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Everything posted by denwell

  1. Jill Yes this is so. I overcame this problem, which exists in the beta but also in previous versions, by adding an extra (black) slide to the show which is to 'exit'. This slide has a duration of just a few seconds. This overcomes the 'flash' of the desktop and the show exits unseen a few seconds after the 'new' show begins. This seems to be the only way to get over this problem which was discussed some time ago in this forum. Try it and report back. Den (NE UK)
  2. Tony I use Nero 6 to burn DVDs and, although it takes ages to encode - the results are excellent. The effect you are experiencing is Nero 'sampling' the temp avi file previously created in PTE. This does give a staggered fairly random progress through the show - but when the process is finally completed and the burn finished, the resulting DVD should be OK. Keep at it, and as Ken says use a DVD-RW disc. Den (NE UK)
  3. Assuming you intend to synch the main body of the show to your music using the Timeline, then all you need to do is edit your music track(s) to include some silence at each end to coincide with the images you wish to remain silent, perhaps fading in and out as appropriate, but having a soundtrack that is as long as your total show length. You'll need to do this in a sound editor - Audacity is the preferred (free) s/w and there are many references to it elsewhere on this forum. I'm sure there are more expert users here who will keep you right - but this is the main principle to use I think. good luck DEN (NE UK)
  4. This is excellent news ! Many of us prepare (long) shows in smaller sections but when it comes to joining these together there's always problems with timings and effects - given as you say that the timeline is extended to accommodate the extra slides. I know Granot has a utility to join shows, but this is something else that Igor needs to realise soon to make P2E the very best !! Where will the utility be available from? Den (NE UK)
  5. Try this : www.telegraphics.com.au Here's a little plugin file for saving icon file direct from an image made in Photoshop. Just copy the file into your Photoshop Plugins directory and the ability to save as *.ico format apppears when you save/saveas - easy as that ! Den (NE UK)
  6. Thanks Granot & Marco I'm sure that I can use this utility to great effect. Den (NE UK)
  7. Of course you're right Harold ! Adding and taking out slides and the subsequent re-adjustment of the remaining slides is, at first glance, complicated and hopefully Igor will make this easier in 4.4 if he can allow 'lockable' points and ctrl-click selection and movement of points along the timeline. If a slide is removed and the corresponding transition point deleted from the timeline - the ability to re-adjust the remainder quickly and accurately is desirable. Thanks for your observations. Den (NE UK)
  8. Granot Are you able to release a version of ScrollImage which hides the taskbar at all times for use with P2E shows when the exe is run from within a show? - or is this just wishful thinking? thanks again Den (NE UK)
  9. Granot At the moment, if I remove a slide(or slides) from a show the slides following this point 'move back' to occupy the previous transition point(s). Unless I replace this slide with another (in which case all is reset OK) I must re-adjust all the timings following the point from which the slide was removed (is this clear??). If the slides following the removal point were to be locked, then, yes, I can understand that the unused display time would be added to the previous slide - but I would then have the ability to adjust the transition points on the Timeline around this point to camouflage the gap. I don't quite understand your original thoughts- as transition points can be moved easily on the Timeline now with no problem. Off topic - I have just been looking at your 'ScrollImage' utility and wonder if the Windows taskbar at the bottom of the screen can be removed during the scrolling. With this gone the utility would be a great way to add scrolling text anywhere in a show!! thanks for your continuing dedication to all P2E users. Den (NE UK)
  10. Wonderful Granot Hopefully this is something Igor is working on for 4.40, IMHO the movement and re-alignment of transition points is the only thing holding P2E back. If a slide is taken out of an existing show it's not easy to bridge the gap - however if the trans. points after the removed slide could be locked so that the remaining slides don't 'slip' backwards (and vice versa), then this would go some way to easily keeping the show in synch. Any improvement to the handling of transition points is a bonus to be welcomed - thanks Granot! Denwell (NE UK)
