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I know this subject has been discussed before and if I am not mistaken you intend to include it when you can.

I thought you may be interested to know of how many questions I get about this when I lecture to Photo clubs in the UK. Slides shows, via PTE are now a part of my lecture and the question " Can I save a PTE show to DVD and watch it on TV" is asked again and again.

I feel that with that improvement, you are likely to see sales of PTE increase.

I could also sell copies of PTE at these lecture venues if they were on CD including the product key. Are you thinking of doing something like that in the near future. Many people who are interested don't have an internet connection.



Dear Barry,

We're working now and on AVI video output feature.

I can suppose that we'll complete it in two-three months or so.

Produced AVI file can be easily written as VCD, S-VCD or DVD-Video disk e.g. using the Easy CD Creator 6 or Nero Burning Rom 6.

The only limitation - there will be no interactive DVD menu, but linear playback.

(We make only AVI output because it adds only 30-50 Kb to the size of the program. But own MPEG2 encoder and CD burning features fully are not suitable, because they increase size up to 4-8 Mb and higher.)

Retail sales look interesting, but we have no current plans concerning this.

Maybe in the future :)

Thank you!

Guest Techman1


I'm really looking forward to the AVI addition to PTE :D . Please let us know if you would like some early testers on this, as this is one of the things that I get asked for so often. We have created Slide Shows on VHS and DVD using Video Editing software, but really look forward to only using PTE for this. Your program is so much easier to use when assembling large slide shows for customers and it does an excellent job.

Thanks again for keeping this high on the list and for "all" of your continued efforts.


p.s. - The Controlled Sync Shows is a great idea too!


I also welcome this news! It was at the top of my priority list. Once in avi format, the Roxio software can

take care of interactive DVD menus etc.

Igor, I will be very happy to be an early beta (or alpha) tester. Just out of interest, what avi codecs

are you targeting? Also, will we get full motion (29.97 fps) video? And will there be a frame size limit? I

would like to be able to go to at least DVD/PAL resolution.




Èííà, çäðàâñòâóéòå! Ìîé àíãëèéñêèé ñëèøêîì ïëîõ, ïîýòîìó áóäüòå äîáðû,

ïåðåâåäèòå ïîæàëóéñòà.


Èãîðü, ÿ äóìàþ ÷òî âîçìîæíîñòü èñïîëüçîâàíèÿ AVI ôîðìàòà â ÐÒÅ äîëæíà áûòü îáÿçàòåëüíî, òåì áîëåå ÷òî ýòî íåñóùåñòâåííî óâåëè÷èò ðàçìåð ïðîãðàììû. Ïðîñüáû èñïîëüçîâàòü âîçìîæíîñòü ñîçäàíèÿ DVD ìíå êàæóòñÿ íåîïðàâäàííûìè, ïîñêîëüêó ñóùåñòâóåò ìíîæåñòâî ïðîãðàìì, êîíâåðòèðóþùèõ AVI â DVD.

×òî êàñàåòñÿ âîçìîæíîñòè óïðàâëåíèÿ â ðåæèìå ïðîñìîòðà ñèíõðîíèçèðîâàííûõ ïðåçåíòàöèé, òî íàñòàèâàþ íà òîì ÷òî ýòî èñêëþ÷èòåëüíîå ïðàâî àâòîðà ïðåçåíòàöèè- ðàçðåøèòü èëè çàïðåòèòü âîçìîæíîñòü ïîäîáíîãî óïðàâëåíèÿ. Äåëî â òîì ÷òî íåêîòîðûå ïðåçåíòàöèè ïîñòðîåíû êàê åäèíîå öåëîå, ãäå âñå ýëåìåíòû: èçîáðàæåíèÿ, èõ ïîñëåäîâàòåëüíîñòü, ýôôåêòû, òåìï ñìåíû êàäðîâ, ìóçûêà ðàáîòàþò ñîâìåñòíî è ëþáàÿ ïîïûòêà ðàçîðâàòü ýòó ïîñëåäîâàòåëüíîñòü ïðèâåä¸ò ê ðàçðóøåíèþ àâòîðñêîé èäåè èëè àâòîðñêîãî âÈäåíèÿ ïðåçåíòàöèè êàê ãîòîâîãî ïðîäóêòà. ß ïðåêðàñíî ïîíèìàþ, ÷òî íàä¸ðãàòü êàäðû èç ïðåçåíòàöèè ìîæíî ìíîæåñòâîì ìåòîäîâ è áåç âåäîìà àâòîðà, íî ýòî óæå ñîâñåì äðóãîé âîïðîñ... È íå ê Èãîðþ. ;)

Ñ óâàæåíèåì,

Oleg :blink:

I agree w/Oleg! ;)


I don't think you do. B)

Part of what Oleg said is as follows (this translation by "Socrat"):

(........) My english too (.........), so wake good, translate please.


