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August 3. 2013

Lin Evans

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On Saturday, 3 August we had a major storm in northern Colorado. Three inch diameter hail, snows, torrential rains, flooding, six tornadoes (which fortunately did little damage) and high winds rocked our summer. It was 92 degrees fahrenheit and a calm windless day, then unbelievable storm clouds rolled over the Rocky Mountains and we were subjected to hours of lightning, rain, snow, hail, winds, tornadoes and such which are almost never seen this time of year. Fortunately, my little community was relatively untouched while three miles away, people were paddling canoes in the streets from heavy flooding.

A 1200 acre cornfield begins about 120 feet from my front door - this is the story of this cornfield and one small inhabitant who survived to tell the story. Just a little fun project folks....

http://www.lin-evans...ple/August3.zip (Windows zipped exe - about 22 meg)

http://www.lin-evans.org/sample/August3Mac.zip (MacIntosh native exe - about 22 meg)


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On Saturday, 3 August we had a major storm in northern Colorado. Three inch diameter hail, snows, torrential rains, flooding, six tornadoes (which fortunately did little damage) and high winds rocked our summer. It was 92 degrees fahrenheit and a calm windless day, then unbelievable storm clouds rolled over the Rocky Mountains and we were subjected to hours of lightning, rain, snow, hail, winds, tornadoes and such which are almost never seen this time of year. Fortunately, my little community was relatively untouched while three miles away, people were paddling canoes in the streets from heavy flooding.

A 1200 acre cornfield begins about 120 feet from my front door - this is the story of this cornfield and one small inhabitant who survived to tell the story. Just a little fun project folks....

http://www.lin-evans...ple/August3.zip (Windows zipped exe - about 22 meg)

http://www.lin-evans.org/sample/August3Mac.zip (MacIntosh native exe - about 22 meg)


Lin sorry I think is America way of (no) life. Or Haarp Geoengineering Aerosols Destroy the Ozone Layer

for worldwide war as Novus Ordo Saeclorum for english New World Order, printed

on Dollar One: Annuit coeptis. Exactly damn.

Good luck

Da Campos

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Downloaded in 5 seconds !!! Hurrah ! The storm must have cleaned out all the plugged collections from a few days ago.

Thanks for the show.


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Hi Da Campos,

I wish there were something we could change, but it's a world-wide thing and larger than any of us can imagine...

Best regards,


Lin sorry I think is America way of (no) life. Or Haarp Geoengineering Aerosols Destroy the Ozone Layer

for worldwide war as Novus Ordo Saeclorum for english New World Order, printed

on Dollar One: Annuit coeptis. Exactly damn.

Good luck

Da Campos

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That's some amazing detail. A gorgeous photo. BTW, the 'mouse' looks like it might be a kangaroo rat but I'm not sure if they live where you are.

Question: in the pans where the zoom is wide there is considerable 'shimmering' in the fine details. This disappears at medium zoom and then reappears in the extreme closeups. Is this something in my computer display or is it one of those facts of life for panning?

-- Chuck B

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Hi Chuck,


Actually, it is a Kangaroo Rat - they are pretty common here where I live in Colorado ...

In very sharp images, it's nearly impossible to pan or zoom without some shimmer. It is possible to set sharpness in PTE back to minimize this effect, but not really possible to eliminate it entirely. The image from this particular camera (the Sigma DP2 Merrill) is made with a rather special sensor created by Foveon and unique to Sigma cameras. The micro-contrast and pixel level detail is unusual and the optical resolution is approximately what you would get with a 30 megapixel conventional CFA (Color Filter Array) camera without an anti-aliasing filter. Because of this, the shimmer is actually exacerbated. I'm experimenting to see how I might minimize it. If I come up with any concrete and reproducible method, I'll post an explanation here on the forum. Perhaps with the blur feature in the future version 8 of PTE, it may be possible to ameliorate this phenomenon.

Best regards,


That's some amazing detail. A gorgeous photo. BTW, the 'mouse' looks like it might be a kangaroo rat but I'm not sure if they live where you are.

Question: in the pans where the zoom is wide there is considerable 'shimmering' in the fine details. This disappears at medium zoom and then reappears in the extreme closeups. Is this something in my computer display or is it one of those facts of life for panning?

-- Chuck B

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