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  1. Can anyone tell me what project options to select in the video builder to get the best quality for playing on a DVD player ? IE what settings for bitrate? Screen Aspect Ratio? Video Type? Antifliker yes or no? It is for a PAL system playing back on a 23" LCD screen TV - the show is 16:10 format. Thanks Joy
  2. For whatever their reasoning, Youtube now supports 4K or 12 megapixel resolution video. Too bad they can't play our executables which already can do so in fine fashion. However, read all about it here: http://youtube-global.blogspot.com/2010/07/whats-bigger-than-1080p-4k-video-comes.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+youtube%2FPKJx+%28YouTube+Blog Lin
  3. I am new to PTE, and I tried to create an HD video for PC. An mp4 video was created. I can view it using Quick Time but I cannot view it using WMP. I guess the video type isn't supported. I tried to use some video converter to convert it to AVI. But the converter also doesn't recognize the mp4 file. Please help. Thanks!
  4. Almost all of the slide shows that I create are for my computer and for projection. Today I need to create one that can be played on a CD/DVD player and television. What exactly do I need to do when it comes time to hit the create button to make this happen?
  5. Have you seen what Steve Jobs says about future of Blu Ray? http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/blog/2010/jul/01/apple-jobs-blu-ray-rejection My own observation from reading this forum and technical support - users of PicturesToExe very rarely ask for Blu Ray support. Future of personal/home HD video in online video (YouTube, Vimeo, etc) and single video files (MP4)?
  6. I have used pte for years to give my clients a slideshow set to music of their images. I have been having problems with the DVD version of the show...it has been unstable and I just burned a disc for a wedding client and the show starts very smoothly, but after a few minutes...the show starts to hesitate and "hang up"...it eventually runs again...but has many pauses and glitches. My images are sized 720x1080 so I have sufficient resolution for the PC version of the show...I am using mpegs for the music portion. Maybe the files are too large?....Also, how do you avoid having the images appear squashed on a wide screen TV? I would also love to have a simple explanation of converting the show to use on Macs as more and more clients now own them Andy C
  7. Hi Still climbing the learning curve. If I play a DVD produced by VB on my computer, quality is poor (I understand why), conversely a pte.exe file will not play on a dvd/tv combination. Is it possible to produce a DVD from VB that contains a menu linked to two files - one the pte-exe file (for use on a PC) and the other an ISO file (for use on a DVD player/TV), so that whoever receives the disc has choice and flexibility? Thank you for any ideas. Tony T.
  8. old thread Hello to all, The search for my question brought me to the threat unfortunately he didn't get response, I'm in the same boat as the original poster I would like to upload my slideshows to Facebook? Is ths possible ? I have a license for the basic PTE not the deluxe version, do I have to upgrade to deluxe in order for me to accomplish what I want? Or that's not possible with PTE no matter what version I'm using!! I tried to upload the .avi file produced by the program but I got this error message from Facebook: "You recently uploaded a video to Facebook. Unfortunately, it could not be processed. This can happen for a couple of reasons: * The file you uploaded is not actually a video file. Make sure you can play it on your computer before uploading. * The video format you uploaded is not supported by our system. We are always trying to improve the compatibility of Facebook Video, but some videos can be problematic. Try converting the video into a more common format." Thanks in advance.~masrawy
  9. I have been working on a slide show using PTE for the last couple of months, it's unbelievably great... But today I am trying to burn it to a DVD eg. that I can play in a DVD player. So I do 'Create DVD Video', get up 'Video Builder', it's got my project selected, I click 'Next', and I get an hourglass that never goes away. This is on a very short test, 10 slides with 1 image each, and one 3 minute MP3. This test plays normally in PTE. Also am I correct that I should switch the format to NTSC? I'm in Canada. Any advice appreciated, many thanks.
  10. I created a slide show from a class reunion and burned 10 DVDs; however, the last 2 will not work when put in the DVD player. Get an error message "incorrect disk". Went back into the program and burned 2 more and they will not work either. Any suggestions?
  11. I made an MP4 at 1024 x 768 for a friend who has an iPad - worked perfectly...... Lin
  12. The copyright logo appears on .exe but not appears on HD file. Why?
  13. I have uploaded a number of A/V's to Mediafire via my ISP, Virgin Media, but as of 13th May it stopped working. Virgin Media say they have problems uploading to "Rapid Share Sites" and (so the guy on the Help Phone says) don't know why and don't know when it will be fixed. I know I can use Beechbrook but this is not so convenient for my personal web site. Does anyone have any input or can suggest a site that might work with my ISP. Mickp
  14. This is the first time I've used the 6.0 version to create a DVD slideshow. I never had a problem with the 5.6 version, but none of these discs I've created will show on my dvd player. I've created virtually the same file as one I did last year and burned 30+ dvd's with no problems. All DVD's from last year start with the little arrow icon to start the DVD...and chapter options. I must have tried 5 or 6 different discs today...what am I doing wrong? My DVD player (actually 2 of them) will not recognize the dvd's...although they play fine on a computer. Using DVD+R, and using the create DVD for television viewing option. Is there a tutorial I can view...something I'm missing on here?!?!
