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About jdeller

  • Birthday 12/23/1954

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    East Sussex

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  1. Hello Da Campos , This is one of the most interesting AV's I have seen for a long time. It kept my interest the whole way through and I loved some of the images. Very Well done, and thank you for sharing Ciao Da Campos, Questo è uno dei più interessanti AV, ho visto per un lungo periodo. Di tempo.è stato il mio interesse tutta la strada, e mi è piaciuto alcuni images. Very ben fatto, e grazie per sharing
  2. Hi Maureen, Thought I would add my comments to the others. Just great, it gives a sense mood & atmoshpere and some of the images are stunning. Sums up the area for me. Music is fine for my taste. One comment I would make is, IMHO you should ditch the Mono slide as I feel it does nothing to enhance the sequence. I think you have a similar style to myself and iF you get a moment free visit my web site rawlandscapes.co.uk and look at THE PROMISED LAND Thanks for sharing John.
  3. Paul & Roz, Thank you for sharing what is a fine sequence. Images are great and a well executed piece of work. Keep it up. I know its been done before but what about Stowe given you are so close? With your style of photography is weel suited to that subject matter. Where is the Chaple ? Regards John
  4. Thanks Bill I agree the fades are slightly too long but was trying to achieve a third image on many of them. Perhaps I have gone a bit on the slow side. LumenLux, thank you for our comments it was a special time in a very special place full of atmoshere. John, music was Vivaldi's Four Seasons Autumn and a track by Bond I will redo when I find something more appropriate but as you all know the music is sometimes the most difficult piece of the whole thing. Frank & Neil thanks for kind the comments. On a general note I have seen a number of sequences on Venice, they all have merit in their own right, I have tried to convey the emotions I felt at the time and hope that has come through to you in part. Please consider if this is a place you would wish to visit, go and savour the unique spirt of the place and take in that special feeling you will get, different for all I am sure, but in my book on my list of Must Returns. Regards John.
  5. Hi All, Thought I would share this sequence with you. C & C welcomed, hope you enojoy this as much as I did http://www.mediafire.com/?zyajzizmzjw John.
  6. Hi Mark You mentioned earlier in the post that you could possibly amend action for 1400 x 1050. Was this something you had already or would you do on demand. I would be interested if you have prepared for this size. Regards John
  7. Hi Lin, can you tell us more. In my ignorance I thought PTExe was not available for Mac users. Am I to assume with the latest version of PTExe this is am improvement or has this been the case for some time. I have not read or seen any tutorials produced for Mac Users. Any information would be very useful Kind Regards, John
  8. I forgot to add that I showed it to a friend recently who is really into a/v production and he was so impressed with your treatment of it.

  9. John - I absolutely love your Highlands and Skye a/v. It is wonderfully atmospheric and you have captured the light so beautifull. Also, the music complements it so well. Looking forward to the next one.

  10. Sorry Geoff forgot this is my main reply. Music is the End Title Theme from the film Braveheart by James Horner Regards John
  11. Thank you all for your C & C on my show. Little concerned about issues of dark images as they appear fine on my monitor which a calibrate monthly. Some images were deliberately kept as taken to convey the mood and atmosphere I felt. To the Misty Isle John - I also enjoyed your sequence by the way, it is a magical place & all images were taken last two weeks of September 2007 CANNOT wait until the next time in 2009. Patrick – thank you again and I agree the Salmon farm rings need to be replaced. Bjc and Others – yes I agree I need to make some changes with the dissolves and timings John Down Under – The images were all raw capture edited in CS so I cannot use that excuse. Thanks again John.
  12. Hi All, Saw the Misty Isle sequence and thought I would share with you my attempt. Please let me know what you think, here is the link http://www.mediafire.com/?mjecyxsxmp4 Regards John
  13. Thanks Ken and John. Mediafire it is, and I will post link in proper place. Thanks again John.
  14. Hi All As a bit of a newbie can anyone tell me the proceedure for posting a sequence here. Any advice would be much appreciated.
  15. Hi Maureen, Yes we are one in the same !!! I will try to get to Aldbourne for the 321, very busy at the moment with work, photog Society and my close familly seem to want to spend time in hospital at the moment. It would be nice to see you all again. Best wishes John Hi Al, Images are all about 250kb saved to web from the photoshop edits, only 60 images in presentation Music is MP3. Spec is, well something I will check on but I thought all would be ok I will get back to you on this. John John
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