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Everything posted by OGL

  1. Hello, Jim! Yesterday I saw your show. It was really great. Thank you for the enjoy the show. It is one of the first historical show in the history of slide shows, I think. I have never seen before something like this. You know, the shows with nice dogs, cats and flowers is beautiful, but historical show it is those work, on which we should spent the time. So far as it is the human memory. It is our memory. So, may be you open the door in the world of the historicals slide show. May be you make a new way... It is new, and it is very interesting. Thank you again. You choose very good background and borders. The montage is very correct. The photos was selected very well. The soundtrack quality is perfect too. So technical this is perfect too! Oleg And little comment from my daughter: (she is a manager of TV-station) Hello, Jim. My name is Natasha, Oleg's daughter. My father ask me to see your show like something very special. I saw it. It was really great and really special! I have never seen before the show, which was make with so big love, style and elegant. I see you make a big work. I would like to say that it look like a very good professional reporting or a documentary film. You are a journalist? :-) I think you should to try. ;-) Thank you one more time. Wish you more good shows such this. Good luck! Natasha
  2. Dear friends! We was very pleasant to read your sympathetic letters. We would like to thank all of you for your attention and comprehension. Especially we would like to thank Carol Thomas. She is "author" of returning the show. Thank you Carol very much! And of course we would like to say great thank to Bill (cottage) for return of our show. Bill, your action was very courageous. Oleg Olga Boritsch
  3. Hi, Alan. I think it is problem CD driver chipset of your Laptop. Regards, Oleg
  4. Dear Igor! Ìû òóò íå ñ Èíäèàíùèíû èëè Îðåãîíùèíû, ìû æ ïðîñòî ñ Íèæåãîðîäùèíû... Îäíàêî ïîçäðàâëåíèÿ è ïîæåëàíèÿ òàêèå æå ò¸ïëûå. Ñïàñèáî âàì âñåì, ðåáÿòà! Good luck, healthy and peaceful 2004. Oleg
  5. This is nice idea! I live in Russia, Nizhny Novgorod (400 Km East from Moscow) Merry Cristmas and Happy New Year! Oleg
  6. Hello, Carol. Thank you for the compliments, but I think this is too much for me... "Moscow February": Program: PTE4.20 beta2 Time: 5min 45sec, Frames: 72, Soundtracks: 2 For some transitions I use new option "Own thickness line". Thickness of smoothing line: 15 - 240 Oleg
  7. Hi, Alan. Thank you very much this information! Situation "background music - foregraund voice" is very interesting and ambiguous. Voice signal have very loose structure and as consequence, have low (or very low) middle (integral) level, about( -16 to -26)db And (-26db) + (-20db)=-46db. This music is very-very quiet. If (-16db)+(-20db)=-36db, it's may be so-so for background. For (background music+voice) mixing I use next method. -Normalize voice signal: RMS -10db, Scan setting -30db, Attack time abt 50ms, Release time 200ms. -Normalize music signal: standard RMS -16db preset. -For mixing I use AGC (Automatic Gain Control), reference channel is "voice" (treshold abt -26db, attack 1ms, release 200ms, level of Gain control abt 8-12db). Or mixing with "handmade" leveling. But it is cooool work! Regargs, Oleg