  11. Just what I've been suggesting here for some time now ! But there have been no takers so far. I too am interested in the whole AV process as you Roger (a fellow Yorkshireman) are . Most of the 'shows' I see are just merely images arranged to music and don't go beyond this. Fair enough, nothing wrong there, but to take a subject of depth and some meaning and create a visual statement/entertainment or comment is what it's about, I feel. Let's try to keep a thread ( or new forum even!) going to discuss and develop the AV topic, as well as the technicalities of the (excellent) software we all use. There seems to be a great lack of written reference around - or am I looking in the wrong places? DEN (NE UK)
  12. OOPs ! My mistake here, SORRY, but my main point is still a valid suggestion. Den (NE UK)
  13. I agree; and repeat that improvements to the timeline operation ( block adjustments to position, properties etc) are crucial to continued success of P2E. Whilst pan & zoom would be great (especially for rolling credits !) I still feel the sync window should receive the bulk of Igor's efforts. Also - whilst just cosmetic - could we have an option to change the colours of elements in this sync window (waveform, cursor, transitions etc)? Keep up the good work. Den (NE UK)
  14. There are some good ideas flowing here, Just to add another thought - it would be very welcome to have the ability to call up the sync/timeline window directly from the main interface (via a button?) instead of going via the Project Options each time. Or maybe a keyboard shortcut? As I have said for a long time, the integration of the timeline view into the general pattern of use is needed to increase the 'user friendliness' which makes the programme so great. Den (NE UK)
  15. No rest Igor? New features - it has to be the ability to select slides and apply global custom settings to them. Also the ability to select and move/adjust blocks of slides along the timeline (say to make room for an additional slide or to adjust to a new ( longer/shorter?) audio track. I feel that the timeline is the only area where P2E is not quite 'user-friendly' in an otherwise great programme. DEN (NE UK)
  16. Some time ago it was suggested that there be a separate section in the Forum for discussion of AV production techniques such as storyboards, soundtrack, location recording, voice-overs, the 'third' image and the general processes involved in production - the more creative aspects - away from the technical/software discussions. This received considerable support, but then seemed to go 'dead', presumably due to the lack of someone to take it forward and establish such a useful and informative area of discussion. Is there still support and who among the experienced 'experts' would be willing ( and able ) to establish such a forum? DEN (NE UK)
  17. Kevin Yes in v4.3, just released, you can rotate images lossless in either direction from both the file and slides list by right-clicking the image (or Ctrl+F or Alt+F) - a help for those unable to rotate automatically outside an image editor. Take a look Den (NE UK)
  18. Take a look at Breeze Browser too - I think it will do all you want in a batch process too ! I use it all the time to resize my large image files down to around 150K - it will sharpen and adjust exposure etc, as well - borders, captions, watermarks all are easily added in one click. Breeze Browser Den (NE UK)
  19. Why not take a look at BreezeBrowser too ! For web galleries it takes some beating, but it's also a great image file manager and raw converter, and much, much more. look here: Breeze Browser Den (NE UK)
  20. Thanks for that Igor - just great ! In my post, I really meant the ability to position the slide change accurately relative to the waveform - which is just what you've done for us here with the broken line. Excellent. BTW all seems well with the space bar action now. Den (NE UK)
  21. Yes - I too have noticed this change from previous versions - an unfavourable alteration I think Igor (unless it's a bug!) Den (NE UK)
  22. It just gets better !! Igor - you say you don't wish to do anything else to the sync window now BUT please think about the ability to DRAG the play-point cursor along the timeline as well as clicking it into position. This would greatly speed up accurate positioning in relation to the waveform (which is now excellently positioned - and scalable ) Just this small thing before you move on to release 4.3?? Den (NE UK)
  23. Igor Everything is OK with me using beta6 - Win2K Den (NE UK)
  24. I find the same thing happens too (Win 2K)! Nothing seems to remove any slide once added to the slide list from the files list; using Drag &Drop or double clicking - it also cannot be moved. All slides can, however be cleared from the list at once - but this is not what's needed with this feature ! You need to take a look Igor. Den (NE UK)
  25. Things get better and better ! But Igor please do not forget the old request for group selection and movement of slides on the timeline. I agree with others that easier movement between the main screen and timeline view is essential for easy workflow - a more important consideration (IMHO) than graphical interface etc. Thanks again for your continued appreciation of feedback from here. Denwell (NE UK)
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