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  2. Greetings, On a new project, I'm getting used to using the Create Quick Style. Works great. However, I added the same video clip a second time and trimmed it using the Adjust Time Range (ATR). When I applied a style I made from using the Create Quick Style, it did not accept the trim I had made using the ATR. Kinda strange because it worked with the initial use of the same video clip. This seemed to happen only when I used the same video clip the second time, which had been trimmed it with ATR. Can the Create Quick Style be made to include any trimming made with ATR, when using the Create Quick Style on the same clip a second time? Gary
  3. The Font size is dependent on the numerical value of the ZOOM setting in Animation (for the Text Box). If you set a value of (for instance) 12 (%) for the zoom of all of your Text Boxes they will all be identical in size. Similarly, the position of the Text Box is dependent on the values of Pan X and Pan Y. By setting these values for all of your Text Boxes you will achieve constant positioning. Does that help? DG
  4. Is there a way to set the size of borders so you don't have to change it each time? Is there a way to set the size of the titles with a number so that you don't have to try squeeze it between the lines? It is hard to make them the exact same size on many different photos.
  5. Hi, Thanks for your message. I see the problem. It's somehow related with certain parametes. I couldn't reproduce it my new slide style, but this issue can re reproduced with your style. Give us some time to learn the code.
  6. Greetings Friends, I have some brand new music to share with you: On my Fantasy 13 page: "TREASURE CAVE " https://soundimage.org/fantasy-13/ On my Funny 8 page: "SNEAKING AROUND QUIRKILY" https://soundimage.org/funny-8/ Ogg Music Packs Please make sure to check out my Ogg music packs which enable you to download all of my tracks from various genres at once...a huge time-saver. Here's a link: https://soundimage.org/ogg-music-packs-2/ Enjoy and keep being creative! :-)
  7. Hello everyone I have created a style and when I apply it on a slide it applies without problem, but when I try to modify one of the videos that has the style to modify the time, the cropping window does not open. Which may be due. Thank you Electronica 01.ptestyle
  8. Earlier
  9. Make sure you're going the right direction. Everything fine on my side. Best
  10. The path indicated to download the template does not download the one visible in the video but another template. Could you please provide the exact path. Thank you Carmelo
  11. Something completely different, interesting to look at. I like it. Greetings
  12. The intricate patterns and self-similarity found in fractals accentuates the curves and contours of the human form, creating a dynamic interplay between mathematics and biology. The combination of organic movement and geometric precision evokes a sense of harmony and beauty, blurring the boundaries between art, science, and the human emotions. This is NOT a perfect show by any means. It was an idea to create an AV at the last minute. I also have some video but wanted a more punchy effect with snappy single images. The edit process of over 300 images images meant this became a time and benefit process. Learning - next time take more time to set the camera up squarely for batch processing of images. Here are the results.
  13. Greetings, I know that Adjust Time Range is not physically altering the clips length. That's why I like to use it on the original clip while in the Slides. We will agree to disagree on the 'complicating' thing. My way is so much less complicated. It would delete the larger original file that you don't need anymore with one click, and should replace the larger file in the Slides. Your way leaves the original file in the project folder and then you have to them delete that file you don't need (since it is saved elsewhere) and not having duplicate large files. But you didn't answer why it apparently is allowing you to overwrite the file with the '.convert' removed...but it corrupts it, even though we can do Renaming elsewhere. Convert allows me to add an 'x' to filename (GX011552.convertx.mp4), but not remove the '.convert'. The converted file is corrupted. Does not make sense. Gary
  14. The filename is everything up to the .mp4 so by removing the .convert you are changing the filename. As DG says it is a Windows thing - the original file is in use by PTE, it is in the Slidelist. So you cannot change the name, that is why .convert is added to it. You could save it as a different name, which already exists but is not currently in use, then that file would be overwritten. When you Rename from the Filelist, the file is not in use by PTE - not in the Slidelist. When you change the Slide Name from Slide Options this is just the internal name shown within PTE not the physical filename. When you Adjust Time Range in O&A you are not physically altering the video length or size, it is still all there. You are just telling PTE to only use that portion. As I said you are over complicating things by trying to do this. You will save many more steps & time by just working with the original file. The only time you need to worry about file size is if you are Publishing to an exe as the final file. With MP4 it doesn't matter how big the original files are as long as your computer can handle them. Also if you are using several portions from a longer video, then you only need the 1 original, not several copies of smaller sections. Jill
