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Just Hot Air

Barry Beckham

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Beautiful photos and great music Barry, Carol - superb!

I had to laugh when I realized this was at Bristol. I'll swear if I never have to drive in downtown Bristol traffic again it will be "too soon" - LOL, for me driving in Bristol is as frustrating as trying to find a place to park in Bath! This (flying) is the "only" way to travel across the city.

Best regards,


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Bristol Traffic, thats a breeze, try London and the East or West suburbs. You can get a year older just trying to get home from work :-)

Satnav is the greatest invention since...........well the last great invention whatever that was, Oh yes, they were Photoshop and PTE.

I rekon satnav is almost essentail in the UK in some of our cities to find your way around.

Over the top is the only way to travel and they do fly right accross Bristol sometimes.


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Hi Barry,

The pictures are really nice but too redundant for my taste.

I found you could improve your slideshow if you could introduce a diversity. Correct me if I am wrong, but the pictures are all presented the same way : same time display, same position on the screen, same effect transition.

There is a risk it might be boring for people not specially fond of balloons.

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One of the best things about AV is that whatever level and whatever your personal tastes are there is something for everyone. Back in the days of slide tape I used to visit clubs with about a dozen or so sequences.

Given the difference in subject and music, you could provide something for everyone. If the viewer wasn't keen on trains for example, then in 4-5 minutes something different would be played. I am sure you have heard the old saying that you can please all of the people some of the time and some of the people all of the time, but not all of the people all of the time.

This AV was made to be more traditional for those who like that sort of style, which includes me. I don't believe a slide show is made good by varying the transition style, when its needed then I would agree, but not here. Varying the timing and transition length is essential to match the music.

The diversity in my show is that the fades are matched to the music and varied to suite that music. I am not a great lover of many of the presentation methods I see, but thats just my preference. I think what you do is great, but I doubt I would want this slide show presented differently, well not much differently. I may well make some changes to it. I always find its best to leave a show and come back in a week or two and look again, I always see something I want to alter then and probably will.

Peter s

Yes, I have given up work, but I like to recall how mad the travelling was as it makes me feel even better now I don't have to do it :rolleyes:

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Nice, maybe a little too long. Images were a little small, especially considering the subject, (those balloons are BIG).

Opening title well done.

Section on the ground with Swan Lake music track the better of the two sections.

The transition between the two music tracks was a little sudden and didn't match the slower transition between the slides at the same time.

Good images.

Thanks for the show Barry and Carol.

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