Igor, I (duma) that possibility of use AVI format in (.........) must be without fall, more so that this unessential will enlarge a size of program. Requests to use a possibility of creation DVD (....) seem unjustified, as far as exists an ensemble of programs, converting AVI in DVD.

As to possibility of control in the view mode of timed presentations, persist on that that this sole right of author to presentations- to allow or forbid a possibility of similar control. Matter of fact that some presentations are built as an united integer, where all elements: expressing, their sequence, effects, rate of changing a personnel (frames), music work together and any attempt to break this sequence will bring about destroying an author's idea or author's vision to presentations as a ready product. I beautifully understand that (..............) personnel (frames) from presentations by possible ensemble of methods and unbeknown author, but this already at all other question... And not to Igor.

Sorry, Oleg, I can't bring it any closer than this. Maybe someone else will be able to translate more correctly.


Thanks Al , for the translation !

Oleg , I think with Igors scheme of :

We make only AVI output because it adds only 30-50 Kb to the size of the program. But own MPEG2 encoder and CD burning features fully are not suitable, because they increase size up to 4-8 Mb and higher.

I believe this is a wise move ... this actually may not have any affect on the pte runtime executable size we produce for the normal slide show itself. The 30-50 kb size will probably only affect the Pte (menu interface) program setup.

Since Igor is only making available Output to AVI .. I believe the user has to deal their own available MPEG encoders and it settings and limitations. Plus encoders are forever changing and updating.

So I think our show runtime executable will fair well with the new addition .. and at the same time enabling video users some means to produce their DVDs a little easier :P


...avi is an important tool besides just making dvd's...an avi file can be encoded to streaming formats for presentations on the web...this makes pte very desirable for a much expanded user and audience base...it's about time...pte is a great program but fewer and fewer people want to download or trade exe programs which are blocked by most browsers.....avi output will bring pte into the mainstream of multi-media ...smart move, Igor...looking forward to seeing it finished...


OK Al, here is my translation of Oleg's note. Oleg doesn't give himself enough credit for his English. He does very well in my opinion:

Inna, how do you do! My English is too poor; therefore will you be so kind as to give this to Igor if you please. ------------------- Igor, in regards to the possibility of using AVI I think support for it should be optional, especially as this is unessentially increasing the size of program.  Requests for directly supporting DVD design to me are not really justified, since there are many programs that convert AVI in DVD.

As far as navigation bar controls and pause capability for synchronized presentations is concerned, the slideshow author should be able to allow or forbid the possibility of these controls. By design some presentations are built as single unit, with all components:  images, their sequence, effects, rate of the change of slides, music synchronization and any attempt to modify this sequence goes against the author's intentions or the author's vision of presentation as finished product.

It is wonderful to make capturing slides from the presentation possible using many methods, while preventing it is the hard part for the author, but that is already entirely another question... And not to Igor.  

With respect,

Oleg   :blink:  


Thank you very much, Bill.

I think all of us can agree with Andreas, Ray and Oleg. Having a good AVI file, it will be very easy to convert it to Mpeg2/DVD format.

P.S - Forgot a little detail - Many thanks to Igor too for his announcement!... ^_^


Hello all!

Al and Bill, thank you for your translations!

All translated it is correct, but some (and important) details disappeared... :(

Language barrier..., ZARAZA!!! ("Infection" in English. In Russian it is weak oath,

but very emotional word. Ladys can use it also ;) )

Oleg :blink:


Yes - thanks for translations. All I could see of Oleg's message was what looked like garbage characters - I guess I need to install support for Russian.... :) Glad I added the smiley when I said that.

I'm looking forward to AVI support big time. Only things I'd like more in PTE are the ability to select and act on multiple slides in the slide list, and ability to resize images in the object editor.


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