  15. Greetings, Ok...but why does it ask if you want to overwrite the filename when I remove the '.convert'? I am trying to retain the original filename by removing the '.convert' when I do the Convert, so in my mind, I am not 'changing' the original filename...just keeping it. Also, PTE does have a Rename File choice and it works. Slide Options also lets me change the name of a slide in the Slides: Yes, I have the original files saved elsewhere. The purpose of this is to save some steps. If I can overwrite (or save) the converted file (smaller sized) over the original (larger sized) file, without the '.convert' in the filename, that saves me several steps. I sometimes drag down the original larger sized file into the Slides and do some trimming with the Adjust Time Range. So this has now set the length of the video clip. By doing this, I have set the final length of the video clip in the Slides...but now I want to just replace it with a a reduced file size by the Convert. By overwriting the larger sized file in the Slides with the Convert, and removing the '.convert', I have (I try to) removed the original larger file with the overwrite, replacing it with the smaller sized file. So I have the original larger sized file automatically replaced in the Slides with the smaller sized file. I don't need the larger sized file in my project folder anymore. But doing this will corrupt the file. Why? There is significant savings in space by doing a Convert. I see no loss in quality. It would be more efficient if we could do the Convert and overwrite the original file with the converted file, while removing the '.convert'. Some examples of file size differences: Gary
  16. I think you are correct Dave. But that is exactly what you are trying to do by removing the .convert. I think you are making things more complicated. If PTE will open & use the file there is no need to convert it. All changes in PTE are virtual, so you can work with the original file without worry of losing or corrupting anything. I know you are worried about file size, but you already have the original file with it's full size. Converting it to create another file (whatever it's name) you are simply increasing file size on your disk. All your files should be backed up on a separate removable drive anyway. Just work with the original file, do all your editing in PTE, create a Template or BIZ for backup once your project is complete & you won't have any problems. Jill
  17. I 'THINK' that is a Windows function. You cannot overwrite a file which is currently being edited (converted) or being used by another application. That is probably why Igor had to resort to adding the 'converted' and create a new file. I come across a similar situation if I (inadvertently) try to rename an audio file in Explorer while it is playing in Media Player. NORMALLY people do not want their original files overwritten. DG
  18. Greetings Jill, No, I think you're missing the point. I don't want to change the filename. In fact, I want to keep the original filename without putting the '.convert' put in the filename when I convert it. I do keep the original clip in a separate folder. The Convert process does ask if I want to overwrite the file if I try to remove the '.convert', so it should just overwrite the file without the '.convert' being added, without corrupting it. Yes, normally, if I have the original file in the Slides, I can first just convert the clip in the File List and then replace the original clip that's in the Slides with the '.convert' clip. Then delete the original clip in the File List. If I have the original clip saved elsewhere, I don't need the original clip anymore so it would save key clicks if I can just overwrite the clip in the File List in one move and it is reflected in the Slides. But for sure, if I say yes to 'overwrite, it should not corrupt the file. And, then, if I try to Rename the converted file, using PTE, to remove the '.convert', the filename with the '.convert', leaves only the '.mp4' part. Something is not right here. Gary
  19. Maybe better to change filenames in Windows Explorer & then use that clip in PTE. Also not a good idea to overwrite a file unless it is already a copy of the original. Jill
  20. Greetings, I dragged down a video clip into the Slides. But then I want to Convert that clip to reduce its size. But I want to have the '.convert' removed from the filename when I do this and just overwrite the file. So I edited out the '.convert' part. It asks if I want to overwrite it and I say Yes. But after the Converting, the filename keeps the '.converted' and I get 'Video not found', even though the filename in the File List and the Slides has the '.converted' in the clip's name. It does not keep the '.converted' out of the filename. So it seems the Convert process is not overwriting the clip's name without the '.convert' as I had tried to do. And it corrupts the file. It would be nice if Convert would actually overwrite the filename without the '.convert'. And not cause the corruption of the file. Gary
  21. Igor

    Nested Blur

    We have a good progress with version 12.0.
  22. jt49

    Nested Blur

    That would be great! Any idea when v12 will be released? Perhaps not a very serious issue.
  23. Igor

    Nested Blur

    I agree. Should we add this change to PTE 12? There is some issue with existing projects. If somebody mistakenly enabled a Blur for a child object and its parent object separately, then the Blur appear for the child object, too.
  24. jt49

    Nested Blur

    IMO, blur should follow a similar logic as "nested opacity": Render the parent object (with its whole tree of objects below) without blur, and then apply the blur.
  25. Igor

    Nested Blur

    Hi, Yes, it has worked like this since version 8.0. Blurring is not inherited for child objects. Do you think it's inconsistent and should be reworked?
  26. Greetings Mark, Yes, they could have been an issue if the shows would not actually play. But that was not the case. I was only interested in the final file size and quality results from the Publish process. But I don't see any difference between the 'high' quality and the 'low' quality setting's results. Maybe if I were to play them on big screen, it would make a difference. I only upload my shows to my Facebook or YouTube channel. Good enough for me. Thanks... Gary
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