  15. I know there must be an answer somewhere and maybe I'm beginning to lose some sight with my age, but I cannot seem to find anywhere about installing PTE on windows 7. I have installed PTE on my windows 7 Ultimate (x64). Should this be installed on the x32 bit version. I can't seem to find anywheres if it matters or not..? Thanks for your help!
  16. Hi, I tried to upload a slideshow (about 19 minutes) to Vimeo. The first time, everything went well... except that the video was actually not published. I tried again and I had the following error. Here is the capture following by all the text of the error. I don't know if it's a PTE error or a windows error. Thanks for your help. OS: Workstation, SP2 CPU: GenuineIntel, Intel Pentium III, MMX @ 2500 MHz Module name: C:\Program Files (x86)\WnSoft PicturesToExe\6.0\VideoBuilder\VideoBuilder.exe Application data: VmVyc2lvbjogV2xodGQxTnhhMkJ3Wm5KSVptcHRWU1VwVVh3K0pUbzh VQ0V1QXdWVUlUNGxNWEJuZW45d05DVW5PQ1FoTjFwOWJYaEhOanRWWH R5Yno1VmNIUkJVa1JYZnd3PQ0KSW1hZ2VCYXNlOiAwMDQwMDAwMA0KR WlwOiAzMTdBMjkNCkVheDogM0NFRUNDMw0KRWN4OiAzNThGRTVDDQpF ZHg6IDQwMTMzRA0KRWJ4OiAyNw0KRXNpOiAzNThGRjAwDQpFZGk6IDg 0RjdGMURDDQpFYnA6IDM1OEZFOTgNCkVzcDogMzU4RkU2NA0KRXJyb3 JDb2RlOiANCjg5LDIsRUIsMSxFOCw4Qiw0NSxGOCw4MyxFOCw0LDhCL DU1LEYwLDg5LDEwLDhCLDQ1LEMsRTgsQUYsRTcsRkYsRkYsOEIsNDUs OCw1MCxBMSw3MCxCOSwzMSwwLDhCLDAsRkYsRDAsODksNjUsRkMsRkY sNzUsRjgsRkYsNzUsMTQsRkYsNzUsMTAsOEIsNDUsMC4uLg0KQ29kZS A9IFsxMTRdDQotIDIyMQ0KLSAwDQotIDIxNw0KLSAwDQotIFtdDQo+I EM6XFByb2dyYW0gRmlsZXMgKHg4NilcV25Tb2Z0IFBpY3R1cmVzVG9F eGVcNi4wXFZpZGVvQnVpbGRlclxWaWRlb0J1aWxkZXIuZXhlDQpKYW5 1YXJ5IDE5LCAyMDA5DQo1LjYuMC4wDQpXblNvZnQgVmlkZW8gQnVpbG 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  17. Hi I haven't used P2E for a few years now and decided to create an mp4 video to use in another program. I upgraded to the latest deluxe version. My end result seemed somewhat jerky..not a smooth flow.However, when I would press the play button, it ran very smoothly inh the program. Also when I was working on the show, at times, the whole show would go into a "shake" and it would state that the program was not responding" and then shut down. I have windows 7 x64 version. This shouldn't do it, should it? Any suggestions would help. Perhaps, I did not create the show right. I clicked create HD video for PC, choose 1920 x 1080, high quality, Pan and scan enabled.
  18. Hallo everybody, (I write from Italy) Is it possible to create a DVD with copy ptotection with Video Builder or PTE (of course a slideshow create wih PTE). If yes, please can you explain me the procedure? Thancks in advance and excuse my bad English.
