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Everything posted by Kalain

  1. Do you mean in "Key Frame time" box ? Well, when a keypoint is selected, I'd like with keyboard to move and change settings time keypoints (without to use mouse). I think this would be easier and much more convenient to do this through keyboard, specially when you have to move several keypoints.
  2. mmmh, not sure to understand your answer. Did I missed something with keypoint/keyboard.
  3. beta18 (win XP) when several object are selected in O&A object list, "Create new key frame here" button doesn't work or should be disabled. I don't know in this case how this button should behave neither what are intentions of Wnsoft team developper about this.
  4. Hi, In O&A window, when several object are selected in list, it would be nice to display all object's time line. Also, in each displayed time line, keypoint wil be still modifiable.
  5. In general way, in the software keypoints are not designed to be managed throug keyboard but only by mouse. You can't slide keypoint along time line through keyboard. From an selected keypoint You can't edit it's value through keyboard. But from keyboard you can : - add a keypoint (Ins) - delete a key point. (del) Here is a screen copy to illustrate better missing keyboard features around keyboard keypoint management.
  6. Yes, just slide it with mouse in time line but for those (may be i'm the only one) which want to manage keypoints with keyboard, it would be nice when on a keypoint to edit it's value when F2 is pressed.
  7. Lets say on a frame starting at 00:18:750 A keypoint 1 at 00:22:530 Now, if I want to add a keypoint 2.5 sec before keypoint 1, which is 22.53 - 2.5 = 20.03 sec. (absolute time) I agree, it's easy to do this with mouse but if I want to do this with "key frame time" field available on Animation tab, I have to make another calculation because this field is in relative time. (from begining of the slide) well, I have to calculate 20.03 - 18.750 = 1.28 sec. (which is not so easy to do by mind.) and set this time in "keyframe time" field. with a "keyframe absolute time" field, I would enter inside 20.03. Also, as keypoints time is displayed in absolute time, I missed an absolute setting field time rather than relative time. It's a bit like if keypoint characteristics was given in centimeters and "keyframe time" field wanted inches values. You can manage with both scales but it's easier to use only one. PS : In general way, in the software, setting keypoint time values is not designed to be done through keyboard, only by mouse. May be I'm the only one which want to do this through keyboard.
  8. Hi, In timeline, keypoints time are displayed in absolute time value. It would be nice also to add in Animation tab an absolute keypoint time field. (By now there is only a relative keypoint time field.)
  9. Hi, When a keyframe is selected, it would be nice to change keyframe time when F2 is pressed.
  10. Hi, It would be nice to have possibility to select several keyframe (with Ctrl or Shift key combinaison) and drag them to left or right on time line. By this way it would be easier and more confortable to increase and add time between keyframes.
  11. Hi, it would be nice to have possibility to change keyframe time with keyboard. by now, left and right key jump at next and previous keyframe, may be when Ctrl key is holded, right and left key could move and change keyframe time value. (same as you can do with up/down key when focus is on keyframe time field) also, when Ctrl+shift key is holded, left and right key could change keyframe time quicker, increasing time by 0.1 sec (rather than milli sec)
  12. Hi, beta18 (win xp) In O&A window, in Object list Ctrl+A short cut doesn't work, neither if you choose on right click menu "Select all Ctrl+A". Regards
  13. Hi, beta 18. (Win XP) In O&A window, in Object list, if you want to add a picture with short cut (Ctrl+1) it doesn't work if you use Ctrl + 1 from numerical keypad. Ctrl + 1 works only if you use "1" key from main keyboard. Problem is the same for all others short cuts : Ctrl + 1, 2, 3, .... Regards
  14. Absolutly fantastic. Lot's of features I'd like to see in PTE (but didn't find in 5.5 ), specialy the possiblity to select several keypoint and move all of them together along the time line.
