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  1. If I remember correctly, Igor plan to make improvements on the "timeline" window. Will all objects (with animation) be displayed in the "timeline" window like they are in the "Objects and Animation" window (instead of main image) ? And it would be nice if the timeline window could be in fullscreen with a bigger vizualisation window, resizable by the user like in the "main" window.
  2. At the moment when selecting text comments for new slides in the project options - Comments window, selecting an option from the popup always overwrites the current contents rather than adding it at the cursor position. So if I want the comment to show the Exif date and time, I have to select time copy it, select date (which replaces the time) and then paste the time back in. Would it not be a good idea to add the selected comment to the current cursor position?
  3. Hi Igor, What would be nice would be a macro calling a formatted EXIF text containing the more common EXIF data fields. Fields such as Camera, date, time, aperture, shutter speed, ISO, focal length, exposure, etc. so that it wouldn't be necessary to use a third party program to output a separate text file containing the EXIF information for each photo. We could ask for user input to decide which fields would be ideal. There is generally no need to output "all" EXIF fields because some are quite esoteric and only important in some cases and these can always be done on an individual basis, but having a convenient way to quickly add the major information to a slide would be a very big and important feature for photographers. Here's a quick link to a single image file using an EXIF text file exported from Panda PowerExif and imported into PTE showing how it might be used. Of course this one has all the relevant EXIF information and much more than generally needed. http://www.lin-evans.net/pte/testmenu.zip Lin
  4. Hi, Sometimes, I'd like to add a null image in Slide List, just in order to go to O&A window and make some animation with text, button, .... So each time I'm looking for a simple image (white or black) in directories, add it in slide list and delete it in O&A object list. Would it be possible to add in right clic menu Slide List something like : Add a null image. This will allow you to go to O&A window whithout any object in object list. Alain
  5. Hi, Sometimes, in tree list or in file panel I'd like to : - delete an image in file panel with "delete" in right clic menu. (instead to use "Explorer" and look for "Delete" Windows action.) - to create / delete some directories. - to drag and drop some images / directories in tree or file panel. Well, nothing much what's possible to do under an Explorer. Alain
  6. Hi, Beta 15. Report bug or Suggestion ? (moderators as you want.) Create a project. Add 4 white slide. (can be 4 times the same image.) In first image, in A&O window add a button and select action "Go to slide number" : "4". On third image in A&O window, add a text : "3" On fourth image in A&O window, add a text : "4" Run project. Project will stop on first image. that's ok. Now if you click on button, you effectively go to image 4, but with displaying also third image during transition. In some cases that's a bit strange. It would be better after to clic on button to display only fourth image with transition effect over first image; (whithout showing third image.) That's surprised me on Lin's example here : http://www.lin-evans.net/pte/fullmenudemo.zip from this topic. http://www.picturestoexe.com/forums/index....ost&p=41681 Alain
  7. As I add text objects to my slide they always default to New Times Roman. I was wondering if it is a setting that I need to change or just not possible to where it will use whatever font I used last. Such as I am doing a show with Arial and every new text object is coming up Times Roman and I have to remember to change each one. Max
  8. Hello, I use a tiny tool called "NoSleep.exe" that allows to tweak around the Screensaver. I used it under NT and now under Win XP, only when I give a presentation from my laptop. There may be many other tools like it. It's practical as in many professional environments the screensaver is bundeled with re-login via smartcard to prevent unauthorized people use the PC when the logged-on user goes away for longer and often you don't have the right to disable the Windows screen saver for that (good) reason (security). But when you give a presentation and don't press a key etc (e.g. answering a longer question) the screensaver disturbs your presentation and the audience sees the re-logon dialogue. Not too professional. The tool is here http://www.geocities.com/helmi79/software/software.html description is "NoSleep! (19 KB) allows you to temporarily deactivate the screen saver and any standby feature directly from the system tray. NoSleep! is minimal in size, yet provides remote control capabilities, a full (un)installation routine and - as a bonus feature - Swatch Internet Time." I use an older version without internet time option and I don't know how the tool actually works, maybe it simulates a short "SHIFT key pressed" or something to Windows. That tool works nicely so I do not see an urgent need for that new feature, however, maybe it would be an convenient option for future PTE versions if you could tell a PTE project to "override" the screen saver while the show runs, as a further feature possibly for <x> minutes so you could e.g. run a looping presentation in the display of your shop for let's say 5 hours then allow the screen- saver to dark the screen etc. Just an idea, I would say very low importance. Volker
  9. Wanted to be sure this made the list Can we please have icons with more than 256 colors? Thank you, jk
  10. What about the ability to include video files ? It's already possible to do it with Granot's utility but it's not very flexible. Would be nice to be able to do it directly in PTE with all the P/Z/R features.
