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Everything posted by alrobin

  1. Hi, Henri, That's great - glad the new version works for you. It's a new version, but I kept the same number as it's a minor correction. You can distinguish between copies by the dates.
  2. Note that a new version 3 of "PTE-5 Adjustor" is available on my website as PTE-5_Adjustor_3.zip. It has been revised to properly accommodate PTE 5 files containing images that have not been edited in O&A. Thanks to Jeff Evans for alerting me to this problem. Sorry for any inconvenience.
  3. Click "Help / registration". Then when you have your key, browse to where it is saved when you try to open "Video" (or DVD).
  4. Janet, You can select "Proj Ops / Screen" and choose a value in "Percent of the slide to show main images" at the bottom of the menu. Or, you can set each main slide to "original" mode in O&A, or you can choose "windowed mode" in "Proj Ops / Screen". Take your pick, and experiment a bit to select the method best suited to your application.
  5. Yes, your key should work - have you tried it? However, you will need a new key to run Video Builder - it's a $20 upgrade from PTE, and is what makes PTE "Deluxe".
  6. Gary, This second step was added in response to problems with custom comments. At that time, if one opened Project Options again, the settings there were automatically applied to all slides, thus wiping out any customization. Just the way Igor had things set up in the program. I suspect this is just a continuation of that methodology, applied to other changes one might make in project options. This way, one can decide to change the global setting for slides to be added from now on, without having to apply the changes to those already set up according to the existing global setting. Hope this explanation is clear.
  7. Jeff, As per my email, I had problems running your file, too, so will do some investigating to determine the cause and publish the necessary revisions. You have obviously found a scenario that I hadn't made allowances for. Thanks again for your feedback!
  8. Henri, As I mentioned in my return email, your pte file seems to work fine on my system - it must have something to do with the version of Excel - what version are you using? Others have successfully run the model in versions 97 through to 2003. I use 2000, myself, for developing the model. Will send you some screen-caps of my results with your file. Please try to run the model on a few other simple examples.
  9. Henri, It sounds like you are finding the PTE files you want OK, but the problem is with the loading of the "ptesource.xls" spreadsheet. I don't know what would be wrong - maybe too large a file?? If you send me your "pte" project file (just the .pte file, no pics and no music) I will try to run it through Adjustor to see if I get the same error message. ( alrobin @ alrobinson.com) - skip the spaces.
  10. Igor, Congratulations! It looks very professional - should knock the competition for a bit of a loop!! Now we need to hurry up and get those tutorials out and ready for the flood of new slideshow creators!
  11. Igor, You are so welcome! Hope some people find it useful. It was the least I could do in light of all the work you put into the new PTE features!
  12. Lin, I give up! You are right - I always consider it a bad day when I don't learn something new, and now you have made my day! I'll get that cup of coffee right now and maybe it will clear my head.
  13. I have to apologize again - I finally found the "safe TV zone" feature - it's still there, but under "O&A / Tools". Unfortunately, you have to apply it a slide at a time, but it is useful, particularly when placing text and other objects. Igor, you have added so many new features, I can't keep track of them all!
  14. Igor, That is a very impressive list - after all, PTE v.4 was already a great program to start with! Congratulations on such a great success!
  15. Jeff, You should be able to stop the loop in Excel by hitting the "break" key, so you don't have to completely reboot the system. Did you try it out on several different PTE files?
  16. Henri, Je regrette d'avoir vous dire que moi, aussi, je ne le comprend pas! At what point do you receive this message? Is the problem only when you access the "object" features of the model? Does the previous version work OK? It's still on my website as per a previous link. Perhaps it has something to do with commands in French? Sorry, I don't know how to help you out with this problem.
  17. Hi Jeff, It does take quite a while to get through all the images if you are using a lot of objects. But, transferring shouldn't take any longer than reading the data in the first place, so maybe there is a glitch that didn't show up in my testing. If you send me your pte file, I'll try to run it through (don't need pics or music files). alrobin @ alrobinson.com (omit the spaces).
  18. A new version (5.3) of PTE-5 Adjustor is available on my website. I've added the ability to view the following information about the objects on each slide: - number, name, type, mode, "parent/child" level, and which objects use PZRO actions. I've also added the ability to globally change the mode of each object to "fit to slide", "cover slide", or "original". No other object parameters can be modified in the model. Instructions are included on the second page of the spreadsheet.
  19. Sorry, Igor - I was thinking of the option to show the "safe" area viewable on TV.
  20. Hi, Janet, Welcome to the Forum! Yes, unfortunately, the first two options proved too difficult to program into the new PTE, so Igor has left them out for now. Re % of screen", it is also missing, but it is fairly easy to estimate where not to put text in case of cutoff in DVD creation. It's there in the DVD screen, for use in creating menus, but not in "Project Options". Correction - it's found under "O&A / Tools".
  21. Yes, I see that now - my mistake! I had thought that the other options were blocked, but I tried it again and everything works fine.
  22. Igor, Don't apologize! It is our fault for not beta-testing thoroughly and reporting these things earlier. And, these will not be the last little glitches, either, as it's impossible to catch everything, even in an "official" release. So, just relax, enjoy the accolades, and have some time off! If you've "missed" anything else, it can wait!
  23. Moelwyn, You being a business man should understand the nature of the software business. Given the nature of this business, and the millions of different permutations and combinations involved, it is humanly impossible for any company to publish the first official release of a new or improved software product without there being some deficiencies in some of the lesser-used configurations like the one you referred to. Your "business" attitude seems to be a little different from that adopted by most successful people I know. When something doesn't work, they usually try to find the reason, and then do whatever they can to contribute toward the solution, knowing full well that any improvement in a desired product can only benefit them in return.
  24. Alan If you are happy with your version 4 and older shows, don't change them to version 5. I would recommend trying a conversion on one of them, with some PZRO effects added, while retaining your existing version as well, just to determine for yourself if there is any improvement, and also to experiment with some of the new special effects. Once you get hooked on these, it will be hard not to want to add them to some of your older shows. The only area where you may see a slight improvement would be in the sound, as v.5 uses a new improved sound player. Conversely, if you have a few transitions very close together, you may notice some skipping of images.
  25. Igor, Hats-off to you and the PTE team! You did it! Congratulations and many thanks for such a big effort on our behalf!
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