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Everything posted by Xenofex2

  1. Well a nights sleep has not helped. Whether I work in Normal view or Timeline view, I cannot get my pop up window to show ‘Separate Audio from Video’ pop up type message. Albeit the same, but I get ‘Unlink Audio Clips’ from ‘Audio Comment’ seemingly whichever way I try. (PTE Tues 01) In addition, I have changed the Video Clip to Main Object 1, but as can be seen from the screenshot (PTE Tues 02), then the Image on screen is blurred and I no longer have a Video Object in the bounding box, bottom right. Just to clarify, I am using a Desktop Windows 10 PC and I am using PTE Studio 11 Pro and Version 11.0.2.
  2. Still cannot get it to work. Think I will have to sleep on it as often find that overnight I somehow get a moment of inspiration. Here I have added a portrait video onto a opacity reduced background via O&A so that I can avoid the black areas along each side of the video clip. Whilst I do get the option to 'Unlink Audio Clip' nothing seemingly happens (PTE02) Checking via the O&A, I do have Main Object ticked. Not sure whether the '2' makes any difference but if I change that to '1' then that blurs the video. (PTE 03)
  3. Sorry, think I am following the instructions but I do not see the same pop up menu. I have ticked 'Main Object'.
  4. I have a short portrait video clip added to a slide but of which I would like to slightly reduce the audio level. I cannot see that it is possible to unclip an audio track from a video clip if added via O&M. Or is there a way?
  5. Thankyou Jean-Cyprien, I now need to take time out to study your calculations and reasoning. Well that is my homework for today. Appreciated. Barry, although you suggest that it is not a long job to lay out 18 images on a page, it was as a result of my ‘trial and error’ attempt, plus wondering that if I made the images/video even smaller as to how many could I actually fit on the page, that I then looked for a formula for how to calculate. For example, with the smallest border around the edge possible, if an Image/Video was reduced to X x X size, then I could fit in, say, 18 Images/Video on each row and, say instead of three rows, now have eight (or more). If this was possible then there would be 144 heads all moving in unison. But how many could I fit in a row and how many rows could I have for the best fit with 512 by 512 video? That was my train of thought! Then I suggest it would be a long job in placement of each individual Image/Video and so I was looking for a more mathematical solution in order to obtain accuracy for positioning and determining the zoom ratio’s. Now I am going to study Jean-Cyprien’s reply.
  6. Just out of interest in case happens to anyone else, I opened another browser. logged back in (after logging out of the other browser page) and finally was able to download your PTE example. I then took a screenshot of your PTE file, printed and then noted on it, your Pan & Zoom figures. I do though find it quite interesting to compare your figures with my 'trial and error attempt. I really need to study your 'calculations' table in more depth to try and understand how they are obtained. Those Pan figures seem so complicated. I am also curious about the Zoom calculation, 1920 / 6 etc and that it comes to 29.6296. However the Zoom figures on your own PTE project is 26.389 whereas mine vary between 29.513 and 30.009. My own Top Row of six Videos that have my highest Zoom figure of 30.009, are all butt jointed together but do have a small black border at the extreme right and left, so presumably in theory I could increase the Zoom aspect a bit more. Maths was always my best subject years and years ago at school so these calculations certainly have me intrigued. I just love the challenge and would like to try and find out if the Zoom aspect of all were reduced, how many extra rows could I include and how many extra images per row.
  7. Sorry, I seem unable to download your zip file. It looks like that my Malwarebytes Browser Guide plug in is blocking it and it seems that is not as easy as just switching off, it needs a password.