  11. I'm doing a presentation at a photography conference in October this year and I have been thinking of how I am going to use PTE as a POWERPOINT type program. I see Igor is reintroducing the "[ ] Display slide for ..." option so that shows can be changed from slide to slide using a mouse or wireless pointer etc. What I thought would be useful for these types of presentations is if in the O&A window the user could select the option of either just running the animation as it stands or being able to move to each keypoint within the O&A manually during the presentation. Better still if the user could select which keypoints you could manually move to. This would mean you could be talking to your presentation and bring up points gradually e.g A slide showing key features of PTE with each feature sliding onto the page when I press the mouse button or whatever - just like you can do in powerpoint. The advantage of being able to select which keypoints you wanted to move to allows mini animations to occur between each point. Also not sure if many of you have noticed but Igor has started adding comments in the second topic line of topics on this forum about implementation dates of suggestions. Andrew
  12. Hi, "Go to slide number" action is quite interesting but from my point of view suffer of lack of efficiency. Let's say a slide show with 10 images. (Demo limitation) Imagine that at first image there is a button with "Go to slide number" 8th image. By now, you are not welcome to add or delete any image between first and 8th image! Because button link will point in absolute position in image tray (8th) and if you delete an image, link "go to slide number" will still point in 8th position; your image is now in 7th position. I can't imagine using this action (go to slide number) with a 50 images slide show with several buttons located a bit everywhere in slide show. This can become rapidly a nightmare. Except if your slide show is perfectly clear in your mind and you succeed to do it in one time. (It means without any modification : add or delete slide in project.) A better way would be to point at image name rather than at position image. By this way you do not mind to insert or delete some images and change position number images. The link follow image's name. This means when you rename an image (F2) "Go to slide name" have to be updated by the software. a bit like in web site software in order to keep valid links.(or check broken links) By now, when you add for the second time same an image (tree.jpeg) already in image tray, the new name should be "tree(1).jpeg". A bit like in window, in a folder you can't have 2 files with same name but you can have several occurence of this file with different names. I hope this will catch developpement team attention. Alain
  13. Hi Igor, Would it be possible in a future version to be able to "distort" images? At present we can alter height and/or width. How about narrowing the top of an image while making the bottom of the image wider? What I would like to be able to do is create the shapes necessary to do do "Star Wars" type intros within PTE and not have to do it in PS etc. That's just one example. I have mentioned this before - is it still impossible? DaveG
  14. Hi, "Go to slide number" could be a bit improved and become easier to use even if this is not the best way to use such function : http://www.picturestoexe.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=6730 Rather to enter number of image (I guess this is not be easy to remember of each image number when there is a lot of images in a project), a window could be open in order to display thumbnail image tray project. With this you just need to click on wanted image (thumbnail). Much more easier and faster. Here is a screen copy to illustrate improvement. Alain
  15. Please bring back the comment tab in the customize slide option. Otherwise there is no way to select a group of slides and apply a common comment attribute (e.g. position, font) to them. I miss this since it was removed. thanks..
  16. I have been away from the forum for a very long time due to other priorities getting in the way (but still a continuing avid producer of PTE AVs) I hope this has not be raised elsewhere and I am repeating a query, but I could not find a reference to it. Some time ago, I had suggested that it would be very helpful to be able to hear the sound line audio when previewing via the timeline. Igor indicated that it would be incorporated very soon. Guess I thought (hoping ? ) it was going to be in Ver 5, but I just tried it using beta 12 in a show I am working with and it does not seem to be working. Is it me, or is the change still in the "hoping/planning to implement list" ?
  17. Hi all, I'm working on a slideshow with beta 11A, it has just under 1000 photos. I've got music independent of slides so when a certain slide appears I have added an .mp3 to start playing at that point. Having previewed my slideshow (63mins) I have discovered a few places where I need to add a 2nd or 3rd .mp3 to a certain section of slides but it's VERY difficult to see which SPECIFIC slides I've manually added music to - am I missing the obvious here, is there not some icon or colour that can be used to show on your list of slides which ones you've overriden the defaults and applied CUSTOM effects/music to? Also, without being able to easily find these specific slides with music attached, I'm not sure which .mp3 files out of my folder that I've actually used in the show - it would be nice if there was a way to show a list of ALL attached music files used in the show and maybe even list which slides they are on etc.... Does any of this make any sense?! Thanks, Fedorov.
