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Rotation in Framing...

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Greetings Igor,

Framing has the ability to Zoom and Pan, but not Rotate. I'd like to be able to Rotate within Framing.

Back in 2019, I know you said "Sorry, Gary, it's not possible in PTE 10. I'm doubt that it even possible without applying a mask. It would be a complicated code. And it will not work as probably you want. Rotation means that user may see empty space between a border and picture." Users came up with using a mask as a solution. However, Rotate would be extremely useful if it can be done within Framing, without having to deal with Masks.

I'd like to request it again. It would be such a useful addition. As far as empty space between a border and picture, zooming in would eliminate that possibility and have the Zoom, Pan and Rotate features within Framing for added possible animation.


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Hi Gary,

While you are waiting try this Style, which is an example of what you can achieve now if you really want to rotate an image within a frame.

The Imported Style will appear in your Temporary Folder. It gives you the ability to rotate your image and also has a blurred BG which you may or may not want. It also has a shadow which you may or may not want. The Stroke Line Width, Zoom, Rotation, Shadow and Blur are all adjustable.

Mask Frame.ptestyle



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Greetings Dave,

Thanks for the style. But I really just don't like to use Masks. First of all, this style renames each slide to be '000_0150-1' in the Slides. Not sure how to fix that. I was able to edit the Style to remove the bottom 3 entries for Blur, etc. And I removed the Keyframe that rotated the image. But then I need to have one for vertical images. I can adjust this Style to match what I like to apply to my images and rotate the image within the border. But the problem with Styles are that they removes any adjustments you have already made, such as text, etc., so you have to apply it at the very beginning and stick with it.

For me, one of my main reasons for wanting to have Rotate in Framing is to do slight corrections with the horizon. When you have an overall Zoom of, say, 95% with a border and the horizon is not exact, it would be helpful to be able to Rotate within the Framing to make a quick adjustment. Framing gives a great way to crop images, just lacks the Rotate function.

But thanks for the Style. I'll play with it some more but hope that Igor can come up with Rotate in Framing which would simplify the process.



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6 minutes ago, goddi said:

Greetings Dave,

 First of all, this style renames each slide to be '000_0150-1' in the Slides. Not sure how to fix that. I was able to edit the Style to remove the bottom 3 entries for Blur, etc. And I removed the Keyframe that rotated the image. But then I need to have one for vertical images. I can adjust this Style to match what I like to apply to my images and rotate the image within the border. But the problem with Styles are that they removes any adjustments you have already made, such as text, etc., so you have to apply it at the very beginning and stick with it.



You can make your own Style based on this one after making any adjustments. You can also add the ability to add a Text Box and enter your Text when applying the Style. Can you elaborate a little on the renaming of Slides. If you have already renamed a Slide it is a similar problem to the adjustments problem you mentioned. Nothing we can do about that.


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45 minutes ago, jkb said:

Gary can't you rotate your image first to correct horizons etc, then apply the framing.

Otherwise correct the image in Photoshop or similar then add to PTE


Greetings Jill and Dave,

Sure, if there were just a few images (or video clips) needing to fix the horizon level, I'd just fix them in PS. But, I have a tendency to not hold the DSLR perfectly level. I've come back from trips and have had many not quite level. I like to put my images into PTE with a Zoom of about 95% with a thin border. This gives me a small black frame and a thin border around the image. So...if I have to level an image in this situation, the ability to apply a rotation in Framing would be the 'easy' way. Why have to open each one in PS, make an adjustment, save, when I should be able to just do the rotation in seconds in PTE (and is always adjustable)? Quick and easy.

And it does not remove any text or other settings you might have already implemented, as it would using a Mask in a Style. And...you can easily adjust the border's px any time you want. And...it would add to the possibilities to animate within Framing.



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Thanks, Dave. Yes, much better. I reduced the image's size a bit more, just to see if I could do it, and adjusted the white border to match. And I did a slight Rotate.

This does accomplish what I'd like to do...but I still think that having Rotate in Framing would be sooooo much easier to do and adjust, and would not overwrite previous animations or text. Hopefully, Igor can eventually figure it out.

But thanks for the Style. I'll keep it handy.



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