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Everything posted by ccmanz

  1. When you first got the link. http://www.picturestoexe.com I thought it pointed to the wnsoft home page. now it points to a page with a link to this forum. I was just wondering if that is what is expected of the picturestoexe.com or has it just not been updated from when the server was moved. cc
  2. I have a voice recoorder just thought I would give you some of my thoughts. I have the Sony ICD-BP150 and it works well. I convert a speech to wav then convert it to MP3 so I can play them back on my MP3 player to review. I also use my voice recoder to record the family telling stories of many years ago. I think sometime in the future it would be neat to put a slide-show together of old pictures of the family and them self telling a story about themself. But, I have never tried to convert a recording to text. It says you can do this. I am not sure if you are wanting to convert a speech you are giving or a speech you have heard. I know the speech to text program I have played with in the past you have to read a pre-written letter to the program so it can learn your voice. So, I am not sure if you would be able to use this if you are recording someone else's speech.
  3. I think this is a nice Idea. But, It would have to be updated every three months or so. It would take about as much time keeping it updated as wnsoft does working on the newest and greatest version. But, I do agree with you. We see so many question asked more then once. It would be nice to have a traning show for someone to watch. But, I now myself, I normally have to try and try until I get something to work. Then I read the Directions and find out the easy way.
  4. Yes if you are using the new 4.0 beta the "Allow to restore prictures" has moved. But, on the last final release it was on the main tab. cc
  5. Guido, If the orgingal picture was larger then his screen. Then the captured picture will not be the same quality as the orginal picture would be. Your screen size is the largest it could be. I was assuming that his orignal photo would have been larger then his screen when I said it would not be as good as the orginal photograph. cc
  6. Sorry, I don't think you will be able to extract your photo's out of your file. unless you checked the option to "Allow to restore prictures (Via "Print" button on the Navigation bar)" that you find on the Main screen in Project Options. You do have two option's that I am aware of..... 1. You could us a program to undelete files that you have accidently deleted. If it has not been too long ago. The files may still be in good condition on your hard drive. Or they may still be in your Trash Can? 2. You could use a Screen Capture program and save your picture's while you watch your EXE slideshow. They may not be as good as the orginals that you had, but you would have a copy of the pictures to work with. I hope the first option works for you as it would be the best way to get your pictures back. cc
  7. Paul, I just wanted to say that my wife and I both enjoyed your show. I am sure it make for a lot of talk after the viewing. It's a show like this, that the Family will always treasure. cc
  8. Are you trying to play it on the same computer? If you are playing it on a different computer that does not support MP3 your show will start and show your backdrop. But, will never contuine to play. This was my first thought when reading your question. cc
  9. I am not sure were you are trying to change the font. But most of the places I looked at in PTE you click the down wedge and select a size. The very top box tells you the side you selected. If you click in that box you can type in the size you would like. I was able to type number upto 99999 but the font was too big to even see. I made the number 1 the size of the screen at about 600. cc
  10. ccmanz


    I don't think you can do this. But, a work around would be to uncheck the show image. (Hides the picture) and then place the picture with the Object Editor. And you would not have the Shoadow for the picture. cc
  11. Hello and welcome, I am not sure this is what you are looking for but..... Click on the - Project Options - - Main Tab - - - Customize Startup Window..... Below this is a Check Box to Show startup Window. If you have any Question ask. Someome is always willing to help. Hope this is what you were looking for.
  12. I think you might have the show sync to the sound track. But you might check to make sure? If you sync the show you are not able to use any of the hot keys except ESC. to quit. You are also usally not able to see the Nav Bar when you sync a show either. This a question that is asked many times. Hope this helps. cc
  13. I also use the templet to archive my show when I am done. It will put everything in one folder for me to burn to a CD. This way in the future if I would like to make some changes to the show I don't have to go looking for everything. I am sure I don't use it a lot but it has been nice when I did need it. cc
  14. If you are not able to send it. Why not try it without the key attached. If it goes? Then as Ken sugested, try sending the Reg file in the zip format. Just a thought cc
  15. I would also like to see the screen size keep it setting too. I change mine alot to 600x800 when I am placing objects and have to change it each time. It does not remember the settings I have changed. I think it would be nice if it would remember what I change and not default back everytime. cc
  16. Hello, I don't think Igor had any idea it was changing either. But I think he has done a nice job of getting it back up So far It looks for the better. I think the new layout of this forum is going to be great. Once I get used to it. I seen it has the ability to take polls. I am looking forward to seeing how well it works. cc
  17. OH Boy! It's Back! Hello all. Question? The Posted Time. What Time Zone is that? Is that Igor's Time Zone? I should have looked first. You can set it yourself. cc
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