  18. Hi, PTE 5.00 beta 8u I don't know what will come with next beta versions but here is some comments or suggestions about keypoints features. 1/ Keypoint edit window : It would be nice when you are on a keypoint to open an window edition with a Double clic or Return key. By this way, you can enter the right value with keyboard. 2/ Keypoint moveable with keyboard. It would be nice when a keypoint is selected to drag it in the time line with keyboard : CTRL + left key (decrease keypoint time by 0.1s) or CTRL + right key (increase keypoint time by 0.1s). By this way, it would be easier to change keypoint time values, specialy when there is several keypoints in a few lap time. Best regards Alain
  19. Hi, Mouse wheel, middle clic and double clic should be used in O&A window like this : - Mouse wheel : Zoom in / Zoom out. - middle clic pressed : Pan window. - double clic : Set to Auto zoom value. This would give better zoom usage in O&A window. Alain
  20. Hi, It would be nice to display common properties when several objects are selected in the list. By this way, it would be easier and faster to apply same properties at several objects. Here is a screen copy to illustrate. Alain
  21. Hi, In objet list, it would be nice to add "Drag and Drop" feature for objects. By this way, you could move up or down easily objects rather to use Ctrl+Pgup or Ctrl+Pgdown. This is not important feature but this will give to PTE a better "window" use. Here is screen to illustrate. Alain
  22. The topic of aspect ratios has been discussed many times before but, with Version 5, I think there might be a slightly different twist. The issue arises from the different aspect ratios of monitors (e.g. my 19 inch monitor has a resolution of 1280 x 1024, 5:4) and cameras (e.g. my Nikon D80 has a resolution of 3872 x 1024, 6:4) and the standards for AV projection which are 1024 x 768, 4:3). The default setting in "Common" tab of the O&A window of Version 5 is "fit to slide". This works to constrain the width of an image to the screen width as set on "Project Options - Screen" tab. There is no way to change this default setting except on a slide by slide basis. Thus with Nikon D80 images, the choices are : Keep the original aspect ratio, thus seeing the whole image, but resulting in a black border at the top and bottom of the monitor. Manually crop each image to an aspect ratio of 5:4 and accept the loss of part of the image. Resize to, say, 1536 x 1024 and set to "Original" or "Cover slide" in the "Common tab. In Option 2 and 3, you lose some of the image but the remaining image fills the screen. Individually cropping each image is far too time consuming, thus Option 3 is my preferred choice unless I must see the whole image in which case it is Option 1. However to use Option 3, I have to set each slide individually to "Original" or "Cover Slide". Could this setting adjustment not be added into the "Screen" tab of "Project Options" as a setting which can be applied globally to all slides? Regards Jeff
  23. What I would like the most in PTE is the use of true masks : Those masks would be a new kind of object in PTE. Images are displayed through the mask which is associated to them (mask = father object). The display of the images is constrained inside the masks. It would allow to make very quickly and very easily nice (animated or not) compositions. Adda made a very interesting demo with a competitive product : http://www.photodex.com/sharing/viewshow.h...&alb=127550 Please have a look at the image attached to see what I mean. Adda, if you can help me to explain and promote the suggestion...
  24. I don't know if it has already been discussed (I don't have time any more to read each post as I did before ) but it appears to me that the speed option feature could be slightly changed : I think it would be nice if the speed option would be applied by default on each section - whatever the option choosed (linear, smooth, accelerate, deccelerate, custom) and whatever the number of keypoints the objects has. Each section would be separated by default and the speed option choosed in the O/A window applied to each section. It would prevent a lot of clicks to seperate each section and to apply speed options. The user would only enter the "setting up speed options" window only to glue sections and apply different settings to those sections. What do you think ?
  25. To day, PTE load in the graphic memory all the files use in the actual slide and the next 2 slides. Would it be possible to load and decompress in the memory of the PC (but not in the graphic card memory) more slides (for instance 10 or more) when the processor doesn't work at its maximum. So it would be possible to have several short slides each after the other. It would be better for slideshows like those of Stéphane Bidouze for instance (we would earn for several slides the time PTE need to read on the hard disk and the time to decompress jpg or wngfx files).
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