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Aleina Show

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Posts posted by Aleina Show

  1. Greetings,

    I am new to both your forum and working with the program. For many years I did slide shows in the Proshow Producer program. My greatest love is to do children's fairy-tale and animated projects. I tried to adapt my template for the PTE AV Studio program. I really enjoyed working in it. And I plan to adapt my best templates for PTE AV Studio. I want to show you the result of my work. It uses my author's animation.



  2. Thank you for the answer. I am a new user, looking for a program that could be an alternative to Proshow Producer. Of course, I’m used to other functions and therefore I’m interested in what features are built into the PTE AV Studio program itself. So that you can not resort to the help of third-party programs to loop the footage or change its speed. Some functions in the program are not enough for me (or I didn’t find?) Such as transitions for layers, a vignette in the images, or an inverted mask. But I still really liked the program. And I plan to review it and to adapt part of my projects intended for Proshow Producer. But now I continue to test the program.

  3. Hello! Help me please! I have 2 questions for which I could not find answers.
    1) There is a footage in the slide that I want to use as a mask. The duration of the footage is 2 seconds, I need to loop its playback for 15 seconds. Is there any way to do this?
    2) I collect a frame from several images. For example, a spruce branch and a toy. I am trying to give the overall movement to the frame using modifiers. So that the branch and the toy swing together. I am unable to adjust the center of rotation of the frame. I use the parameter of the center of rotation in the modifiers panel. I set the value to 100 or -100 along the X axis, the result is the same.


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