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Everything posted by tc_leeds

  1. Help! When starting some PTE sequences the screen flickers before the sequence starts. Can anyone advise why. System is Windows Xp on a laptop. I have not seen this before and it does not happen on desktop computer. Many thanks Tony
  2. Hi Mary, Many thanks for the link. I have just downloaded and watched the sequence. Absolutely stunning! All the best TC Hi Tom, Thanks for the images. As you can see the link I was looking for can all be seen via Mary's link. All ther best TC
  3. Hi Ken, What a star! I have been looking for this for some time and you find it in minutes. Many thanks for your help. TC
  4. Hi Folks, Some time ago I saw a post describing how to create an Artistic Water Colur painting effect or similar on canvas in Photoshop. I have searched for some time but have not been able to find it. I seem to remember someone referring to a Barry Beckham method. Can anyone help please. TC
  5. Hi Andy, Absolutely great. I like sequences which tell a story and this is very well done with the song telling it all. Well done All the best TonyC
  6. Hi Tom, I will be there both days all being well. If you want to meet up you can get in touch via the Leeds AV Group website. I took all the photos in my sequence on Saturday last year. Basically you get to Embsay and park your car and take the train to Bolton Abbey where it all happens and make the return jopurney to Embsay when you are ready. I think the return fare is about £8. All the best TC
  7. Hi Eric, Thanks for posting your show I enjoyed it very much. Perhaps I might see you at Embsay/Bolton Abbey this coming weekend! Further to Tom's reference to the Leeds AV Group (thanks Tom) you will be made most welcome if you can come along when we start again in October (as will anyone else) Details are on the club website at :- and you will also find my humble sequence from last year at Embsay on the website. All the best TonyC
  8. Hi Lin, Managed to downoad it in just over 56min. Only watched the first five minutes or so but love the music and images. All I need now is an hour to sit and enjoy the rodeo. Thanks for sharing it. All the best Tony C
  9. Hi Marjolaine, Thank you for your good wishes and a super card. May you too enjoy the season and have a great 2008 and wishing the same to all Forum members. TonyC
  10. Hi LW, Great to watch. It left me thinking "how do they do that?" : Well done TonyC
  11. Hi Geoff, A nice gentle stroll through the year of nature. A restful and pleasing combination of music and photographs. Thanks for sharing Geoff. Also had a look at your website, very imprssive. TonyC www.tcdigitalphotography.co.uk
  12. Hi Neil, I also had the same problem TonyC
  13. Hi Neil, It was worth the wait. A great fun sequence. TonyC
  14. Hi John, Thanks for the reply. I understand what you are saying in the context of competition. However, the A-V world to me is one where we are all winners from the point of view that we are able to share each others' work and enjoy the results. I think Andrew was suggesting that a standard be adopted on the forum for "judging" sequences on a points basis. This in effect makes the forum a competition site and not just one where shows can be shared without prejudice. As a result of this I feel there would be fewer contributors and therefore we would all lose out. If there are those who wish to compete and do so from the outset, then there is a requirement for a set of "rules" to work by. This then makes the playing field level, however, I do not think the forum is the best place. Just my opinion. All the best TonyC
  15. Hi Andrew, I tend to be with the folk who are saying no need for a marking scheme. I am a member of a local camera club and enter competitions only for the sake of contributing to the evening. The "winner" is only the opinion of the judge and those who have entered competitions will vouch for the inconsistency in judging between individuals. If you enter a competition you need to adopt the philosophy that if the judge likes your photograph ( and this tends to be based on impact and also subjects which are close to the heart of the judge) you may win, if not it doesn't mean that what you have presented is no good. However, as a relative newcomer I am keen to learn and make sequences which are photographically, technically and artistically improving as I go along. To do this I watch the shows that others have produced and if there is something I can relate to I will try and incorporate it into my own shows. I feel the forum is an excellent way of sharing both shows and views and, as long as this is done in a Gentlemanly or Ladylike way, we all gain from each other. Scoring points, or not as the case may be, can be discouraging and I think we all need encouragement if we are to progress. Continue to make constructive comments when authors request them otherwise just enjoy what is offered. Just for interest I have attached a "Marking Sheet" I came across on the net previously, however I am not sure of its origin so offer it as is. Thanks to all TonyC AUDIO_VISUAL_MARKING_SHEET.doc
  16. Hi Lin, Thank you for the reminder that there are no winners in war. A moving experience to watch. TonyC
  17. Hi Igor, Please find a link from my website at www.tcdigitalphotography.co.uk Many thanks for all your hard work TonyC
  18. Hi John, Thanks for the info. I can see from the discussions that took place this feature was not widely used. Lots more to learn though so no doubt I will be chasing help again. All the best TonyC
  19. Hi Jeff, Thanks for the reply. I can use the effects to get the transition between slides but I have seen a number of sequences which when started appear to fade into the first slide directly from the computer desktop image. In the main shows tend to snap to a black slide (or whatever background colour has been set) and then fade into the first image. An example of what I am trying to do is on Beechbrook and is entitled "Where Love Is" and I haven't been able to find out how to achieve this. All the best TonyC
  20. Hi, Please could someone advise how I can get PXE to Fade into the first slide rather than going straight to a black (or any other background colour) and then fading into the first slide. Many thanks TonyC
  21. Hi Lin, Thanks for the reply. I will have a look at that and read the manual!!!! All the best TonyC
  22. Hi Lin, Sorry to be a bit thick, but how do I get the opacity to zero in pxe? TonyC
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