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Everything posted by ccmanz

  1. Hello Tom, You are right about the Sync mode, placing each picture equal amounts apart. But as Harold pointed out you also have the Custom Sync mode too. I have two computer one is a P2 300 and the other is a P4 2.53. I am sure you timed this PTE Slideshow correctly on your PC. But with it not being Sync. My slower PC Started to play the song a second time before it finished showing all the pictures. And the Faster one. finished the pictures first and the sound was cut off quickly before it was done. If you use the custom sync, both my pc's will be showing the last picture when the song is coming to an end. cc
  2. For myself It played fine. Unless I move my mouse and then it exits. My arrow keys will also control the slides. So it is not a Sync show. cc
  3. If you have a Floppy Drive the install file will fit on one floppy. Or, Burn it to a CD. cc
  4. When inserting a background I would like to have an option for "Fit to Screen" So my backgrounds will look similar when viewed on different screen settings. I would also like to have the option of the Dir and Slide List to be viewed either with Thumbnails or as Details. I would like the Dir and The Slide list to be selected Separately. So I could alter between views on either side. In the Project Options Screen tab. Set comments for all slides to…… I wish this option was a push button and not a check box. When I am working on a show I have to check this box to add the Picture name for comments. Then I have to go back in and uncheck the box. If I don’t and I make changes to any comments. If I go back into the Project Options . And change my background color or anything. It resets my Comments back to “Picture Name”. Or maybe add a check box for show Comment. Like the one for Show Image. Most of the time when I have trouble with this is when I take the comment off. because I what the slide to be a title page. And the comments keeps showing back up cc
  5. Thanks Kurt I will need to look into this program. It might be useful in the future for some other tasks. The print utility that Bill had looks like it is going to work great. I have tried it here at home. But I still need to try it printing through the Apple computer. Thank you both. cc
  6. Hello, My questions is off the subject of PTE. But I have learned of so many good utilities from this site. My wife uses a Sony Laptop at work on a network. All other Computers are Apples. So she prints on printers through the apples. When she prints everything works fine. But if she wants to print More then one copy. She gets an error that tells her to reset her copies To the maximum number of 1. Have any of you seen a macro that she could use that would <Control P> <Enter> For a number of times to send a print job to be printed? I think it would be neat if it would ask for a number at the start. And then repeat that number of times. It seems like I remember a macro program in Windows 3.1 But I have not found one on Windows XP. Thanks for any help. cc
  7. My download speed is 384 and my upload is 256 (30K) Most of my family is on dial up. so more then one can download at a time with no problem. If your IP address changes the links to your files would also need to change. As long as your IP address stays the same until you reset your modem or turn it off and back on. the link would be good. cc
  8. I would like this. I think too, when you do a save as...... the file you just saved should become your active file I know I have saved over projects When I exit and it asks me if I want to save my changes thinking I was saving as my new name only to save over an old project. I hope others will like this too cc
  9. Do you have a Static IP Address with your DSL I run a server program on my computer and send my family a link they can use to download the file right off of my computer. I don't have to worry about file size or space. A simple one to try is Simple Server you just point it to an Dir with an HTML file. And That is where you can share files. then I create another dir "slideshow" and send the link to my family. The link would like something like this. http://300.300.300.300/slideshow/PTEslideshow.exe Simple server is Free and its only 187K (Only run it when you send a file for someone to download. I would send the link and tell them it was only going to be posted for 2 days. If they want it posted again to send me an email. This program worked well, but What I did not like about it is, it does not create a log file so you can see what people are downloading. But is is very small and easy to use. Try and see if you like the way it works. I am using a program now called Sambar Server. It took a little more setting up but I do like seeing what my family is downloading. I upgraded to a new computer. Now my old computer a pII 300 is used as a server. my router send all requests to my old computer. I think it works well for sharing files with my Family and Friends. It is better then sending them Large emails. cc
  10. Thank you both for your condolences. It was a very hard year. Sheri put so much information on her website. She wanted to help others that were fighting the dragon too. I feel there are many people it would help to see her story. She always had a smile to share. Sheri is dearly missed. cc
  11. If you want it to be a screensaver you should create it as a .scr If someone does not want to make it a screensaver they can still click on it and watch the show. But any mouse movement or touch of the keyboard and the show will stop. If you are puting it on a CD to give away, you could put one of each on the CD This way they could watch it or make it their Screensaver. I find with most people the hardest thing about Screensavers is telling them how to install them. Most People I deal with know very little when it comes to moving around the Dir on their computers. cc
