, click Next until you get Watermark Timeline Settings, set time for watermark displaying, 10 seconds, for example; using Advanced button, select “Display repeatedly” option - set time for pause between watermarks displaying and that’s all! However wizard will create only one watermark, if you need more – go back to main application and Copy-Paste required number times, for every new watermark, mix Timeline – and that’s all. Hope, it will help someone, if you have any questions, write and I’ll answer more fully.
  7. Folks, Does anyone out there have a simple step by step guide I can follow to allow me to burn a DVD of my PTE slide presentations using Ulead DVD Movie Factory 4? I have tried unsuccessfully on numerous occasions and find the process very frustrating. I have encountered a number of problem, not least of which is that when Ulead tries to find the PTE file, nothing shows up? Can anyone out there help? I look forward to hearing from you. Ryt
  8. When creating a DVD it gets to 99% and then I get a C runtime error and Videobuilder says the 'operation failed' in the log. Any ideas why?
  9. After my last post i downloaded PTR user guide as recommened by Peter. i started to experiment now when i go to copy at the end I received a fault with iso & the DVD is blank. What have i done wrong, i spent all day playing around to correct my mistake I deleted all my project's. it is a mess.
  10. Hi Could you tell me what aspect ratio I should be using for a dvd. Found under Project Options Screen. should it be 16.9. My monitor resolution is 1680 x 1050. Television size 66cms x 38cm Jean
  11. I've now run into another problem. With all the help here I have successfully burned a DVD using the burn DVD command. The problem is that it freezes while running. I have tried it on 4 computers and wioth 3 or 4 differant presentation programs. Always the same result it freezes on the same image and neither the program nor the computer will run. I need to push the start button and hold to clear everything. Is it as simple as the image is corrupted or some other issue? The presentation is about 276 images at 1.2GB and it freezes on image 87. Thanks again for all help on this forum. Terry
  12. Bought PTE 5.0 on October 26, 2007 and downloaded 5.1 a few weeks ago. When I opened up 5.1 a box popped up asking if I wanted to transfer the settings and I clicked OK. 5.0 is installed in Program Files on the C drive and 5.1 is installed in a different folder called Other Programs on the C drive. Made a short 23 slideshow with music for test runs. I have been reducing the writing speed on 16x DVD-R disc to reduce the jerks in the pan and zoom. 8x was better in 5.0, so I thought I would try 4x in 5.1 - music played but no pictures showed in Win Media Player for both what I burned on disc and the .mpg that was created. Thinking it might be Win Media Player or the write speed, I burned the same in PTE 5.0 at 4x. Both music and pictures played in Win Media Player, and the jerkiness was reduced to nearly nothing. This worked for both what was burned on disc as the video and the .mpg file. In Windows Explorer (XP Home) I checked file sizes and they were the same for the files and DVD video disc burned in both 5.0 and 5.1. I also checked the version for Video Builder - for 5.0 and for 5.1. Music but no pictures with 5.1. What did I do wrong?
  13. b]Bonjour à tous, J'ai acheté PTE de luxe, afin de pouvoir graver mes montages. Hélas je me trouve devant un problème suivant: sur mon lecteur de salon il ne se lance pas automatiquement, je suis obligé de faire une manupilation. Soit je fais une fausse maneuvre, soit il y a un problème. J'ai téléchargé la version 5.1 beta 8, et là je suis rejeté. Est-ce que quelqu'un aurait déjà utiliser la Video sur PTE? Merci d'avance Bernard13
  14. Slowly getting the hang of the program and now at the all important last step of burning a DVD. The project is large-250 JPEG images@1.23GB. I go file-burndvd-new screen opens- click on project and then add-next-tried at both 1.4 and 4.7-start......then the problem occurs Most times I get a box "disc is not inserted" sometimes it starts and then I get message. The disc is in the correct drive and I have put it in both before and after starting program with same results. The disc is a new TDK dvd+rw 1-4x. Any help appreciate especially since I have a presentation next week. I hate the thought of bringing my desktop and running it from the preview tab.
  15. Am I missing something when creating an AVI. For the first time I want to create an AVI video file that I can copy to my laptop and not burn to disk The 5.0 manual states on page 75 "When the AVI file is completed, the following pop-up will offer a choice of running the file or not". All I get is instruction on burning to disk - I have not selected any disc at the first stage, just "Create custom AVI video file is selected".
