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new computer - old music directory


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A computer tech misspelled my name when setting up the administrator on my old computer. I made a slide show on that computer with 750 slides... each with a corresponding mp3 sound file linked to them.

Now I have a new computer, and I spelled my name correctly on my new computer. But because the old slide show looks for the sound file with my misspleed name in the directory location, the new one won't work. I'd have to retype the location of all 750 slides. Ouch! Is there an easier way?

Also, when loading a new slide, I have to drag the slide my hand, up through the all the slides. If the slide is number 13, for example, it first adds it to the bottom, and I have to drag that slide through all 737 slides!

Is there a quicker way?


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If you put all files, including the PTE file, in the same directory, the show should run OK.(however, if you added music via the "sound" line on the main window, you will have to either rename it or move it to the correct directory, as PTE does not automatically find it, even if it is in the same directory as everything else).

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I'm sorry, I dodn't know what you mean by the "sound line".

I have an audio voiceover accompying each slide. There are 750 slides, and 750 audio files that are linked to each slide.

I'm afraid I will have to re-direct each slide to look for the appropriate audio files.


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Now I have a new computer, and I spelled my name correctly on my new computer. But because the old slide show looks for the sound file with my misspleed name in the directory location, the new one won't work.

Simply rename the directory new name back to the old name it was originally .... temporarily just so you can remake the file. Since its looking for that mispelled location ... give it what it wants. Then rename it back to the new name.

Or ... to fix correctly for all future use of that new name directory. Open the . PTE file witha text editor that has find and replace features. Now simply replace to the necessary new name correction. Be sure to make a back-up copy prior to doing any changes.

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Hi, Fuzzy,

I'm sorry, I don't know what you mean by the "sound line".

The sound line is the line on the main window under the slide list where you can enter the file name of a sound file which you want to associate with your image.

Another way to associate a sound file with an image is to click on "Customize Slide / Music", check "Play new background music file(s)", and add the music selection as indicated. If you add you music to the slide in this manner, then if you put all files in the same directory, PTE will be able to find them regardless of where they were previously.

Also, when loading a new slide, I have to drag the slide my hand, up through the all the slides

If you drag the slide from the left-hand file list and "drop" it into the slide list instead of using the "add" button, it will appear where you want it, instead of at the bottom of the list.

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(however, if you added music via the "sound" line on the main window, you will have to either rename it or move it to the correct directory, as PTE does not automatically find it, even if it is in the same directory as everything else).

Thanks, Al!

I've fixed this old small but unpleasant bug yesterday.

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