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new autorun


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Hello there,

For the old guys (and ladies) who still know me from a long time ago I can tell you that I am back in business. Working on some new slideshows. Just for fun and without any commercial intentions as usual! It's just some promotion work to help out some nice people who might need it. I am planning 18 new shows and today I just finished the first autorun trial..

So for those who are interested in one of the starts of my presentations it's worth to look at. (ITS NOT the mainpage from which I let the shows running. It's just the autorun to start the cd!!!)))

Just have a look at: http://www.spellofnature.com/html/slideshow.htm and download the autorun file. Maybe some of you will get some nice idea's too and maybe even some of you can give me tips for improvements as well.

Just realise that not every link or shortcut will work because it need it seperate files which I didn't upload because their sizes!. But the autorun will give you enough idea's to give some feedback or get an idea!

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It's mainly photoshop work. Same pic in 3 different colours (changing with colour adjustment) MMB does the rest. (at least if you know how it works but it is extremely simple.) I use it for many years and it never let me down, it's very reliable as autorun which I need to start my mainpage from to let my PTE shows running! It's all button and thumbnail work as showed in the autorun sample!


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Greetings Hans! Of course I remember you and your wonderful early presentations and help in this forum. I felt a familiar enthusiasm in myself when you appeared again recently. :D

Your current Autorun is very appealing. And your reference to MMB may be very timely regarding some ideas I am trying to pursue. Could you please take a look at photo on-screen explanations topic

Specifically, the two newest entries refer to MMB and how it might possibly accomplish my intent. If you could take a look and offer your thoughts it would be appreciated.

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You can make your invisible hotspots with MMB.. It's a very simple program when you teach it yourself as I did!!! I learn it mainly by checking the MMB (**.mbd) files from others! These are similar (work) files PTE (**.pte) using. By checking the layout it's very easy to find out how it's done and to change it to your own preferences! I can send you some if you like!

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Robert, send me your e-mail.... and you get some lay-out files in your mail... also check the update... I am finished now with the autorun but activate all buttons now so useless to send new sample, if the files can't load all the seperate files the program will stock anyway!!

I got back to version 4.8 to make my new mainpages with PTE... Just finished 2 and it works perfectly in all screensettings now. Sadly I can't do it with version 5 yet!

Tomorrow I gone make the shows!

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