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Everything posted by Kalain

  1. Hi, Is there a way somewhere in PTE to set default theme button ? I mean when I add a button I'd like button theme set at a predetermined theme. Alain
  2. Hi, Many years ago, (at PTE 3.80 ) I did an interactive diaporama with many buttons and go to slide actions. When I finished it I was totally fed up ot PTE. I'm still thinking about this amount of job. (should say waste of time with 3.80 PTE but quite fun anyway). In V3.80 there was some tools (no perfect) but existing tools to align "Text" and "Button". I didn't find these tools in V5.00. So here is my suggestion about what I really missed in V3.80. (if one day I got idea to do same interactive diaporama.) when several buttons are selected, with a right clic to get : "Align" - Top (all buttons are aligned at the highest button - Left (all buttons are aligned at button on far left. - Right (......... - Bottom (........ This is only fields (Pan H, Pan V) to ajust from another button PanH orPanV ? some others sugegestions could be done : - resize all selected button (or text) at biggest, smallest for high and wide size. - copy properties button (or text) and apply it to all selected button (text). I agree these additionnals functions are more suitable for "Button" object. This would save quite a lot of time when using "Button" object. Here is a screen to illustrate. Regards Alain
  3. Hi, This is out of the topic but which software(s) do you use to manage and edit IPTC fields ? I'm quite interested because I have been looking for ages without to find a software which suit to me. :( To be honest, I think I have tried all of them. May be not yours ? who knows !!! Thanks Alain
  4. Hi, Exactly like suggested here. http://www.picturestoexe.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=6609 Alain
  5. When you click on links (located on left form home page) : Download center/tutorial/PTEV4. Download center/tutorial/Photoshop Download center/tutorial/Other tutorials Demo and slide show. Demo and slide show/demos Demo and slide show/SlidesShows And under "Usefull ressources" and the first 4 links All these links are pointing at http://thefreedom.free.fr........... Alain
  6. Hi, There is some broken links still pointing at old web site but I guess the new web site is recovering slowly a breath. Did you know this Dom ? I can send you some broken links to help you to rebuild your web site. Alain
  7. Hi, Following Multi time line suggestion, which seems not so easy to implement, here is another suggestion may be easier to implement in PTE. The idea is always the same : to have a wider point of view of others object's keypoints in order to synchronise and place others object's keypoints at same time. The idea would be to add some cursor marks in time line for a slide. This mark would be seen by any objet in the slide. This would help to add some keypoint at the same time. - in time line with right click you could choose in menu : "Add Cursor mark here" - you could add several "Cursor mark". (let's say up to eight with default different colors) - you could also delete a Cursor mark. Here is a screen copy to illustrate. This follow another and same suggestion already done but I couldn't find it again in forum. Alain
  8. Hi, My first message is not exact because in my screenshots, the first slide has a display time of 60 sec, so for second slide, relative time displayed at "Keypoint time" field is quite the same (one minute less) at "Time line" display. But most of time is not like this and I can't yet manage both easily "Absolute" and "Relative" time. You're right Andrew, one solution would be to choose via a clickable button for either relative or absolute (for "Keypoint time" field only ?) and display relative time at the bottom of time line. (A bit like it's actually done for Effect duration). Alain
  9. Hi, In O&A window, I'm trying to use Keypoint time value in Animation Tab. But I can't manage to think (or my mind is too slow) with relative keypoint time values (in animation tab). Keypoint time values in time line is displayed in absolute time. In fact the problem occur only when time is less than one minute. Here is a screen copy to illustrate. I posted this topic here because it could also be posted in "Report bug beta" or "suggestion for future". Depending point of view. Alain
  10. Hi, I got exactly the same problem even with Irfanview player which was advised in other topic in the forum about swf file. In my computer swf file was openned by Flash player 7.0r14. This was a stand alone flash player from Macromedia. Any uninstaled Falsh Player software from Adobe wasn't successful. Flash player 7.0r14 was (is) still there. So install Flash player plugin and/or Active X 9.0.45. Change also swf properties file : swf files should be openned with IE. This should work. Alain
  11. Hi, In order to follow "reset to default vlue" by a mouse click on actions (Pan, zoom, rotate, ...), this feature is missing for "Line spacing" in "Properties" tab. A "reset to default value" should be added when clicking in "Line spacing" text. Here is a screen copy to illustrate. Alain
  12. Hi, mmh, as Andrew said, this is alaways valuable to share ideas and user's point of views through a discussion as long as it stay in the started topic. Wow, I have used PTE for a while and during all this time I clicked nearly every where without knowing (discovering) this was possibe. Since now, I always waited and wasted time up to the point I wanted to check adjustments. So even with this "brain new" possibility (to me), it would still be nice (specialy for new users) to add a such button which shows clearly this possibility. This would avoid to waste time as I did. Folowing your answer, I also discovered that while slide is played, I can replay as many time I want (before the end of slide) by clicking on checking point in time line. Thanks Ron for your valuable answer and the tip. Alain
