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Back to the Future


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Available on "Beechbrook":

Are we looking back in the future or is the future come to us??

I hope you like this show.

I hope Igor can give us a second picture track in the future. :blink:

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Available on "Beechbrook":

Are we looking back in the future or is the future come to us??

I hope you like this show.

I like it a lot.

But where did you get those images ?

Are they "real" or done / retouched in a photo editor ?

Anyway, some of them are just great.

I like the fact that you don't use too many P/Z/R and the one you used are smooth and nice.

Nice and simple text effect at the end.

Very nice music too. What is it ?

I hope Igor can give us a second picture track in the future. :blink:

What do you mean ? (sorry, english is not my mother tongue... :unsure: ).

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Thedom, the images you can find them on "spacetelescope.org"

music mix from the record Optical image "Tresure points"

I need more tracks in Timeline I am working now with "Magix Video HDAV 2006 plus" wma file 1280x960

with a lot or mb about 120, with IrfanVieuw I converted wma to a exe-file also 120mb.that is to big for uploading or downloading :( .

Thanks for replay :blink: (Dutch).

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I am only vaguely aware that some earlier software at professional level has used multitrack approach for AV. I think that is what you have been using in the past along with PTE? I really can't give valid opinion of the usefulness or necessity. I think you are comfortable with multi-track approach but I wonder if Igor's approach can already accomplish the same thing but with PTE 5 method? Do you think after you learn more of PTE 5 (finished version) that you would think multi-tracks would be better or just "comfortable" because you already have so much experience with the concept? Or, are you suggesting Igor could just add a second track with all the same interface and features of PTE 5's object and aninmation window as it is? I am not sure I am smart enough to utilize a second track with all the power that is already in PTE 5 single track. Especially when we realize that each object in PTE 5 already has it's own track. :)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi, Lumenlux what you think of a extra timeline track in PTE I am spoilt with other programs you no. B) Tanks for you replay.

Hi Gilio,

Beautiful presentation in every way.....

What is it that you want to do which would require a second timeline track? You can have multiple objectes each on independent levels all with their own animations, transparencies, sizes, etc., as the program is.

The essence is that you already have multiple timelines, you have a timeline for each object and you may have literally doezens of objects simultaneously so in effect you have as many timelines as objects already.

The way this program works is that you don't "display" multiple timelines simultaneously, but when you select objects the timeline you see (providing you have a keypoint selected) is unique to that object. One object, one timeline, 40 objects, 40 timelines. All keypoints on a timeline with a particular object selected are unique to that object and its activity. When you click and drag the little blue arrow through the timeline, you see the entire activity for each object so you can insert additional keypoints for changes in an activity for any object sequenced to what other objects position and animation are. I really see no need for having separate timeline "diaplays" for each object as it would clutter the screen.

Here's a link to a little puzzle slideshow which I made that has 30 separate objects, each with its own timing, animation, size, transparency, etc. all in motion simutaneously - in all 32 different levels of objects. I can't imagine how having additional "tracks" could possibly allow doing things which can't already be done??


Best regards,


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HI Lin, thank for the replay I like the puzzle and I have a lot to learn about the program it is new for me and

any help is always welcome. Yes I am spoilt with other programs, with 16 independent and more tracks for

pictures and sound also with rotation, zoom eso.

Question pte, when I have 4 objects in the main object any object has the same speed related to the others

this moment, is it possible to change the speedtime in one of nex beta's in the future?

avdigifoto.nl :rolleyes:

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Question pte, when I have 4 objects in the main object any object has the same speed related to the others

this moment, is it possible to change the speedtime in one of nex beta's in the future?

Yes, even though they are "child" objects of the "main" object, they can still each be assigned an additional speed of panning, zooming, or rotation, independent of each other.

Also, in a future beta, Igor has promised to provide for accelerated or decelerated PZR effects. :)

As far as the separate tracks are concerned, maybe in other programs that is the way they work, but as Robert and Lin have said, PTE works differently and doesn't need to have separate tracks all displayed at once (this would clutter up an already busy user interface). Imagine trying to fit all the layers of "Flash" into the PTE window!