  19. Hi People, I've been a user of PTE for many years and am delighted that Igor & his team are busy translating PTE to run on Macs. Over the years I've created several long running slideshows using PTE which I'd now like to be able to output to DVD. Fine, no problem.... erm - only catch is that I want to take the AVI/DV stream and use it within Apple's iDVD software, or merged into a longer fusion AV of video and stills mastered in Final Cut Express. To try maintain high quality as far as possible, I've been exporting as hiDef mp4's. I've tried exporting using various formats and each and every time I take it into iDVD, iDVD cannot convert the movie and fails. Quicktime can play the H.264 movie though, and they also play fine on the PC and on VMWare. I've also tried importing the PTE movies in various formats into Final Cut Pro, and also to trying to transcode/convert them using MpegStreamclip. All of the conversions fail to work. I've tried using MPEGStreamclip to capture the output from PTE's export to AVI... but only sounds transfers across. I've just tried an export and upload to Vimeo (killing the upload), and that file works and can be transcoded - is this the only way...? And what about true HD at 1080p? (For future cuts to BlueRay?) Can anyone help as to what sort of output from PTE should be used to produce an intermediate file I can use in iDVD/FCE or even FCP if needed? What settings or export option is best? I've several shows, one of which is close to 30 minutes in length. and don't want to have to recreate the slideshows in Fotomagico, but I'm getting to the point on giving up on the PTE output (. TIA Nick
  20. I have created an MP4 file using the PTE HD option and now want to burn this to disc as an AVCHD file. Up until now, I have used Nero 9 to achieve this but I now want to see if the quality that I am getting, can be bettered. I am experimenting with software called 'MutiAVCHD' that created a 'BDMV' folder with the relevant files. I have downloaded the 'imgBurn' software and am now completely baffled because I cannot understand how to use it properly. Does anyone have a step by step kind of tutorial that I can use please? (for imgBurn) When I have finished my testing and learned how to accomplish this task, I will write one of my own pdf tutorials and make it available to all forum members. Thanks, Ron
  21. I have a pretty old PTE slideshow in exe format, and do not have the source files. How can I convert the exe file to avi (or mpeg) at the best quality? Thank you for your help, in advance. IdPezzo
  22. Hello, I possess an account on YouTube and I would like to insert a video there, but I meet a problem. Indeed, when I click the button " to Publish on YouTube ", me seized my identifier as well as my password and when I click on following, one young makes windows indicate " your identifier is incorrect ". That to make and thank you for your answer.
  23. Hello, I'm using Pictures2Exe 6.0 Deluxe and have problems uploading to youtube. I tried creating youtube videos but most of the time, the video is never uploaded. I've checked the log in multiple times and the upload say it is completed, although 0 bytes were transferred. When I create MP4 720p HD videos, I'm able to view it in VLC player but when I uploaded to youtube, youtube often reject the video because it seems to double the time of the video. Ie. If a video is 8 minutes, youtube would show it as 16 minutes; and due to its video limitation of 10 minutes, it rejects any video I have that is longer than 5 minutes. I've tried different quality setting in creating the MP4 video but am not successful at getting youtube to accept the video. Any clues? Thanks! -Gnimble
  24. A recent thread: http://www.picturestoexe.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=11591&view=getnewpost? has, among other issues, raised the question of whether or not there is a qualitative difference between MP4 h.264 at 1920 x 1080 pixels progressive and either MacIntosh or Windows executable of the same slideshow. The inescapable answer is "yes" there is a significant quality difference depending on the content, complexity and type of animation in the show. Let's put an end to this question which seems to periodically crop up when users notice no apparent differences between the MP4 and the executable formats. There "is" a difference folks. It may or may not become apparent depending on your resources and the type of show, but it is a very real difference. Many may not always see these differences, but if a significantly complex animation with a number of objects is created then played back on a system with sufficient resources to properly execute the slideshow, the differences are night and day in terms of smoothness of the playback. It doesn't matter whether the mp4 show is played back on a true BluRay disc, on an AVCHD, memory stick, Western Digital (or similar) device via a high speed HDMI cable or on a computer with unlimited resources, the differences are significant. If your slideshow consists of only normal sized images ( perhaps 1600x1200 or smaller) with some pan, zooms and rotates with transitions between slides, you may find that there is no perceptible difference between the Mac or PC executable and the MP4 h.264 or a BluRay or AVCHD created from the MP4. On the other hand, if you have lots of objects and significant complex animations, the differences will be immediate and very apparent. To demonstrate this, just play back my demo show "Alley Cat" which I have linked below. There are links to the MP4 h.264, the MacIntosh native executable and the Windows Executable. If you wish to see the differences, download the MP4 h.264 and your choice of the executable files and try it for yourself. Windows Link (about 8 meg) MacIntosh Link (about 8 meg) MP4 h.264 Link (about 48 meg) Lin
  25. I have just upgraded to version 6 with the video builder option the image quality of the version 6 straight sequence is superb BUT when I create a DVD from the same sequence the image quality is very much degraded in particular there is a complete lack of sharpness. Has anyone experienced this, and is there a soluttion or perhaps I have my DVD options set up incorectly. I am using re-sized image files 1024 by 768 pixel at 100 dpi My OS is windows 7 but a trila run on an XP system Pc prodiced the same result....none of the images are truly sharp where as they are in the non-dvd version of the sequence. any help or advice will be very welcome Bob Robertson...Rochdale UK
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