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Text Font Size


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Please can you arrange for the user to be able to select a font size when adding text to a slide (like every other word processing and text editing software does). This would make it a lot easier to ensure that text on different slides is all the same font size.

Also, it would be nice to be able to edit text directly on the slide (by clicking inside the text frame) instead of having to go to the separate box to enter or edit text.

Thank you.

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The existing text feature allows the user to set the text to any size - not constrained by fixed font sizes. It is a much more flexible option; one that even allows the size of the text to be changed in real-time. To ensure that all text is of the same font and size across all images simply set up the first one as you want it and then copy and paste the text object on to the next slide - and change the words of the text.

I agree that direct, on-screen editing would be a nice touch. I do find myself sometimes trying to edit directly into the onscreen text item - a la Photoshop.



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Thanks for you comments. I know you can adjust the text size by dragging the box handles, and also that you can copy and paste text objects from other slides, which gives a lot of flexibility. But I was just trying to make the point that it would be more intuitive to also have a text font size drop-down list when adding or editing text objects, so that it is more in line with apps like Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Corel VideoStudio and other video/slideshow programmes. Then, whenever you want to add text to new slide, you wouldn't have to go back to an earlier one where you had text, to copy and paste it, if you wanted the same font size.



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I wonder how the Font Size as you percieve it would react to your show being viewed on a monitor which is of a different size to the monitor it was created on?

The way it is at the moment the font size relative to the other objects in the slide can be kept constant.

If the font is kept at a fixed size as in Word etc then when the show is viewed on a different (higher or lower resolution) monitor the relationship would be destroyed?


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Hi DaveG,

Not quite sure what you mean by the font size relative to other objects. Once you've chosen a suitable font size, that's it - it stays the same relative to the size of the overall slide frame. So, if you viewed it at 200% magnification, the text size would double as would the size of the other objects in the frame. This is exactly what happens when you increase the zoom in, say, MS/Word - the text displays bigger on the screen the more you zoom in (i.e. the displayed text size for a given font size always stays the same relative to the size of the document that contains it, irrespective of zoom or resolution).


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Selecting a Font Size would not really solve the issue.

Then, whenever you want to add text to new slide, you wouldn't have to go back to an earlier one where you had text, to copy and paste it, if you wanted the same font size.

What is needed to exactly duplicate existing Text from slide to slide ... is the addition of the Zoom factor values to be saved in combination with the existing text values that are saved.

Currently saved text values








If the Zoom factor values were also saved ... you would always have the size exactly duplicated slide to slide.

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Displaying a PTE show on a different (higher or lower resolution) monitor is not the same thing as Zooming in or out.

If the font size is FIXED then it would be the same size whatever the monitor. Font size 10 looks smaller on a 1920x1080 monitor than it does on a 1024x768.

What I am "thinking" is that wheras an image can be made to "fit to screen" in PTE, if the font size is FIXED it is FIXED.

Having the TEXT box sizeable with respect to the other objects in a slide means that it will maintain its size relative to all other objects when viewed on a different monitor.


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I think we're going off at a bit of a tangent here (probably my fault for not explaining it very well).

The point is, even if you select a font size, the slideshow/video editing software (at least all the ones that I've ever seen or used) will still put the text in a text box (whilst automatically sizing the box to fit the text size). So there is no issue with viewing it on higher resolution screens - it will still be the same size relative to the other objects (i.e. they will all look smaller in the same proportion), because the text is actually an object itself.

Perhaps using MS/Word was a bad example - have a look at Powerpoint instead, where you insert text via text boxes which are automatically resized if you choose a larger font size. It's exactly the same principle as other slideshow software uses to insert text.

There's obviously nothing to stop you dragging the text box handles to change the text size yourself, but I would just find it easier and more intuitive to be able to select a font size to ensure that all slides have the same size text (rather than copying and pasting text boxes from one slide to another).


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If I got it correctly, then PTE does not care for the font size, but rather for the font height (font size + internal leading, see http://www.emdpi.com/fontsize.html ) . This height seems to be described (via the zoom parameter) relative to the height of the screen, i.e. a height of 100 just fills the height of the screen. This is not a bad concept in my eyes.



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