  13. Hi, In objet list, it would be nice to add "Drag and Drop" feature for objects. By this way, you could move up or down easily objects rather to use Ctrl+Pgup or Ctrl+Pgdown. This is not important feature but this will give to PTE a better "window" use. Here is screen to illustrate. Alain
  14. Hi, It would be nice to add a "Play" button which could play slide from current cursor position. This would save quite a lot of time when trying to synchronise effects near end of slide time. (specially when slide time is quite high. (> 30sec)) Here a screen copy to illustrate. Alain
  15. Hi Igor, Excellent to see this in beta 11A (today). :lol: Alain
  16. Hi, This is quite a long message divided in 3 similar problems. 1/ Try this : - Open PTE. - Create a new project and name it : Project 2 slides (for example) - Add 2 slides. (just to fill project) - Use CTRL+T : create a template from this project. (In this window you should be able to check and change path creation template. By now, if you want to check or change path you have to : - cancel and close this Ctrl + T window - use Ctrl+E to check and change path template in this new window, - close this Crtl + E window - use again Ctrl+T to create a template from this project. ) Now, in template folder (Project 2 slides.pt), there is : - 2 slides - pte project. (Project 2 slides.pte) But when you close PTE software, it ask you to save the project. (which has been already saved in template folder) It woud be better and more logical to save project where and while template is created ? 2/ Now, when you close PTE, do not save project. Open again PTE and open a template :File/Template/ and select "Project 2 slides" Just change transisiton between 2 slides (or what ever ) Now, If you close PTE or save project (CTRL+S), PTE asks you to save a new project in a different name in a new folder ! ! Why not to save and update .pte project from template folder ? so, close PTE without saving. (Cancel button) 3/Open again PTE and open a template :File/Template/ and select "Project 2 slides" Select and add a third slide. How to update this template whithout to create a new one ? Is it possible to add function like : Update this template. ? Alain
  17. Hi, I'm not sure if the problem comes from my computer configuration or PTE software. (may be both.) A .pte file is associated with notepad! and not associated with PTE software. Even if I uninstall and reinstall PTE. I thought a reinstalation could automatically associate .pte files with PTE softaware. (apr.exe) But it seems not. So, I used "Open with" an search "apr.exe" application and select "open always with this software" Now, a double click on .pte file is openned with PTE. Alain
  18. Hi, It would be nice to add a "desktop" icon in tree folder list. I got several folders (or shortcuts) on it pointing directly to my images. This woud be easier and faster than to look around drives letters and folders. Alain
  19. Hi, Any comment from developpement team about "rasterize shadow text in PNG" function ? This could be really nice for text shadow animation. Alain
  20. Hi, Yes, your answer is very usefull and valuable. This is exactly what I was looking for. You saved me from a nightmare...... A SUGGESTION FOR IGOR. From my point of view, the most logical way to work is as explained by TheDom : When you click on an object in the "Objects list" window, the green rectangles appears around it and you can pan/zoom/rotate it with your mouse whatever its position in the list and you don't interfer with other objects. So, "Ignore Objects not selected" option should be selected by default (at software installation). Alain
  21. Hi, Thanks for your reply and specialy for rotorblade file. This quite an interesting 3D efect. Alain
  22. Hi, Does this mean that you have to do this for all object who are above you object in the list ? If yes, this is not cool when you have a dozen objects above the object you want to select with mouse. When an object is selected in the list, when time line is set at a keypoint, you should be able to select and move with mouse your selected object (green rectangle with square handles) whatever his position in the list and whatever "transparent to selection" option for others objects ? Here is a screen copy to illustrate. Alain
  23. Hi, Thanks for the idea. This is ok when you only want to display or hide shadow, but when you want to do some examples like "The white frame" from TheDom (moving shadow in order to give a 3D dimension) you need to modify all shadow parameters between two keypoints. Another idea would be to add for Text object a "rasterize shadow text in PNG" function in Properties Tab. By this way you can move, zoom, change opacity this PNG shadow and give some 3D dimension to text. Alain
  24. Hi, It would be nice to display common properties when several objects are selected in the list. By this way, it would be easier and faster to apply same properties at several objects. Here is a screen copy to illustrate. Alain
  25. Hi, I'm still playing with "bigPicture" from thedom. In this example there is 30 objects. If you add a text object (31th object), this is very difficult to select it and move and drag it with mouse, even if this object is already selected. (green rectangles with square handles) If you want to move this text there is 2 possibilities : - move it to the top of the list. now it's easy to select it move it but after several clics. (you have also to move it back or at the same place.) - move it with X and Y fields values in Animation Tab. is there a better way to select with mouse an object (near end of object list) which is already selected (green rectagle with square handles) ? here is a screen copy to illustrate. Alain
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