  8. Hello, Alan. My congratulations! And thank you for translate this document in English! Oleg
  9. To Alan Lyons Your idea is very cooooool! What you think about "Normalise" procedure? To LumenLux Hi, Robert. For voice recordings I use headerphones with microphone HSQ-204p ($16 in Russia) For record you can use soundcard recorder: Creatiwe Live!5 Main Panel -> Recorder -> Input: Microphone then press button Rec and speak. :-) or any sound editor (Audacity, CoolEdit2, SoundForge) Voice file you can save as WAV or MP3 bit rate 96 - 128 kbps (this is good for editing). For soundediting I use SoundForge6 or CoolEdit2 (audiomontage in Audacity is mazohism, hi-hi) Step1- Equalizing Point 1 20Hz > Inf Point 2 80Hz > -24db Point 3 160Hz > -12db Point 4 200Hz > -6db Point 5 320Hz > -3db Point 6 640Hz > -3db Point 7 1.3kHz > +3db Point 8 2.5kHz > +3db Point 9 3.5kHz > -6db Point10 5kHz > -12db Point11 10kHz > Inf This is not universal curve, for my voice only! Step2 - Denoise ( 2 methods in Forge) 1. Effects --> Noise Gate Use Presets: NoiseGate1 or NoiseGate2 (adjust "Treshold level") 2. Effects --> Dynamics --> Graphic Preset: Soft noise gate below -36db (adjust "Treshold" /-16db to -46db/) If you use Audacity or Nero WaveEdit, you can use standart procedure NoiseReducte. Step3 - Postcorrection This is very individual procedure, see my "Supercompression Soundfile" show and make experiments. Step4 - Normalise Without comments Step5 - Saving. Voice files for slide show you can save as MP3 32kbps, 48kbps or 56kbps. For compression use Lame codec. Very good for it is low rite WMA formats. If my English is bad, I'm sorry! Regards, Oleg
  10. OK, Bubba. In my shows (beechbrook.com) I use sound files: "Olga Boritsch..." - bitrate 64kbps, sample rate 22.05kHz (4.4Mb/9min14sec); "Life is life" - bitrate 56kbps, sample rate 22.05kHz (1.6Mb/3min50sec) - with processing; "Malajsia.Sipadan..." - bitrate 48kbps, sample rate 16kHz (3.5Mb/10min) - with processing; Method of the processing sound files you can see in my show "Supercompression soundfiles". For CD version I use 160kbps 44.1kHz music. Regards, Oleg
  11. Hello, Bubba! This is incredible! Quality 32 kbps music is very bad... What acoustic system you use: home stereo speakers, high quality headerphones, ordinar headerphones or PC speaker? Oleg
  12. Hello, Carol. I download your show. - beautiful idea: from bud to bloom; - very good photos; - nice work in PhotoShop. My congratulations! My wife Olga said: "Carol create nice show!" Thank you for your work, Carol! Oleg
  13. Hello, Carol. I download your show. - beautiful idea: from bud to bloom; - very good photos; - nice work in PhotoShop. My congratulations! Oleg
  14. Hi, Carol. This is greatest Russian secret... Oleg
  15. OGL


    Hello, Mac. Welcome to the Forum! See THERE Regards, Oleg
  16. And "A Psychophysiolgy of ear" of course. Oleg
