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Everything posted by Ronniebootwest

  1. GURU Did you get the folder I sent via 'Dropload' ? Ron
  2. FlashMe3 and FlashMe 4 are both very similar utilities except that FlashMe4 includes another utility called FlashMeStay and it is this that attracted my attention because it does not include the need to make a 'configuration' file before using it. All you need to do is make a new folder into which you put the FlashMeStay utility, the flash swf and your PTE slide show (.exe). then by clicking on the utility icon- the show will run. Obviously you need to make a separate flash file (swf) with a program like Swish. Initially, I had some problems with integrating the flash with PTE but, with Granots help, these have now been overcome. If you have a fast connection I can send you a full demo show with flash - email me if you are interested. Ron West
  3. This old chestnut keeps on raising itself! A jpeg image compressed to a quality of 6 when saving will never produce a good quality print, no matter how good the 'pirate' is when capturing the picture. Anyway, if your photo's are at all desirable, people will be prepared to pay a reasonable fee to purchase it. Ron West
  4. As more and more of us upgrade our monitors, most will prefer to use the higher resolution offered. I, for example, like to set my monitor to a resolution of 1600 x 1200 because of the superior visual quality it provides. Like most opinions expressed in this post; I would prefer things to be left as they are, i.e. let the slide show maker choose whether or not to use the 'fit to screen' option. My guess is that most users would prefer this, so please leave well alone for now! Ron West
  5. I notice that I have given the email address for Granot in my opening thread. If you want to look at the many utilities that he has to offer, then please visit this website:- http://www.thailandphotoalbum.com/
  6. Hello Roger, what would you like a step by step on?
  7. Hate to be the one to dampen your enthusiasm, but don't expect miracles from DVD when you eventually get it up and running. They just 'aint got the medium perfected yet and you may well be disappointed with your first results, especially if you are expecting to get .exe quality on a TV screen. Let us know how you get on please. Ron West
  8. The simple answer is yes! A long while ago I started to experiment with opening titles and closing credits in my PTE shows but got very frustrated with the whole affair and gave it up as a bad job. I regained my enthusiam just recently and have now managed to master the art. Loads of people have commented on how professional it all looks now. I have just one person to thank for all of this - Granot from Thailand. His utilities are really outstanding and regular users of this forum will know how helpful Granot can be. I was stuck trying to get the flash file to co-ordinate properly with PTE, so Granot wrote me a small utility based on his very useful 'FlashMeStay'. I can highgly recommend that you try this for yourselves because it works a treat. My most sincere thanks go to Granot for his patience and hard work. Visit the site and see for yourself. boxig@zahav.net.il
  9. Hello Maureen and all you other contributors to this thread. No, I am no longer confused because the subject matter has been so totally covered with some excellent explanations. We all have to learn and that is the beauty of this forum; so many members who are happy to share their knowledge with us. Many thanks to all of you. Ron
  10. Hi! Kevin, Nice to see that you have taken the plunge at last. Maybe we could go the the Demo in Bath, try and get the full details. You will find this forum very helpful when you are need of some advice on your future slide shows. Good Luck! Ron
  11. Why should it be divisable by 16? I am curious! Please explain. Ron
  12. In my early days of using PTE I learned that the optimum size of an image was 1024 x 768 with a resolution of 72. It was also recommended by most experts to save the image as a jpeg file with a compression setting of 6. All of this was obviously to keep the size of the file to a minimum because, in those days, PTE would often crash if the file sizes were to large. Recently, I have been experimenting with larger file sizes and less compression when saving my images in Photoshop. The resulting .exe files all seem to run without a hitch so my question is this, What is the recommended file size/resolution/compression recommended now? Ron West
  13. I agree with Barry! I reckon that when you installed the trial version, something just did not install correctly. Delete it from your computer and download the trial again. Just accept all the defaults when loading the program into the folder specified. I bet it will work then - let us know. Oh! and by the way, forget about converting you file to the .gif format - for PTE better to stay with JPEG to avoid further complications. Ron West
  14. There are some utilities available from Granot that will help you to add a 'scrolling effect' to pte slide shows. Visit this site - http://www.thailandphotoalbum.com You may also want to experiment with the use of 'Flash' with software called Swish2 or Swishmax. Do a search on google to fine the site. Cheers!
  15. Hello Charlotte, Please do try to master PTE it will be worth the effort. The tryout version is limited to only 20 slides (I think) but it will work in every other respect. You will need to use a photo ediiting package (such as Photoshop) to create the special effects and a good sound editor is also a good idea. There are loads of tutorials available to assist you with PTE and photoshop as well. I make a few and I can also recommend those sold by Barry Beckham (bbdigital). Please email me if you would like further assistance. (ronniebootwest@aol.com)
  16. This whole thing is so distressing but just serves to remind us all that the power of nature surpasses all else. My thoughts are with all those people who are suffering and I have said many prayers for those who have survived and are in need of our help. Ron West
  17. I now use the 'Template' option frequently but recently I have experienced a problem when using the save template feature. After creating a new slide show I save this as a template and everything works fine. A few days later, I might want to make some changes to my show, so I load the template and make the changes. When I try to re-save this show as a template, I get this message dialog box:- CANNOT CREATE FILE d:\PTE exe files\templates............... etc. I have tried to overcome this by first deleting the original template and then saving again after the amendmens to my show; but still I get the error message. Can anyone throw any light on this please? Ron West
  18. Adding text with the Object Editor works OK (up to a point) I'd rather use something like photoshop because you can then add 'layer styles' such as bevel and emboss to make the text stand out. It also looks much more professional! So far, PTE cannot do this - it just produces standard text in the font style you choose. Ron West
  19. Bingo!
  20. Michael, yes I do appreciate that making a template file is the way to go. My point is though, that once you have created a template (which includes all the images used in the slide show, also the music and the pte folder) you no longer need to retain the separate project file made earlier. Ron
  21. I have just realised the potential of using the 'Template' option when saving a slide show and will now use it more frequently. However, since I am new to the option, I may need some advice on its proper use. It seems to me, that if you save the slide show as a project file and then save as an exe file you will be duplicating the save operation, i.e. the project file saves the images as well as the template folder. Surely this is going to take up more space on the hard drive? Since the show can be reproduced from a template, is it reallt necessary to save the project as well? Advice needed please! Ron West
  22. Hello to JRR! I like the idea of creating a template but have no real knowledge of how to do it. Perhaps you could ellaborate on the method or, better still provide a 'step by step' guide. I am sure other members would find this useful. Ron West
  23. Thanks Ken, I will email Ronwil to see if he can shed some light. I must be getting old I guess. Ron
  24. I have a feeling that this subject has been raised before but the 'search' option reveals nothing. How do we create a small icon using Photoshop (not Irfanview). I seem to recall that a special 'patch' was required. Ron West
  25. I said in an earlier post that I was going to check the DVD approach for myself. Well I spent a few hours on the project and have concluded that it is far to slow for my liking. It takes forever to burn on to the DVD and then even more time to retrieve them. My method of using an external hard drive is my preferred method and I will be staying with this for the forseeeable future. Ron West
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