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Slide show just for fun


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Eight minute presentation of a morning hike in beautiful alpine country. Hiked in May, there was still evidence of the huge avalanches that rip Broads Fork each winter.

Broads Fork download

This one is posted just in case someone might enjoy watching it. Of course any comments are always welcomed whether you enjoy it or not. :)

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I love it!! What a wonderful place not only for a bunch of guys..but for a family and children to go sit on a blanket in the sunshine, swat mosquitoes and eat cheese and crackers.

Maybe we should think about categories of slide shows. You know? There are the...

1. Lovely artistic shows.

2. Creative shows / animations / etc.

3. Shows that tell a story from real life (Like this one) --and let us peak into another person's world in a realistic way

4. Teaching shows

5. Nature Shows

6. Weddings /special events


Perhaps we could do even better at encouraging people at all levels to openly share what they do.


Thank you Mr. Lux...I LOVE this slide show :) I can smell the damp good earth, hear a stream trickling among the willows and feel the ice cold snow water trickling down my throat. I imagine rolling in a thistle patch and nibbling wild onions. I imagine sipping pennyroyal tea while singing songs around a campfire....

Fish are jumping somewhere while a doe with 2 fawns wades into the water. A marmot with big buck teeth chirps earnestly at us oblivious to the eagle souring overhead in the sun. Rubbing the soggy bruises on my back side from sliding down icy snow slopes and tangling with a bush uprooted by an avalanche. .


Thanks again for sharing.


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Really enjoyed that walk, it looked like a lot of fun! Only wish I could have been there.

Some nice images put together in a great fun way. Much to be applauded as some of the folks round here seem to have a a rather stuffy attitude. You live in a beautiful part of the world thanks for sharing it with us all.

All the best and keep um coming.


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