  15. Hi, I have been away for a while, I have been doing this request when PTE was in 5.1 beta and wondered if this requested feature is implemented in next and future Picturestoexe ? (5.5) This is one point which would save time and give much more power to PTE. regards
  16. Hi igor, (and others) Just let you know that in monthly photographic magazine "Chasseur d'Images" (October 2007 parution) there is a slide show software test. Today, This not yet implemented in their web site. http://www2.photim.com/accueil/Sommaire.xml Regards Alain
  17. You can already resize pictures under PTE. if you are under XP, install freeware "resize picture" from Microsoft Powertoys, so under PTE when you are browsing for pictures, instead to add a 6M/8M/10M pixel image, just right clic on image and select "Explorer" and select "Resize Pictures" and choose the final format 1024,1280, or custom size before to add it in your slide show. Alain
  18. Well, I'm not convicted about this and still think there is a trouble or problem here. (May be I do not understand at all how this effect works. ) Please load this project : http://kalain.pierre.free.fr/pte/Visual_ef...07_21-56-55.zip There is still a fade in / fade out in third image. but third image has not effect or keypoints at all. It seems that second image effect or keypoint has migrated to third image effect. I have tried below to draw fade in/out transition effect between image 1 and image 2. In black : Image 1 In red : Image 2 In grey : Image 1 behaviour without 00:04:509 keypoint. In blue : visual result. Alain
  19. Hi, (pre release 15 June) Following others problems, I published a full project with images. Alrobin loaded and modified this project but I couldn't find anymore images. (alrobin modified and put images in H: letter disk.) So, I change again path for each images, but size image is not refreshed in slide list image. Here is some screen copy to illustrate. Alain
  20. Hi, (pre release 15 June) Slide list is not height resizeable when it's displayed in list files. (slide list is height resizeable when it's displayed in thumbnail list.) Alain
  21. Hi, (pre release 15 June) Path image problems. following previous problems, I reloaded from web project I published. I unziped it and open pte file. Images are found and there is no problem to display slideshow but here is in a screen copy path image loaded ! Alain
  22. This is a real visual impression. Yes, I see each time the problem (run 2nd, 3rd, .... times) But If I replace 3rd image (920kb) by same one smaller (120kb) the problem deasapear. So, I guess this problem comes from my (too) small video card performance. (This was quite a good one 3 or 4 years ago. ) Here it is. Alain
  23. There is zoom hesitation (3rd image : 900kb) each time when I play slideshow. Yes, problem seems to come from my videao card. If third image (900kb) is replaced by another same one smaller (120kb) there is no zoom hesitation just after effect (between 2nd and 3rd images) This is what I have on my desktop and enough to try some effects in PTE. Alain
  24. Hi, Pre release 15 June. Scale key point in objects problems. Try this : Create a new project : duration effect : 1000ms; Time interval 4sec. Add 2 images in a project. For first image, in O&A, add 4 keypoints at 1 sec interval. (5 keypoints in time line : 00:00; 00:01; 00:02; 00:03; 00:04) Last key point (5th) is at the begining of second image effect. Now, if you Customize slide duration and set it at 9 sec and select "scale keypoints in objects", all keypoints are separated from each others from 2 sec. (00:00; 00:02; 00:04; 00:06; 00:08) So 5 keypoints are separated in the 10 sec time line. (9sec + 1 sec of third image effect) Now, in second image, in O&A, customise slide and set duration slide at 2000ms. Come back to fisrt image in O&A. Time line display 11 sec : 9 sec (first image) and 2 sec (for second image transition) Now, if you want to have a key point each 2 sec, full time line should be egal at 10 sec. (8 + 2 sec) . (similar as first example 9 + 1 sec) So, customize slide at 8 sec (scale keypoints in objects selected) and keypoints are not separated each other by 2 sec but something like 1.8 sec. This means that now, time line was considered as 9 sec (8 + 1 sec) 2 problems at this example : - Customise second slide time transition is not take account by previous image. - new (true or false) keypoints are : 00:01:818; 00:03:636; 00:05:455; 00:07:273 and should be : 00:01:800; 00:03:360; 00:05:400; 00:07:200. Alain
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