  17. Hello, Al! Thank you for your feedback. Source of this music is CD. Wave 44.1kHz 16bit PCM. Music: Poly Rock; Artist: B.Bumble and The Stingers; 1998; 02min09sec. But I use others sources too. (Mic, Linear input, etc) In my PC insert 2 soundcard: Avance97 (onboard) and CB Live!5 For music I use CB Live!5. For import from my DVD ROM I use digital bus only. Dear Al, I'm technical director of broadcasting radiostation. I'm obliged to know technology of the processing the sound... Hi-hi-hi! It's good problem! If short: 1. Polychannel processing: frequency separation.(I use 5-12 channels for it) 2. Amplitude processing in every channel . For example: compressing - gate - expanding and fine filtering (notch and other filters). 3. Mixing with frequence correction. 4. Final dynamic processing. Much difficult problem for my bad English! 1. Without dynamic processing supercompressing sound is "dead", or how you write "out of the end of a hollow piple". 2. Precorrection. -a. Points 4-5 on curve. This is physics. Reduction of a combination hindrance from a sampling frequency and high frequences of sound -b. points 2-4 on curve. This is physiology of ear. 3. Postcorrection. -a. Points 5-6. Reduction sampling noise. -b. Points 2-4. This is good for this music only. You are absolute right!!! Dear Al, if my English explanation is impossible to understand or is illiteracy,I can repeat this in Russan very detailed. Language barrier, BLIN!!! (Ladyes can use this new Russian slight oath everywhere, exept theatre) Thank you again! Regards, Oleg
  18. Hello! I upload my short tutorial show "Supercompression sounfiles" on beechbrook.com This show is for Audacity users, but method is universal (for Nero WaveEditor, CoolEdit, SoundForge, etc). Example soundfiles you can download THERE 10_1 48kbps, without processing; 10_2 48kbps, dynamic compression only; 10_3 48kbps, full processing; Carol and Bill [think(box)], thank you for your help! Regards, Oleg
  19. Hello! Welcome to the forum. See THERE Regards, Oleg
  20. Dear Al! I'm very pleased. I used some of your ideas too. And some of ideas Michel, and some of ideas... You, Me and others are pupils in this world, I think. Thanks for your nice work again! Oleg
  21. Hello, Al. Thank you for your beautiful work. This is nice show, nice tutorial and nice help. My congratulations! Oleg
  22. Hello all! Al and Bill, thank you for your translations! All translated it is correct, but some (and important) details disappeared... Language barrier..., ZARAZA!!! ("Infection" in English. In Russian it is weak oath, but very emotional word. Ladys can use it also ) Oleg
  23. Èííà, çäðàâñòâóéòå! Ìîé àíãëèéñêèé ñëèøêîì ïëîõ, ïîýòîìó áóäüòå äîáðû, ïåðåâåäèòå ïîæàëóéñòà. ----------------------- Èãîðü, ÿ äóìàþ ÷òî âîçìîæíîñòü èñïîëüçîâàíèÿ AVI ôîðìàòà â ÐÒÅ äîëæíà áûòü îáÿçàòåëüíî, òåì áîëåå ÷òî ýòî íåñóùåñòâåííî óâåëè÷èò ðàçìåð ïðîãðàììû. Ïðîñüáû èñïîëüçîâàòü âîçìîæíîñòü ñîçäàíèÿ DVD ìíå êàæóòñÿ íåîïðàâäàííûìè, ïîñêîëüêó ñóùåñòâóåò ìíîæåñòâî ïðîãðàìì, êîíâåðòèðóþùèõ AVI â DVD. ×òî êàñàåòñÿ âîçìîæíîñòè óïðàâëåíèÿ â ðåæèìå ïðîñìîòðà ñèíõðîíèçèðîâàííûõ ïðåçåíòàöèé, òî íàñòàèâàþ íà òîì ÷òî ýòî èñêëþ÷èòåëüíîå ïðàâî àâòîðà ïðåçåíòàöèè- ðàçðåøèòü èëè çàïðåòèòü âîçìîæíîñòü ïîäîáíîãî óïðàâëåíèÿ. Äåëî â òîì ÷òî íåêîòîðûå ïðåçåíòàöèè ïîñòðîåíû êàê åäèíîå öåëîå, ãäå âñå ýëåìåíòû: èçîáðàæåíèÿ, èõ ïîñëåäîâàòåëüíîñòü, ýôôåêòû, òåìï ñìåíû êàäðîâ, ìóçûêà ðàáîòàþò ñîâìåñòíî è ëþáàÿ ïîïûòêà ðàçîðâàòü ýòó ïîñëåäîâàòåëüíîñòü ïðèâåä¸ò ê ðàçðóøåíèþ àâòîðñêîé èäåè èëè àâòîðñêîãî âÈäåíèÿ ïðåçåíòàöèè êàê ãîòîâîãî ïðîäóêòà. ß ïðåêðàñíî ïîíèìàþ, ÷òî íàä¸ðãàòü êàäðû èç ïðåçåíòàöèè ìîæíî ìíîæåñòâîì ìåòîäîâ è áåç âåäîìà àâòîðà, íî ýòî óæå ñîâñåì äðóãîé âîïðîñ... È íå ê Èãîðþ. Ñ óâàæåíèåì, Oleg
  24. Hello, natyrose Make experiment... Oleg
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