One area in which I would agree that PTE may be deficient is that the sound track cannot be heard or its waveform seen in the O/A editing playback. However, hopefully, in a future beta, Igor will be able to rectify this.

PTE's present philosophy is to not provide for sound or image editing, and instead have show producers use one of the several excellent sound and image editors already available. PTE is not intended to be a super-duper, do-all program. If it did, then we would have to pay the same as for other programs such as Cubase, Premiere or Photoshop, and this would be duplication, as we would still need these other expensive programs for all of the extra fine features which they provide, and PTE would never ever be able to duplicate.

Instead, PTE is a super-duper slide-show program, second to none, especially for ease of operation and quality of slide-show features. We don't ask Photoshop to do sound editing, and we don't ask Cubase to do image editing or slide-show production. But we can use these programs to produce some pretty fantastic images and sound-tracks which can then be used in PTE for a pretty fantastic slide-show! In my opinion, anyway! :)

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I am very happy with Picture to Exe and I have something to do in my freetime after 40 years hard labour! ;)

A SUPER-DUPER-PROGRAMM yes I like that very much. Thanks Al.

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I am very happy with Picture to Exe and I have something to do in my freetime after 40 years hard labour! ;)

A SUPER-DUPER-PROGRAMM yes I like that very much. Thanks Al.

Hi Gilio,

I think perhaps I can see some reasons for convenience sake where having independent tracks which transcend a single time frame might be useful.

Let me give one such example. When I create a "starfield effect" with a blue/black star-filled sky and stars twinkling in this sky I do it by rotating a jpg behind the semi-transparent starfield. So as the variegated underlying layer rotates it brings dark and light across the star cut-outs thus creating a twinkling effect.

Right now, if I want this effect to continue beyond the first slide I must insert it into each new sequence as the show progresses. Let's say I wanted to cut out only a few stars on each of your numerous beautiful starscapes so the twinkle effect would be seen on each slide. Then I would make semi-transparent PNG files rather than the jpgs as you used and poke a few little "holes" in various places corresponding to some of the stars and rotate my background behind each slide. To do this now, I would have to use my rotating background as an insert in each slide. But if there were a video track such as the sound track where we play mp3 "background" music during the entire show I could inset the rotating background as an independent "background" slide, set the proper rotation speed to give a twinkle effect and let this slide run for the duration timing of the entire show.

This would be quite "convenient" but not an absolute necessity since it's easy enough to work around it by inserting it in each slide as necessary. Since a slide once used in p2e doesn't incur any additional "overhead" in terms of memory allocation when it is used again and again, the only real advantage would be in terms of convenience and I doubt that this would be something which most would used except on rare occasions when they have such a need.

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Lin, thank for you examples, now I have a lot to do next weeks :lol:

This moment I am working at a Promo PTE Show for my one site but that also takes a lot of time! B)

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... I could inset the rotating background as an independent "background" slide, set the proper rotation speed to give a twinkle effect and let this slide run for the duration timing of the entire show.

This would be quite "convenient" but not an absolute necessity since it's easy enough to work around it by inserting it in each slide as necessary. Since a slide once used in p2e doesn't incur any additional "overhead" in terms of memory allocation when it is used again and again, the only real advantage would be in terms of convenience and I doubt that this would be something which most would used except on rare occasions when they have such a need.

Maybe the addition of "object" and "transparency" capability to the exisiting "background" feature in PTE would provide this convenience, without elaborate modifications to the timeline structure. ??

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Maybe the addition of "object" and "transparency" capability to the exisiting "background" feature in PTE would provide this convenience, without elaborate modifications to the timeline structure. ??

That's an idea... and probably much easier to implement though I'm uncertain of how much true benefit it would be for the majority. I can see a few scenarios where this could be useful, but unless it was easily implemented I wouldn't want igor to spend much time worrying about it.

Best regards,


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That's an idea... and probably much easier to implement though I'm uncertain of how much true benefit it would be for the majority. I can see a few scenarios where this could be useful, but unless it was easily implemented I wouldn't want igor to spend much time worrying about it.

Lin, I'm inclined to agree with you. Not an urgent feature, but one of those "nice to haves". :)

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