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Sequences with panoramic images


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I am starting to create a sequence that involves a long panoramic image approx 15,000 pixels long by 1080 high.

The motion of the panoramic image (in O&A) involves stopping at various points with keypoints to introduce other superimposed images and possibly video, and recommencing motion again to the next stopping point.

The question is what is the best and most economical use of computer resources and memory (particularly with lower spec computers)?

Should I:-

1) Leave the panoramic image as one long image in O&A stopping and starting as necessary i.e. make the sequence all in one "slide".


2) Split the panoramic image into numerous "slides" or sections (when the panoramic image motion is stopped) and change to the next section with an overlap and cut transition.

Any advice would be appreciated.


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+1 for the second option.

The logistics of the preparation and quality of a 15000 pixels wide image are too much to cope with. It's not impossible but why bother?

Unless you are making the show in ONE slide the 15000 pixel wide image would have to be loaded and precisely placed for each of the slides.


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Hi Boogie,

I agree, the most resource saving way would be to divide the large panorama into sections. Actually, you can use the "slice" feature of Photoshop to do this in such a way that there will be perfect alignment of pixels on the edges from segment to segment. Then if you stop on one of these "slices" you can then resume the pan from that point. My suggestion would be to make the slices each at least half again larger than the horizontal width of your intended display. Then when you start and stop you can use a "Push Effect - right to left" to seamlessly continue the scroll between segments. Set the scroll time for each segment and the push effect to the same times.

Best regards,


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Great advice from the experts!! That has saved me a lot of heartache if I had gone on route 1 and the sequence was all jerky or would not run.

I was wondering on how to split into sections, so thanks Lin for the "slice" suggestion.

Much appreciated advice.


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Hi Boogie,

There is one slight issue you may have, and that is that there may be a very slight "seam" between images. There used to be a feature with PTE where you could set the display to be slightly less "precise" and that would eliminate this seam, but this feature doesn't seem to be available in the Version 7 beta. There may be a work-around for this, but I've not yet discovered how to completely remove this seam. Perhaps one of our other users has a suggestion....

Never mind, I just found the solution - turn on "Low Quality of Resizing" on each image in the "Properties" tab of Objects and Animations and you will have no visible seam.... This feature is still available in Version 7

Best regards,


P.S. If you really want to make the "slice" easier than by using Photoshop, you could download and install the freeware PhotoScape here: Using the "Splitter" feature of PhotoScape is "much" easier than doing it with PhotoShop and it's incredibly fast.


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