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Everything posted by ContaxMan

  1. If you look at "Project Options" and click the "Advanced" tab, you can then click the "Customise navigation Bar" button where all will be revealed.
  2. Welcome back Bart - the new look is great.
  3. It might be expensive but Camtasia is excellent - I use it a lot in my work.
  4. I too enjoyed this show - excellent detail in the chrome & headlights. I thought that I may have seen an (unintentional) image or two of the author in these. In particular, one inverted image in the concave reflector of a headlight. Everything worked well - but you haven't let us in on the music you used.
  5. If your intention is only to scan for viewing on screen, then the lower scanning resolution you quote is more than adequate. If, however, you intend to progress to printing you images then go for the best spec. you can get. As for bit depth, it depends. If you intend to do a reasonable amount of processing using Photoshop, then go for the greater - this is because image editing is a generally a destructive process and you need to start with as much data as possible. It's a good idea, however, to check that your software can handle the greater bit depth - Photoshop CS is fine, older versions have more limited (but still useful) support. If you need more help, drop me a line & I'll try to explain further.
  6. I think the latest version is great - can't wait to see what else you'll do!
  7. I suspect that (like many first time users) you're not actually producing the final, stand-alone pte show. Do this by clicking on the "Create" button - bottom left hand side. This produces a stand-alone presentation to run on any PC.
  8. Just a thought - have you ticked ticking the box "Synchronise slideshow to music duration" in "Project Options - Main? If not, try it.
  9. Current users do this using sound editing software, saving as MP3 then loading into pix to exe. You can get (free) sound editing software at: http://audacity.sourceforge.net/windows.php?lang=en
  10. They've said it all - an excellent show. Bravo.
  11. I liked this one a lot - the fades and music worked beautifully (I'm so glad you resisted the temptation to use other transition effects "just because they're there"). Just a few comments, not criticisms but suggestions: The background image was nicely done but I think you should have gone for a neutral colour to set off the colour in the images - sometimes the two competed for attention. A nice neutral grey would work well (e.g. RGB 128 in Photoshop). A similar comment applies to the yellow rim border around each image, only more so. I'm sure this would be better either white or black. The titles went off the screen on my monitor - it's a good idea to add these to an image (produced in PS) rather than use the option in PTE. The colour changing sequence at the end worked quite well but is overdone. Less changes - for my taste anyway. Having said this, I'll be watching this again in future when I want a calming moment!
  12. I found this one very confusing. The fades and the music worked very well but I found myself longing to see an image I understood. Eventually it arrived (the snowy(?) woodland scene) & it was very nice too. But I'm left wondering what the show was about. Was it tranquility? Or perhaps confusion? That's how I felt about it anyway. Perhaps you might like to tell us what you tried to achieve in this one? Or is it just a bit of (abstract) art? If so that would explain it because i don't "get it" with any of that kind of stuff anyway. Sorry, I'm an old bore, I guess.
  13. Look at this - it's very good.
  14. It's a super show - thanks Barry
  15. BB's site is at: http://www.beckhamdigital.co.uk/
  16. Is it your intention to make the show available as a download from (your) website or do you wish people to view it directly on the site? If the former, then consider visiting Beechbrook Cottage (http://www.beechbrook.com/pte/) a site that hosts shows for free. If the latter, it's as well to bear in mind that a show can be pretty big (e.g. 12 M or more) and so it's not really feasible for people to view this on-line.
  17. I'm a little confused as to how you lost the default actions. I often use actions in PS 7 & have never had this problem. On my machine, the default actions are to be found in the "Required" folder. Clicking the right arrow on the Action tab brings up the option to reset actions. When I do this, the original action set is restored. As for function keys, I leave them well alone - it's too easy to hit one by mistake!
  18. Well - what an experience. Your images and understated music (& occasional sound effects) blend together exceptionally well to convey a feeling of pleasure in your surroundings, the excitement of a genuine challenge and the beautiful scenery. A tremendous show. Having watched quite a few that are spoilt by over using different transitions and fancy backgrounds, yours is an excellent demonstration of how important it is to make sure that the images are allowed to speak for themselves.
  19. The beauty of using photoshop is that you know for certain exactly where things will be - e.g. any added text. Also, by putting all your pte slides into individual layers in PS you can experiment with different slide orders to check fades etc (by changing layer opacity temporarily) and crop all images accurately. I find PTE object window fine for simple setting up but much prefer to use PS. But there again, I automatically turn to PS first for any graphics I need to do.
  20. Thanks from me too - wonderful views & I like the "tourists".
  21. I use Adobe Audition which is excellent but takes time to learn - however, Barrie Beckham's tutorial cd gives a good introduction that covers the essentials needed for PTE painlessly and in quick time. If you want to pay, this is the one to get but try Audacity first to see if it suits your needs. As mentioned earlier it's available at the Yorkshireman's favourite price. A definition of a Yorkshireman - a Scot with the charity taken out. (I ought to know since I qualify).
  22. "Hovis" is from Dvorak "New World"
  23. I'm for a technical strand to this forum. It would make searching a lot easier.
  24. I've just had a look at your Tanzania show & must say that it is impressive. The music and images blend well to give an impression of "nature red in tooth and claw". Your use of rapid changes in some parts of the show certainly helps produce an atmosphere of tension. One problem I'd highlight is that you haven't allowed enough time for the viewer to explore many of the more picturesque shots - I found that the show was moving on while I was still looking around the image.
  25. If you mean "AV World" I'm a subscriber & find it very interesting and helpful.
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