  16. I have produced a show with a menu and three parts. It all works perfectly as a PC production. DVD is a different proposition and I have not been able to figure out a way to get the menu working properly so would appreciate some guidance. It took me two attempts to get the burn to work. The first at 8 times speed on a DVD-R failed, the second at 6 times DVD+R was fine. Played via a Panasonic DVD player that is part of a "Freeview Box" that has a hard drive and DVD recorder/player (for recording TV) the picture quality is fine. It is however very difficult to get the menu working properly. The menu has 4 items on 2 pages. I cannot see any way of flipping between the pages. The only way to get to the second page is by pressing the number buttons for 3 or 4 - not very elegant. The < and > keys do not seem to have any effect. The controller does not have a MENU button and although the show returns to the menu if the STOP button is pressed it will not return to the menu after a section of the show has been completed. There does not seem to be any way to operate the Navigation buttons when viewing the DVD Menu screen. Do I need to programme these in some way? (The ones for the Navigation Bar in the PC version I have programmed and they work perfectly.) Commercial DVDs work perfectly on this machine. I also played the DVD on a cheap stand alone DVD player connected to a different TV. The remote for this DVD player does have a menu button and the DVD returned happily to the menu when this button was pressed. The page function on the menu screen still did not work. As a separate issue I noted that the colour on the second DVD/TV combination was all washed out. I would expect some variation but not as big a difference as this showed. Is a wide variation in colour something that is expected?
  17. I have recently upgraded my PTE to PTE Deluxe so that I could use Burn DVD-Video Disk. I have been experimenting and have encountered a problem with the menu I created. It is to do with the frame I am using on the menu. My first slide is a completely black slide not very suitable for the menu. I decided to use my Title Slide but find that when I play the DVD the frame selected keeps changing on the menu as though in a small loop of the actual presentation. Is it something to do with the fact that the slide I have selected is subject to Objects and Animation? I chose a time frame after the the animation was complete but the menu appears to show the remainder of this slide then the next slide, before returning to the title slide again. Am I missing something? Tony Falla
  18. Hi I understand extension exe is for playing on any computer. pte is DVD file Now I saved my presentation at the end of burning and I had a file extension ptv making 3 folders in all What can ptv be used for please Jean
  19. I burned a short 23 (no menus) slide DVD video to disc, opened it in Win Media Player and it ran okay. But instead of displaying the title and author, Win Media Player only showed "Unknown DVD" on their screen on the right side. Is there a script or command that could be written in Notepad to make Media Player show the title and author? Something that could be added before burning?
  20. I have the slideshow down to a T on my timing of the music, ect. But when I burn it, the music is completel off. What am I doing wrong?
  21. I have just created a AV using PTE v 5.1 . The AV, with quite long panoramas (4000*768px), runs very well on my computer. However when I create a DVD and play it back on my TV the panoramas are automatically resized so that the whole image appears on the screen at very much reduced height. All the other images (1024*768px) appear normally. (I accept the black edges down the sides). I have checked with the "TV safe zone" marker and all the images fit height wise into this, including the panoramas. What am I doing wrong ? Norrie.
  22. Hello, I've just recovered from a terrible computer crash and am just now getting caught up to where I was before. I last used PTE even before 5.1 was released and now I hear there is going to be a 5.2! I don't have the Video Builder and notice it is only free for 2 years. Is there going to be any new features for the Video Builder in 5.2? If so I think I'll wait until then as I don't need to burn Dvds right away. Thanks in advance for any advice! -Jon
  23. I am contemplating creating High Definition DVD slideshows. Is P2Exe VideoBuilder capable of doing this - and if so do I build the slideshow for a screen size of 1930 x 1080 ppi ...... and yes, I am aware I will need both a BluRay and HD DVD writer for me to do this. However, would it be possible to write small (say 20 mins) of HD content to an ordinary DVD and have it play back as HD ???
  24. I just burned 10 DVD's (using Sonic after creating a master dvd) and all of these will not play on the dvd. I get this message on the TV screan, "Playing this disk prohibited by area limits". Any ideas?
  25. I have used 5.1 to build two shows each of about 50 slides with music. Two tests of content etc burnt OK to DVD RW but the final burn to DVD is a disaster! It took 16 minutes to multiplex and get to completion of 99% of burn, then another 1 hour 15 minutes to complete that final 1%, apparently sucessfully - except that the disk is not recognised by PC or DVD player. I seem to recall a forum comment on disks being removed at 99% mark and working. Should I have done this? I have used the make of disk before with no problems. Needless to say these shows are (were?) for grandchildren at Christmas so any early response will be appreciated. Freddy.
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