  12. This was in the FAQ in the help section of PTE. Question: What version of Windows is needed to run a presentation I have created with PicturesToExe? Answer: Windows 95/98, Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000, Windows XP. Question: What are the system requirements? Answer: Minimum Spec: Pentium-100 (or similar AMD/Cyrix), 16 Mb RAM, 1 Mb Video card Recommended Spec: Pentium-II 300 (or similar AMD/Cyrix), 32 Mb RAM, 2 Mb Video card, Sound card. __________________________ If you have not made many Screen Savers. A few ideas that I think will make it something that people will use for a longer time are: - No sound. If it is playing a song or music it will be get very old hearing it over and over. - Loop Show "Repeat until Esc is pressed". If you don't It looks like a Glitch when it finishes and starts again. Have Fun cc
  13. That was a very nice slideshow. Slideshows like these are the ones Family and Friends love to keep. I really enjoyed it. Thanks for Sharing. cc
  14. When creating a background I have another option I would like to see. Our only choice for a background is Tiled. I would like to have an option for "Fit to Screen" This way when I make a background for a show It will look similar when viewed on different screen settings. Now I can not make a background and have something in the lower right hand corner and know that it will always been seen. Or, it may have the tile effect and start repeating if it is viewed on a screen set to a larger size then what the show was made for. thanks cc
  15. Also, If you have the mouse hidden. or if you have the show sync'ed to some music. You will not see the navigational Bar. So if it does not show up check these two options. cc
  16. This show is more of "How did he do it option" Has always made some very neat main screen that would link to other shows he had made. He makes CD's with more then one slideshow on them. The links you click on will not work. But you can look at what all he did in the Main page to link to his shows he had on the CD. People were always asking him how he made them. This show is all the files so we could see what he was doing. If you open the PTE file like you would any show you would be working on. And click the Preview. You will see a very interesting page that has links to slides shows. There is just one slide in this. but if you move you mouse around you will see that you can click on the buttons. And they look different then the normal buttons that PTE adds when you add a button. If you have ever watched a slide show and said.... "How did they do that." That is what this zip file is all about. cc
  17. An Easy way to do this in my opinion is.... Just copy the Screen Saver into any Dir For Example in My Doc you can make a Dir your Self. And give it any name you would like. Once you have the Screen Saver copied into that Dir then Just Right Click on it and Click Install This will bring up the Settings so they can Change the settings if they wish. But if they Delete That file that they put there then the Screen Saver will be gone. I think this will be easy for them. cc
  18. Hello John Sorry to hear of your friends trouble. My old system is Win98 300 Mhz with 256 I now use it for a server. I test most of my shows on it and I have never had it Crash on me. I don't use .wav files very often. Keep us updated it you find out more about what caused the trouble. cc
  19. Yes this is a Work around but be aware. That if you need the timing to be with the song you will not have the same result on all computers. Timing a show like this will look different on different computers many things come into play. So you might want to see what it looks like on different computers before you send it out for a promotional show. cc
  20. Are you using more then one Audio track? you get this effect when the audio tracks are switching and your fade is set durning the song change. You have a blue line in the time-line when your track is changing. If you have more then one track see if your fade is durning that switch. Just another thing to look at. cc
  21. Thanks for the update. It is always nice to hear of happy stories. I am sure your Forever Family is Is having the best of times. cc
  22. xnview also has a thumb-nail view. it is called browser. You can pick the size of you thumb-nails when you are looking through your pictures. When you click on one it will show it in the viewer area. Dlb Click and it opens it for making changes. But the main reason I am leaving this post is you said your family and friends need photo tools. (maybe Freeware) http://www.gimp.org/ and a little about it. http://www.gimp.org/the_gimp_about.html This is a Free Photo editing software. I have not tried it myself. I have not had time yet. I was reading about it and It has a lot to offer for Free. It offers Layers and Cloning. Something used a lot when working on Pictures. Just thought you might like to take a look. cc
  23. And my pick is xnview also Freeware. I use it for viewing and resizing my images. It also does some editing. But not the quality of Photoshop. Photoshop also has a Batch resize in it too. So there are many programs to look at. The best one, is the one you become most comfortable with. cc
  24. Thanks Granot You put much work into a project for others. One can not say enough about the work you do. You are one of the many reasons I read this forum often. Members here are always so much help to others. They help friends they hardly even know. Thanks cc
  25. Thanks for your hard work Boxing. Sorry I was not able to answer you earlier It seems you already got your answer and you are looking into some added options. For myself I was just wanting to control the sound with the keyboard. My slides shows are all Sync'd to the song. So I would not be able to add your Sound control to my shows. Thanks again Granot I also would like to thank you for all of your Programs. I don't use them all of the time. But when I am looking for a program I will check your list of "Programs and Utilities" You have a nice list of useful programs. Thanks. Chuck
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