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Posts posted by trailertrash

  1. Nice work Mick. I'll offer a couple of thoughts which are my own opinion only.

    The white border is to big. I would have it maybe half that size.

    I do like the way you have used an overlay tho and put your images behind. I favour that myself.

    The shadow is to hard and the spread is to much. Again cut it down by half.

    Pans and zoom...I think and again its only my thoughts...that pans and zooms should begin after the transition not during and end before the transition not during.

    It occurs to me that as a very active caravaner I've never been to the lakes. Thats something I must remedy soon.

    These comments are offered in the spirit of help Mick not a put down of your work.


  2. Hi Barry and welcome. Well done on your first show here. I particularly liked the beach shots with the old abandoned items. Beaches can be interesting places at times.

    Others more proficient than I wll comment on the finer points for you, the best advice I can give is listen to that advice and use it.

    These guys are the best there is at this.


  3. Ok I'm going to answer my own question just for information sake.

    I opened the page in my editor and went into the part where you can alter the code. I found all the lines with the size "400 x 300" and changed them to "800x600"

    Lo and behold that doubled the size of the window in the embedded page for each of the 3 shows I embedded in there.

    So right now I'm feeling very pleased with myself 'cause I found out how to change a bit of html code. :lol: and answer my own query.


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