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Ken Cox

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Everything posted by Ken Cox

  1. you also might email Bill the description c/w a 120/80 pict and a link to your site for dl'ding -- it will help his server space as well the only thing i know is you only click once to start the upload -- it has been kind of pernickty at times ken
  2. why dont you check these http://www.riaa.com/ and http://www.geocities.com/riaasucks/ lay your thoughts on both or sell them the pictures, when you get your money, throw in the slideshow for free - it will not be legal but it is close ken
  3. well i would send it to you if you send me your addie pbyk@sympatico.ca ken
  4. the current issue is posted now http://www.woodyswatch.com/office/archtemp...ate.asp?current ken
  5. Woody's current issue has a bunch of tips for making autorun files in the subscriber version of WOW, but they are not posted on the web site yet check http://www.woodyswatch.com/office/archtemp...ate.asp?current you want the 8-24 issue TOP TIP: AUTO STARTING YOUR OFFICE DOCUMENTS ken
  6. give th experts a chance by providing OS ram p2e version number of slides type of music amt of music total file size will it run un synced anything else you can think of the will help ken
  7. you have to check to bos to show navigation bar and you cannot be set to synchronize with the music do a search of the forum for more details welcome to the forum ken
  8. well you can open the pte file with a text editor and copy the picture names out -- then put them on the cd as a text file or send it to them or project options/comments/ enable the set commnets for all slides to "picture name" is this what you are looking for?? ken
  9. who knows what is the most important now -- i used to get a newsletter from Lisleā€¢Kelco Limited http://www.like.ca/ and the stuff that is available today is mind boggling for the average person we thought bayonet mounts were the end all -- do you remember the first time you were changing lenses and didnt line up the dots right
  10. well i thought that the early practika,miranda and a Russian brand to name a couple odd ones used the Pentax mount -likely my memory is wrong - Chinon, Mamiya, Ricoh used the K mount [according to my late '70s early 80's Toronto Camera and Henry's catalogues ] which i believe was the Pentax mount ken
  11. maybe Tamron http://www.tamron.com/ will come out with a lens mount if enough of the mfg.'s get on the band wagon but this technology is moving so fast it may not be practical for them SLR technology/deveolpment did not move anywhere near this fast -- look at all the brands that used the Pentax screw mount ken
  12. Igor's home is in KIROV RUSSIA in Sarnia Ontario Canada it is 11:30 edst and it is 19:30 in MOSCOW ken
  13. I have had no problems this month -- have got all that have been posted. you might talk with this lady -- your isp was hers http://web.tiscali.it/deirdres/ no longer valid but now it is http://info.supereva.it/deirdrestraughan/index.html?p http://www.straughan.com/ deirdre_straughan@hotmail.com her newsletter at http://www.topica.com/lists/deirdre_straughan/read Deidre is a technical writer -- she used to write for adaptec - she left company when they sold that division to Roxio -- very intelligent and easy going lady worth a try ken
  14. Harry to avoid problems and embarassment start practicing the "KISS" principle develop your shows to the lowest common denomiator -- while you may have some students that can "do-all" there will be a whole lot more that what you consider a simple task, will be out of their reach. I got 10+ vcrs and they all flash 12:00 ken
  15. Thanks Clive, you'd be smilin too -- was my retirement picture 10 yrs this August 31 -- time flys when you are having fun ken
  16. I just visited Andrew Busst's "forum member's Rouge's gallery" page at http://homepages.ihug.co.nz/~bussty/forum/forum.htm and there havent been any additions for ages -- and we have a pile of new members. you can post your picture with the rest of us by emailing "bussty" with a pict Andrew Busst bussty@ezynet.co.nz ken
  17. i guess you kept your fingers clear of the film - no prints evident or did you "grease" them to get the blur effect i thought with all that water running in the background i would have to run th the "LOO" but i held off to the end good show -- i only have one succesful blurred water effect in all my library -- you have a treasure chest full ken
  18. yeh bacteria is mentioned in some of those links i previously suplied -- never developed slides - my slides could have stood a few 'prints to hide my sins ken
  19. Alan, when i was starting in the darkroom [and i think at times am still in the dark]i asked my mentors how to cover scratches on negs -- they all said thumb your forehead -- i said how the h is that going to fill the scratch -- you will get enough oil to carefully rub the neg with and the scratch will be filled -- it will also remove the little boogers that always seem pop up on your print only ex darkroomers will "do it in the dark" ken
  20. when you you do a save as you only save program settings you must next do a ceate as - this makes the exe ken
  21. bottom tab -- progect options - advanced -- check the box ro show navigation bar -- then customize navigation bar -- even if you dont show it the keyboard keys -- arrow keys pause etc will work -- at least they used to NOTE you cannot have the functions of the navigation bar if you sync the music good luck on your show ken
  22. Alan from my darkroom collection -- this stuff goes back to the 1970's Edwal Scientific anti stat film cleaner -- contains no carbon tetrachloride -- non inflammable and Kodak film cleaner -- old part # 195 6986 keep away from open flame and sparks i would make a suggestion but i wont because one time i tried to clean fly dirt off a ladies face on an old print with water and a qtip -- lost half her chin --- took the rest of the day copying - -penciling -- copying so you gamble with something that has no value to see if the emulsion is harmed a search on google gave me a place in the UK http://www.crownphoto.co.uk/astatmac.htm and also foun some Edwal stff here http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Nook/7058/chemical.htm and a search of Paterson [uK] Dark room supplies gave more http://www.google.com/search?sourceid=navc...rkroom+supplies from Kodak http://www.kodak.com/global/en/consumer/pr...ae22/ae22.shtml http://www.kodak.com/US/en/motion/hse/solvent.jhtml this one has a chart describing chemicals used and trade names. ken
  23. I realize you are in business to make a buck -- been there done that etc .. you tick off a customer and you aint gonna have a customer if you thinking of giving them a disk to try do it with no restrictions -- if they stiff you, tough luck you -- should have got enough money up front next time you will give them a disc when you got your agreed upon price -- not before -- as a "thank you very much , recommend me to your friends" if you search the forum archives you will find lots of comments ken
  24. reading between the lines i think Igor means to create a folder and maybe name it "test Music" - and paste files in it --- when done throw it out the next time you reboot -- ken
  25. I figgered i'd get a rise out of somebody, what took ya so long Dana??
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