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Slide sound synchro

Mike Reed

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Only just begining to play with PTE. Need to synchro numerous slides to the music. How do I get the Play in the synchro screen to play from a timed point rather than the begining. The music is driving me mad. I am happy with how one moves the slides about relative to the music but every time I hit play or preview it starts from the begining.

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If you pause the show (with the spacebar) as it is playing in the synchro window, you can click anywhere on the timeline to resume playing from that point. If you press STOP then PLAY, the show starts from the very beginning again - as you have found out! :angry:

Also in the LHSide preview window there's an icon on the lower right which also plays the show from the displayed slide. - Hope this helps

Den (NorthEast-UK)

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Hi Mike,

if the timeline goes back to the start, you can speed along it by clicking below the line at the right edge of the window this will bring you this point. I use this to skip to diferent parts of the show. It also works to the left so you can move forward and backward on the line.


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  • 4 weeks later...

If you pause the show (with the spacebar) as it is playing in the synchro window, you can click anywhere on the timeline to resume playing from that point. If you press STOP then PLAY, the show starts from the very beginning  again - as you have found out! :angry:

Also in the LHSide preview window there's an icon on the lower right which also plays the show from the displayed slide. - Hope this helps

Den (NorthEast-UK)

Hi Den,

I have version 4.14 and I cannot pause using the spacebar.

What's this about LHSide preview window?

When I preview, that's all I get on the full screen.

Have I inadvertantly switched something off or on?



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Hi, Carol,

Den is right about the space bar being used for pausing and re-starting, but this is only part of the procedure. The spacebar repeats the last button pressed, so in order to use it you have to have already pressed "pause" or "play". Then you can pause or play with the space bar until you happen to press a different button, in which case the spacebar will mirror that button.

I have suggested to Igor that he program in the "pause" function for the space bar, (both on the timeline and also for navigation), but he hasn't seen fit to implement it yet. Most sound editing programs, for example, use the spacebar for stopping the playback.

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Al, you make an important reminder about the space bar function in the timeline window. I can be content with the way it works, but I do forget. Of course I am capable of forgetting most things in PTE if I don't use them frequently. I was constructing a show recently where I working on the timeline, whistling merrily along, moving transitions, tweaking this and that. Suddenly I realized the space bar was piling up transitions on top of each other while I thought I was doing something else. It was a panic moment in a panic timetable for deadline. I mostly write this to thank you for the reminder and to maybe reinforce the methology in my memory. Maybe it's time for me to enjoy a careful study of your fine tutorial. :)

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Hi Carol

You have a definitive answer in the post by Al.

I was blissfully unaware that the spacebar repeated the last button pressed, but you live and learn!

Of course I meant to say RH side for the preview window from which to run preview from selected slide the icon ( bottom right ) looks like a slice of blue bread!

So much to learn - so little time to do so.

Den - well Dennis actually.

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