  8. I am looking for help in understanding how to make accurate pre-calculations for the Pan and Zoom figures when wishing to place numerous Images/Videos onto a Slide . I have a program that can animate facial still images into a short 512 x 512 video and with the resulting movie clip, have put together three rows of head movement on one Slide, each row having the same head movement. Now I know I need to tidy up positioning, but what if I wanted to increase the number of movies in a row, and number of rows I can use, surely one can calculate beforehand and not use trial and error? Whilst I have, and just using my existing Grid settings, placed three rows of six moving faces, the exact (or nearly exact) placement of each, as can be seen by my attachment, has been done by trial and error. And then what happens if I would like a border around the outside, how can I plan out the positions beforehand? I believe the Pan number relates to the top left point of one’s Image/Video but even looking at my figures, I cannot get my head around as how to accurately organise a slide containing lots of these short videos . Now I know that I have to make numerous adjustments to my existing attempt, but was hoping to have one of those moments where the ‘fog’ lifts and that I can then work out beforehand how many images/video I can get on a page in relation to how big the image/video is.
  9. I can recall years ago that I did quite often use to visit PTEArchive and found it quite a beneficial website. Whilst one can search the Forum for ‘Styles, new and old, I thought that the concept of PTE Archive was a good idea. To me, it was a good ‘one stop’ place where one can view a Style and see what it could do. I guess a shame that Wnsoft did not take over the idea and develop it. Now no doubt I am missing something as, neither before starting a project nor as I proceed on one, do I find myself looking through all my Styles/Transitions to perhaps do something different other than use the default fade in/ fade out. Like anything, there may though be an exception. Is there then a way that I can give myself a more permanent reminder as to what Styles/Transitions I already have? Like ‘Bert’ posted some while back, I have accumulated many over the years from the Forum. What do they do? Could I better rename or organise them? No doubt I could, but .......! However that does not help the New User who is looking for more Styles/Transitions!
  10. Jill, Thankyou. It was if I was standing at a crossroads, wondering which way, but now know what road to take.
  11. Not something that I have ever considered before and thus am looking for advice and how easy it might be to actually put together. My idea is that I would like to create a text png, consisting of around six words, and for this to emerge from a small spot on a background image in a kind of reverse whirpool. In this case, all the words, rotating around and around and gradually getting larger on the screen. Would this be done by using a Modifier?
  12. It was as a result of postings on this Forum that I became aware and started using 'Google Translate'. No doubt there are other sites, but since then I came across https://www.deepl.com/en/translator You can also watch on youtube with the translate option, so Youtube translates the spoken word into your own language. So whilst we don't all speak the same language, it is certainly not as bad as it used to be ... years ago.
  13. Thankyou. AB? Obvious once you know! My excuse is that as in Slide Styles one can go in via STYLES & THEMES to re-organise any tidy up, it was a similar type of procedure that I was looking for with TRANSITIONS. So obviously I was looking completely in the wrong place.
  14. Sorry. Where is the AB button? Perhaps I should have gone to 'specsavers' as the UK advert suggests, but I have even looked in the Manual. The AB button is mentioned but where?
  15. Within STYLES & THEMES I can change the name of a CATEGORY and the name of the STYLE to whatever, but it appears that within SLIDE OPTIONS, I cannot do likewise with a TRANSITION? Is that right or is there some way?
  16. I think one of Barry Beckham's 'Five Minute Videos' may have the answer. Checkout No 057 - 'Select Your Own MP4 Video Cover'.
  17. Stunning. How you can come up with such an Inspiration Show I can only admire at your ability. Truly brilliant with music that, for me, is just right. Thankyou. One to watch again and again.
  18. Thankyou Barry. Can now easily check to see if there is a 5 minute fix when I get stuck ...... again!
  19. I want to add to Berny's thanks to your Comparative Effects Visualisation. Really impressed and Programs that I had no knowledge about. Your video did actually make me checkout the three programs, and so, I then also appreciated your reply to Berny with your comments on the positive/negative aspect of each of the programs. Trouble with me is that I buy a Program with all good intention but then find I struggle to understand the basics. But thankyou also for your time and effort. I am still tempted.
  20. Interesting. So png would work but in this case, as being used within a mask, jpeg works as well Food for thought..
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