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Wish You Were Here - A Lament...

Lin Evans

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Hi Folks,
Those who make AV slideshows for competition say that a good show tells a story with images and sometimes with video, and is enhanced by good background audio. This is an attempt to tell a story with a painting. I think perceptive observers will understand and "get it" but to be clear perhaps an explanation might help.

The title is a major clue. As we see the painting unfold, we notice the differences that outside in the real world it is raining with thunder and lightning. In the fireplace, a roaring fire is burning in the room but in the painting, if we look carefully, only a small fire burns perhaps indicating a different day, and on the upper left through the window panes it's bright and sunny outside. As the painting unfolds, near the end we see that on the foot rest in front of the couch, the subject which is not actually in the room appears.

Using this technique, perhaps some additional dimensions in telling a story with audio and visual might be realized?

Best regards,



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Knowing you and you’re love of that dog, then it’s a very emotional sequence, but it’ll always have more meaning to you and yours, rather than a wider audience who may miss the message. A point you recognised yourself.

You have made a few of these and I confess, I have no idea how it’s done.

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Hi folks,

Thanks for the comments...  Below is a quick summary of how this is done - my video tutorial #71 will make it very clear I think.


Although I have created a video turorial to show how to do these paintings (#71 in my PTE Made Easy Tutorials), I’ll go through a quick verbal description.

These painting shows are done using a combination of PTE and VisiSetch Pro by David Fitzgerald. 

I began by creating PNG files depicting a tripod to hold the painting, a tripod to hold the paint pallette, the paint pallette itself and a canvas to place on the painting tripod. The VisiSketch Pro software for this purpose requires two 640x480 images which are identical except in the “primary image” the completed painting is placed on the canvas and the background image is identical except it has only the canvas on the easel.

So it one takes the original total image being used into Photoshop or other image editor and places the background image with the canvas on it adds the png image of the tripod to hold the paint palette and the PNG of the pallett then flattens and saves as a jpg the main PTE image is constructed. Next one selects a 640x480 crop which includes the painting on the easel and the tripods and paint pallette and saves it as the “primary image.”  Then take this saved primary image and the image to be painted on the canvas and place it on the primary image within the confines of the cavas and save this as the “background image.” 

Now go into the VisiSketch Pro software and import the primary and backgroun images and follow my instructions on the video tutorial to create your VisiSketch Pro AVI file. Convert the AVI with your choice of video software to an MP4 or WMV format. 

Open PTE and load the original main image and add in Objects and Animations the converted AVI 640x480 into a rectangular mask to “blend” into your main image.

In my demo here, I have also created masks and a PNG file to allow layering of the windows in the other parts of the image so I can run the rain and lightning animation visible through the windows. I also create a mask allowing me to run a fire video inside the fireplace over the VisiSketch Pro video. This entire ensemble is played as the "child" of a controlling frame which is used to size the entire view near the end.

If you watch my video tutorial it will be very clear how to proceed with creating a painting using VisiSketch Pro and PTE.  

Best regards,


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