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Posts posted by wideangle

  1. Hi Sanpier

    Yes, Videobuilder is an optional free add-on download that is included with the package. 
    In terms of quality, you get the expected result that you tend to find from the use of normal DVD players and TVs, but it is all about what you want it for. 
    For me, before the lockdown, I was part of a very active Ramblers group, most of whom were quite elderly. On our occasional weeks away, I would collect together lots of photos of the trip and use PT AV Studio to produce a slideshow, which acted as a memory of the trip.
    By using Videobuilder (which includes a nice little Menu building option) I am able to produce a DVD and distribute 20 or 30 copies of it to the other walkers. That medium is cheap, although the quality of the result is limited, but it isn’t practical or cost-effective to try for better quality using mp4 and memory sticks, for example.



  2. Rosemary

    Try this.
    Hold the Shift key down when you adjust the mask rectangle and use the mask handles that are in the middle of the sides of the bounding box of the mask. 



  3. Scott

    As well as the demo video recommended by Igor above, and produced by Barry Beckham, take a look at the large collection of videos on Barry’s website. They will quickly give you a feel for PTE AV Studio Pro and how it compares with what you have been used to. 



  4. If it’s so effective you would soon expect it to be applied worldwide. Let’s hope so. 
    It’s currently being clinically trialled in the UK I believe. 

    Here’s a significant presentation by Bill Gates from some time ago.



  5. OK. But why does a package have to be one or the other? I just don't get that.

    I do agree that PT AV should never become swamped with a wide set of tools that the majority of people wouldn't use.

    Take Photoshop as an example - an image editor that then expanded into the realms of video etc. It has tons of tools that many people just don't have a need for.
    Probably that's why many have ceased to upgrade, and have stayed with older versions, like CS6 and earlier.

    Having said that, there is always that group of people who feel that they have to upgrade at all costs, whenever something new is added. It's like a drug to some.

    But heyho, that's life. Each to his (or her) own I suppose.



  6. I think that the number of user requests for features will eventually dictate which way PT AV goes. Giving what buyers want will dictate the volume of sales.

    I’m not sure that it’s the right thing to do to try to distinguish between an image editor and a presentation package in terms of going forward. Why do you need to?

    I reckon all the above suggestions would be welcome and well used in PT AV by many. These are common tools and would avoid the frustration of having to switch out to another package to use them.

    I agree that lots of bells and whistles can make a package overly bloated, and are to be avoided, but some extra simple tools would be useful.



  7. (As an aside, that’s just brought back a few memories for me. In my early years of teaching here in the UK, I was given the job of creating a Computer Dept in the late 70s within the school where I was employed. We had good contacts at the time and were able to get it off the ground with some Apple II and IIe micros - who remembers them?! I think we were in the first batch of schools in the UK to use them.)

    Lowell, thanks for triggering that memory!



  8. Lowell

    You don’t have to always use the ‘Backup in zip’, but I always choose to do so when I finish a project.

    The reason I do it is because it is an easy and quick way to give me a security backup copy of the project.

    Secondly, in doing so, it automatically collects together into one folder, copies of all the files which have been used in the project.

    I find that useful for two reasons.
    Firstly I can  store it on my backup drive as a security copy, as I already mentioned.
    Secondly it also gives me an easy way to move my project around. For example, if I wish to work on my laptop instead of my desktop, I can copy the zipped file from the desktop onto a usb stick, then onto my laptop. When I unzip it on the laptop, all the files are there in one folder, and ready to use.



  9. You start a new show and save it.

    You continue on to build your show.

    Do you remember to save your show after that, as the final action.

    (If not, then there wouldn’t be any thumbnails in the slide list when you reopen the pte file.)




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