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Ken Cox

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Everything posted by Ken Cox

  1. see http://www.picturestoexe.com/forums//index...T&f=3&t=87&st=0 look for fernandez for the "original" turorial most people on the forum make their images +- 100kb each in size -- for web images +- 75 kb is sufficient. if you search this forum for projection you will see values that various members use successfully. ken
  2. see http://irfanview.tuwien.ac.at/ make sure you not only get the irfanview program, but also get the plugins ken
  3. do you want to put them in a zipfile or are you after something else ken
  4. you have to use your graphic editor --Irfanview for example p2e does not do this function ken
  5. see http://www.barcin.net/forum/ Bart has a forum for proshow users -- software that will make vcd's and dvd's from jpegs etc. there are other products in the marketplace that will do it, but Bart has a forum where some of the members from this forum belong to Bart's site was down for maint but same is up at 19:40 EDST also see http://www.picturestoexe.com/forums//index...act=ST&f=3&t=87 for sites of this forum's members ken
  6. Tinem said "have uploaded a trial here http://www.gaia-instituttet.dk/Project2.exe (3.861KB) and if you don't want to save it on your computer you could select "Open" instead of "Save"." why not just r click on the target do a save as to a specific folder, -- check the folder for viruses and then open the zip extract the exe and start the show and sit back and enjoy -- I did ken
  7. SEE http://www.picturestoexe.com/forums//index...act=ST&f=3&t=87 Bill's upload site is near the top of the list and there are instructions at the upload site you have to zip your file you have to provide Bill with an appropriate pict of your show 120/80 in size and you have to supply a short decription of your show there are there instructions that must be followed at the site --- for example "only click once to start your upload" write to ogl@fromru.com and ask him how he does it ken
  8. a quick search using google revealed this http://www.wma-mp3.com/ http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=wma&r=67 ken
  9. have you ever uploaded an exe before to tripod yahoo as a limitation --must be < 5 meg i believe ken
  10. what version are you using Igor will want to know about the i/o 103 error ken
  11. see http://www.barcin.net/forum/ Bart's forum looks after proshow stuff which will make vcd's and dvd's ken
  12. what is its name maybe i got a mp3 i could send you ken
  13. wolflake.pte is the smarts of the show and has to be opened by the program i believe this is a demo program -- and maybe is used as a tutorial -- the zip contains all the components of a show -- all except the final exe which would be done by the pict to exe program. ken
  14. will it work without sync will it work with auto sync ken
  15. harry see the site you may need the codecs http://www.dbpoweramp.com/dmc.htm Codec downloads add Windows Media Audio v8 (WMA) , Ogg Vorbis and many more types to the table. Features include: Volume Normalization ken
  16. tine the extension on the file you downloaded has to be renamed to exe so bonus_800.p2e you would rename to bonus_800.exe ken
  17. LumenLux you never said which system is acting up your 98 or xp ken
  18. i use dBpowerAMP Music Converter (dMC) - "must have audio tool " - http://www.dbpoweramp.com/ dBpowerAMP Music Converter (dMC), is one of those must have utilities, indispensable for converting audio files from one format to another: Rip (record) from Audio CDs, Edit ID Tags & Display Track Info Record from LPs or anything, 100% Free, no nags, popups, hidden spy or bundleware. The add-on for dMC called Power Pack is Shareware, dMC is 100% free. NEW Release 9 [3rd July 2002] NEW download dBpowerAMP Audio Player (dAP) - "music player like no other" - Download ken
  19. the easiest way [in my opinion ] to make a show is to start out with a new folder named the same as the particular show you are going to make then copy and paste all the components for the show to this new folder -- icons, music, picts, and any other info you will be using in the show. this way the program as well as you will not be hunting for components ken
  20. does the picture open / view normally in your graphics editor does you picture display normal in p2e when it is in the slide list have you used the picture before you are going to have to supply more info ken
  21. have you ran a scandisk did you try a reinstall of the program ken
  22. well we all know p2e is the ultimate show so the customer has to take it as specified by you with your collection of royalty free music or they will have to accept a second class production with the latest pirated tunes now when was the last time you seen a bride accept anything second class ken
  23. you never mentioned if the show would run 7 songs unsynced did you? try that ken
  24. I hate to be the one to say dont make your shows auto run -- let the person who are giving it to decide - put a readme on the disk on how to start/run your masterpiece and write it so that the lowest common denominator can understand in other words practice the KISS principle -- believe it or not but there are still a pile of < 333mhz/64 ram systems out there when i first started making these p2e shows on a 333mhz win 98 se system i didnt realize the amt of HP they required -- people were not impressed when i crashed their bare bones win 95 system when i double clicked the exe ken
  25. quote My problem is that clients are very specific as to the music they want. this is the whole problem -- people want something for nothing all the time and dont care about the law -- the photographer doesnt know that possibly the couple's 3rd cousin removed is a RIAA enforcer and the next thing he is faced with a lawsuit. If you are going to offer the service lay it on them up front that this is the music they have to chose from take it or leave it. I played "MR.Nice Guy" couple years back -- young fellow i do business with got married and posted all the pictures on a site. i snagged the whole site, extracted the pictures and put them in a show in the order they were on the webpage. Then i asked my wife the names of some of the tunes that were played at our 3 daughter's weddings,did a search and got some "wedding music" and finished the show. It was an exercise for me and i was quite proud of my exploits. Made a couple cd's, took them to his place of business, fired up his laptop and put on the show - he was not only surprised but tickled pink. got an email from him month or so kater -- his wife didn't like the music -- i wrote back told him to tell her to turn off the speakers. have never mentioned cd again to him. music i picked was the rose - Bette Midler, and I will follow him Whoppi Goldberg and 3 others -- they sure were not royalty free. What is the common song that can not be sung on tv without taking the chance of paying royalty -- is it "happy birthday" ken
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