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Barry Beckham

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Posts posted by Barry Beckham

  1. We all were new at one time, but many of us had an advantage over you. We learned the software before animation was available,  or keyframes, or the Object and Animation screen. So, many of us was able to learn the software a little at a time, New users have a tougher job understanding how it works than many of us did.

    Now we can play the part of smug know it all’s :o Although that can be embarrassing when you realise your not :D

  2. If you have broken the chain, then it should not change size overall, but try Wideangle’s suggestion. I use that shift key method most of the time, but I try not to include too many keyboard shortcuts into a video. 

    Try it and see, but it should be the same as breaking the width and height chain.

  3. It sounds like you have audio key point further along your sound effect and while it’s now out of view it’s still working.

    right click your sound effect and remove all audio points, then click the end of the sound effect file and drag it back to where you want it. Now Add your audio points and make sure you can see all 4. I suspect that will sort the issue.

  4. The idea is that you need to position your text where you want it to appear. In this image, maybe where the water meets the land, or even above the mountains. Then adjust the mask so the text drops out behind the mask, or disappears into the mask.

  5. How about making a cardboard holder for the slides and placing that on the face of a flat screen monitor with white as a background. Set up a HR camera on a tripod with cable release and take a few tests, when you have it right. Shoot a slide, change it, shoot the next and so on

  6. 7 hours ago, Tejano Bob said:

    If I click on the picture, rather than text, keyframes readily appear.

    I can’t be certain, but it sounds like your not correctly identifying what you are adding keyframes to from the box in the bottom right corner of the Objects and Animation screen. If you have one image and one text layer, you have to select the right one to add and see keyframes.

    Try this. Hold the Ctrl key down and click on your image and your text in the bottom right corner. Now you should see the keyframes you have set for both the image and the text layer

  7. Thanks for your lesson on digital images, but there is no need for that. By the way, I like the way you create montages in Photoshop.

    My apologies, I was not trying to lecture you on digital techniques, but I didn’t understand what point you were trying to make and even now I’m not sure I do, unless it’s the one below. Who will go to this trouble?

    The question one may ask is: How many PTE users will apply your techniques?

    Who cares and how long is a piece of string? They are not my techniques, just standard Photoshop/Elements options that can be applied to AV and I think they are far better than what could be achieved with twin projectors. Is your point that the old method is better or just different. 

    You have called this topic "The Third Image". I don't see much correlation between your externally created montages and the so called "Third Image".

     If you really can’t see how we can combine two images to create a third and how that fits in with the old style AV  third image? I’m not sure how to respond  to that. It almost seems like you’re being a little argumentative, but I know you would never do that.

     In my opinion, this kind of image automatically appears when blending together images, and such a (virtual) image can look good, or perhaps not so good. In my example, Alpha-Blending does a rather bad job. In this situation, if there were "Screen" at hand in PTE, I could create a nice Third Image on the screen/monitor, on the fly, without doing any unnecessary work in an external image editor. 

    Perhaps you have just hit the nail on its head here. Do you really consider work done outside of PTE unnecessary. You seem to be indicating it’s all too much trouble and no-one will go to to those lengths anyway and you could be right. Is it politically incorrect to say that PTE AV Studio is terrific software, but when we use it in conjunction with an image editor our creative possibilities become much greater.  

    As I said above, I like your montages, and I know a lot of fine AV productions that use similar techniques. But there is disadvantage, as well. The montages are static. Wouldn't it be fine to have blending options in PTE which could be applied to animated images?

    What’s the point of considering blend modes and animation in PTE.  You’ve already suggested in your first paragraph that few will go to this trouble, so who would go even further and animate blended images in PTE. Just because we animate something, doesn’t make it better. Perhaps my bad English led you to believe I would not welcome any creative tools Igor and his team could put in the software. On the contrary, but I don’t think it a wild exaggeration to say, many PS users don’t even use blend modes, so logic would suggest that would be far fewer would use them in PTE.

    Surely we have bigger fish to fry than blend modes and my original thought of how much image editing capability is practical in presentation software is not an unreasonable comment, is it? 



  8. It.

    I’m still not following what point your trying to make. What we can do now in the digital world, leaves the third image creations we had with film and twin projectors far behind. We can now use any blend mode we want that takes us as close as we can get to what we’re looking for. If the image is too dark or light, then edit one part of the two merged images to make adjustments, or merge the two images into the physical third and adjust that.

    Do this starting wit Raw images and smart objects and you have more control and options than you shake a stick at, no comparison to the midway fade we had with twin projectors

  9. I forgot the part about seperating landscape and portrait and temporarily is probably the easiest way. for the batch process, go to File>Scripts>Image Processor and you can add an action down at the bottom of the window.

    By the time you source software to do this, learn how to use it, have a few false starts it may be easier to just create two actions, separate the images, run the actions and amalgamate them back together

  10. 6 hours ago, jt49 said:

    So without using masks you cannot achieve effects that we had when blending photographic slides,

    What photographic effects are you referring to and how are they significantly better than what we have digitally? I’m not following you here

  11. 1 hour ago, wideangle said:

    I’m not sure that it’s the right thing to do to try to distinguish between an image editor and a presentation package in terms of going forward. Why do you need to?

    You don’t, but it’s also not an irrational question to wonder about. 



  12. But, then we want text styles like stroke and bevel, plus textures available for backgrounds and images. At what point does presentation software become an image editor and would that extra complexity drive away the majority of users who just want something simple?  If that line exists and where it might be is a tough call.


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