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Posts posted by trailertrash

  1. This is my first serious effort of 2010. The Images used are wallpapers freely available for download from the authors web sites.

    Music is from Freeplaymusic.com

    39 slides - 3minutes:59seconds

    Screen res 15:10 BG full screen. [This fills my monitor screen [1920x1080]

    Slides are behind a 'mask' I made and set the 'Colour outside slide area' to match.

    Hope you enjoy it.

    PC version: http://www.mediafire.com/?nmmjjnjzz2y

    Mac Version: http://www.mediafire.com/?3omtmi3102t

    Comments and advice are always welcome.


  2. Thank you Nobeefstu. I searched all over the place for some means of doing that for individual slies. Couldnt think of anything other than a full sized BG slide which still left me with borders [which I am starting to dislike]

    Susiesdad, Thats the solution. I didnt even know that existed. I have been making an effort to learn more but that top tool bar in OA has me beat for the moment.

    Thank you for solving the problem for me.


  3. Thank you Bill, and we send the same to you and yours from Scotland.

    Ref my New Direction show, I actually deleted it after I posted it. I just never gave a thought to a Mac .exe as well.

    However in future I will create a mac exe also.

    I should have thought of it since Lin does this with all his posts now. I'm sorry about that.


  4. I want to use different colours 'outside slide area' I cant seem to find the facility to do this on different slides.

    Example: Slides 1-3 have a white BG and in 'Project Options' I can set the colour for 'Colour Outside Slide Area' to white, giving a full screen of white.

    Slides 4-6 need to be a different colour 'Outside Slide Area' but I cant find how to do this in 'Customise Slide'. If I change it in 'Project options' the whole would change.

    Any help.


  5. What can I say. With one simple explination about timings and transitions, you guys have set my feet on a totally different path to the one I was on.

    I created a sample from the 'freebies' you get with the magazine discs 'cause it's freezing outside today, and now I can say I fully understand slide times and transition times.

    I even had a crack at 3D.

    What do you think?


    I have one question tho.

    The rotation slider-is there an easier way than that 'cause my hands dont do to well with it?

    Thank you for the help and encouragement.


  6. Hi Peter,

    Now I dont want you guys to start laughing [i'm listening] but I just found the timeline thingy. What I now understand is that to achieve a 3 second viewing time [uninterupted] and a 3 second transition the timer has to be set for 6 seconds. It' so simple when it finally sinks in!!!!

    Barry, your point is now fully understood and I intend to stick to P2E.

    Hey....I said no Laughing.


  7. Lin:

    I tried the exercise you suggested and yes I had exactly 30 seconds for 3 slides.

    If I understand this correctly, a 10 second duration with a 3 second transition will give an on screen time of 7 seconds.

    Here's what I dont understand...what will a 3 second slide time with a 3 second transition yeild? I make it about 2 seconds or less.

    In proshow the 3 second slide time and 3 second transition dont affect each other. Thats where I'm having the difficulty. I hope I have explained this properly.


  8. Thank you Maureen,

    This is going to be a small project for the wee girl. Just a quick sequence to show her some of the pictures I have ammassed over the years. Her Grandad [my brother] and us [my other 3 brothers] were all in the same Regiment and her forebears were all military people from her Great Great Grandad and her Great Gran to date. So she has a lot to learn. I have family tree maker and will also do some work with that.

    My original question was just me trying to cut corners again. Guess there's no easy way round something like this.


  9. Hi Guys,

    Thank you for the very detailed replies. I'm going to have to get busy with a stop watch. [Joking]

    Yaughtsman1 I understand that the timings are probably the same but it seems that the slides disappear faster [if that makes sense].

    Lin Thank you for that reply. I'll have to try the exercise you suggest and I will post my 'findings'. I've got it written down now.

    Barry yes, I started out with Gold and then promoted myself to producer. I know your right about sticking to one piece of software and I really should.

    I like producer for the 'easy' method of applying styles etc, but find the keyframes a handful. I found P2E thanks to your site, being pointed there by a friend on a photography site.

    I downloaded and watched with awe the show called 'The Black Country' and the fact that the quality far outstriped Producer was the icing on the cake.

    My problem lies in the fact that I'm not a technically minded person, and when I see some of the styles etc that you guys apply to your shows I wish I could do that too but it just wont happen, so sometimes I go back to producer to try and emulate what I see, but doing it the idiots way. P2E is without question the best there is for this type of work,and the ease of use is superior to anything out there.

    [igor take note of this endorsement]. So...my new year resolution is to stick to P2E and set about learning the programme properly.

    No doubt I will bombard you all with silly questions, but I know you will help me as you all did with my Auschwitz presentation which goes for viewing on the 14th of January.


  10. Thanks for the replies. This is something I have wanted to do for a long time. I have a new great niece who's mum seems to be taking an interest in the history of our family. So I thought I would do a p2e scrapbook for the wee one to see in years to come. I have a web site set up for our tree research and its pretty good. Tribal pages is the provider and they are pretty effecient with the user interface and ease of use. Have a look here:


    I just wondered if anyone had a ready made template to share or sell, that would give me some ideas on how best to get started on shuch a presentation.

    As for family interest, it seems the younger ones today dont have the same interest as us oldies. Maybe they have to wait a few years....


  11. I've noticed that in p2e the slide timing needs to be greater than proshow. Example:

    pro show can set a slide time of say 3 seconds and there is ample viewing time.

    In p2e the same 3 seconds seem to rocket past with no time to view the slide at all.

    Is this me? Am I doing something wrong because I seem to have to set a time of around 9 seconds to get the equivelant time on screen as proshow's 3 or 4 seconds?

    This means less slides in the show with p2e than proshow.

    Can anyone throw any light on this?


  12. Having been to both Auschwitz and Birkenau I was amazed at the number of landmarks that are still there from the pictuers of that terrible time. I recognised most of the places in the camp and that was quite spooky.

    In the opening shot image the little boy with his hands up...I discovered a few years ago that he survived the war and returned to Isreal. Love the show Davy. It's a lot 'Darker ' than mine and very moving.


  13. If its any help...I got a free copy of win7 when I bought a new computer back in June. I got it in the mail from packard bell in October and done the upgrade. I felt that there was still a lot of vista left in there and a few progies didnt run as they did, so bit the bullet and done a clean install. Now its great. fast and slick. No problems at all. My system is 64 bit quad core 3 gig processors and a 1 gig nVidia graphics, 4 gig ram. The answer seem to be in a clean install. Not what you want to hear but possibly your only answer.

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