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Posts posted by Ghulya

  1. Thanks for info, but please explain me where is write (Photographic Holy Bible?) for a good (perfect?) picture we necessary Bilion of megapixel, when at this time all viewers use a smartphone? In other hand have you possibility on smartphne (Dtp more or less is obsolete, right?) to note difference from: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9...megapixel of difference shoot to shoot? Have you a microscope for eyes? In many case, when i send photos on Getty Images, more it is only 1600 x 1200 pixel...Thanks for reply

    Best regards




  2. Good sound finaly and a bit damn for Mac Pte in later 2019: patience because will save money for new notebook that replace old Win desktop! At time 9.0 runs on desktop and on Mac I have Pshop Lightroom Premiere and other tools. Finally no switch (via Usb like Dj) Win vs Mac and viceversa




  3. In Pte v. 9.0 xyz, both in View slide o and Timeline, if on slide  I make  editing like color toning contrast etc, and I want to replicate these settings for other slides, I would have to start every time: each to each

    A Copy / Past command peculiarity, for example, exist it even in Premiere Elements, where in fact, if on a clip I apply the color toning contrast etc, with a simple (again Copy / Paste effects at menu) I can apply it with a clik to all clips that I want. Not in Pte: problem solved for next upgrade?




  4. On 26/12/2017 at 5:44 PM, goddi said:


    After you have trimmed a video in Convert process and put it in the Timeline, you might want to tweak the beginning or ending of the video clip. To adjust the ending of the video clip is easy by just dragging the end point to the left.

    However, to adjust the beginning of the video clip, you have to go into the O&A's Start Time and input an amount. It would be nice if you could adjust the beginning of a video clip in the same manner as you can with the ending of the video clip by just moving the beginning point to the right.



  5. First all excuse me but the email don't work


    I am an old customer from 7.5. So, if possible, I would like to buy a new "extended" version 9: with discount or isn't possible? 

    Best regards



    Ps. My daily computer run on Windows 8.1

  6. Errare humanum est, perseverare autem diabolicum 

    I seen new Help online (in my case italian) but is a perfect calque of previous one Pte 8. Nothing (screen example menu etc) new interface O&A as multiple track  etc. Strictly speaking: is 8 or new 9 version the "help italian" with images that I see?

    Above all, the painful notes, literaly, the program inteface: possible in AD 2017, Is a children elementary school book? 
    Nothing doing, and nothing  possibility to change  “color” of interface: gray, light,middle, black or semi balck. In other hand as professional Editor, 
    Lightroom, Platinum...or Proshow Pro, for example.

    And rudimental “editor” of text? Proshow for example is stellar

    A pletora of sound track/s commentary but, again but only track for video-photo: Premiere Elements, in this case is stellar for example. Sure Premiere ad others is “only” editor video, but with Ken Burns...that I have experimented for many time  and very capable: Pte is different, but monorail. Inevitable.

    Finaly a this time a question irreversible: Pte 9.0 is a tool for amateurs or  serious  pro-semipro-master...professional? If affermative I think the next 9..x is imperative: 1) editor text decent  2) multitrack video-photo 3) inteface etc.




  7. No from Windows Os “mute” slider. Thanks but alredy knows. No. Mute  only  t-e-m-p-o-r-a-r-i-l-y when I work in O&A: zoom pan rotate...in silence without sound/comment. An button on/off: t-e-m-p-o-r-a-r-i-l-y. Simply.


    Ps. To mute sound/comment is possible also via...headphone? 

  8. No absolutly. I write to Wnsoft and not Microsoft Support. Again e shortly, because I not dj (from timeline the O&A and viceversa) I ask: in Winsfot Pte version 9.0 in  Object & Animation exist a button for (temporarily) to mute (track sound) a project that I make?


  9. In O&A if track/s (images) have (attacked) sound, is not possible turn off, right?  
    And in  this case  (before)  to O&A I turn off soud track/s?  All way that  I change in O&A? Not  button (mute) to stop  sound in O&A?


  10. Memento



    No I dont' used “to strip off the flesh” or Saracsm. But, please note, in my case only Irony, that is different.
    Intelligenti pauca verba :)


    "Figure of speech in which the intended meaning is the opposite of the literal meaning" (usually covert sarcasm under a serious or friendly pretense), c. 1500, from Latin ironia, from Greek eironeia "dissimulation, assumed ignorance," from eiron "dissembler," perhaps related to eirein "to speak," from PIE *wer-yo-, suffixed form of root *were- (3) "to speak" (see verb). Used in Greek of affected ignorance, especially that of Socrates, as a method of exposing an antagonist's ignorance by pretending to modestly seek information or instruction from him. Thus sometimes in English in the sense "simulated ignorance."


    For nuances of usage, see humor (n.). In early use often ironia. Figurative use for "condition opposite to what might be expected; contradictory circumstances; apparent mockery of natural or expected consequences" is from 1640s, sometimes distinguished as irony of fate or irony of circumstances. Related: Ironist. A verb ironize "speak ironically" is recorded from c. 1600”.



    “1570s, sarcasmus, from Late Latin sarcasmus, from late Greek sarkasmos "a sneer, jest, taunt, mockery," from sarkazein "to speak bitterly, sneer," literally "to strip off the flesh," from sarx (genitive sarkos) "flesh," properly "piece of meat," from PIE root *twerk- "to cut" (source also of Avestan thwares "to cut"). Current form of the English word is from 1610s. For nuances of usage, see humor (n.).”


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